
Zhao Yun took the white jade bottle with some suspicion, opened it, looked at it, smelled it, and the faint medicinal fragrance flowed into his body along his respiratory tract, which immediately shocked his spirit, and he felt that the whole person became more energetic, and his body became more comfortable.

"This thing... Isn't that true?".

He was somewhat convinced that this medicine was a real miracle medicine.

Zhao Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this: "You didn't believe in feelings before?"

"Hey, hey!".

When Zhao Yun saw it, he hurriedly capped the white jade bottle, touched the back of his head and smiled: "After all, what you said is too mysterious, senior brother;".

"This is a miracle medicine that can cure all injuries and diseases! It is impossible for a normal person to believe it in the first feeling, right?"

Can he be blamed for this kind of thing?

"And you still promised?".

Zhao Yu said speechlessly.

"Hey, hey!".

Zhao Yun suddenly said with a smile: "Because I know that senior brother can't completely lie to me, even if there is no magic medicine, there should be medicine that can cure my eldest brother;".

"It's just that I didn't expect that what you said this time was completely true, senior brother, I underestimated you, senior brother!".

"You're this!".

Zhao Yun said, giving Zhao Yu a thumbs up.

He wasn't sure if the magic medicine in his hand could cure all injuries and diseases, but it was definitely a miracle medicine.

He has been practicing martial arts for many years, and he still has this judgment.

"Hehe, you boy!".

Zhao Yu nodded and pointed at Zhao Yun: "You can speak!"

"If you want to send this elixir back to Brother Zhao Feng as soon as possible, then find the war pigeon battalion in the army to help send it back with the Golden Eagle!"

"We don't expect to be able to return to Zhaojiazhuang for a long time or a short time. "

It's what needs to be considered right now.

"Okay! Thank you, brother!".

Zhao Yun originally had this idea, so naturally he had no opinion.

Immediately went to find the director of the war pigeon camp, wrote a letter, tied the magic medicine and the letter to the feet of a golden eagle, and watched the golden eagle spread its wings and leave, Zhao Yun was relieved.

This side of Yongnian City,

"Stomp, stomp!".

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horses' hooves from the east, which attracted the attention of Wu Qi and the others.

At this time, they were already eager to see through it, and they wanted to know the situation on the other side of the Yellow Turban Camp.

But he did not dare to rush out of the city, lest he fall for the enemy's tricks.

Soon, a pegasus rode into their sight, and soon arrived at the East City Gate.

"Zhao Jiajun, Lord Zhao Yu, and the sentry riders came to deliver the news that a yellow turban thief outside the city has been exterminated by our lord! This is the thief's first horn and the head of Zhang Baiqi;".

"Please also ask the general on the castle tower to confirm!"

The sentry didn't talk nonsense, and directly held up two bloody heads and shouted loudly to the city tower.


Wu Qi and the others were taken aback when they heard this, and immediately shouted: "Please forgive the envoy, I need to confirm it." "


When the sentry heard this, he immediately laughed aloud and agreed directly.

When Wu Qi heard this, he immediately believed three points, and immediately ordered the guards beside him: "Quickly put down the hanging basket and send it up, let me distinguish it carefully!"

Soon, the heads of Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Baiqi were fished up to the city tower with hanging baskets, and Wu Qi and the others took a closer look at this fire

"Hey! It's really Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Baiqi! I will never admit my mistake!".

"Haha! It seems that the Yellow Turban Thief who became a thief was really eliminated by Zhao Ziyi!".

"Haha! The crisis in my Yongnian City has been resolved!".

"Quick! Bring the messenger up in a hanging basket. "

Saying that, Wu Qi excitedly instructed his guards to do so, while leaning out of the city, and shouted to the sentry below: "The general has already determined that this is indeed the head of the thief's first horn and Zhang Baiqi, and I also ask the messenger to enter the city in a hanging basket, and follow me to meet my lord His Royal Highness King Zhao, and tell him the good news in person." "

"The city gate hole has been blocked, and it will take time to clean it up for the time being, so please forgive me. "

In order to defend this Yongnian City, three of the four city gate holes had been blocked two days ago.

Only the North City Gate Cave remains.

Even the North City Gate Cave has not been completely blocked, but it has been reinforced many times.

Because it was planned to evacuate, it was temporarily dredged tonight.

However, for the sake of the safety of His Royal Highness King Zhao, Wu Qi was not prepared to let the Zhao family army enter the city at night.

Even if it was tomorrow, he would not agree to let all the Zhao family troops enter the city.

That's his bottom line.

"Haha! This is natural! The general is the safest to act like this!"

When the sentry heard this, not only did he not make a fuss, but responded with a laugh.

This attitude made Wu Qi have a great impression of him and Zhao Yu.

"This Zhao Yu is really a sensible person who knows how to advance and retreat!".


Soon, the sentry rode up the city wall in a hanging basket and exchanged a few words with Wu Qi, and Wu Qi couldn't wait to take him to the Taishou Mansion in the city and saw King Zhao.

"Grass people Zhao Jiajun Wang Wu, meet His Royal Highness King Zhao!".

"My lord Zhao Yu has exterminated the Yellow Turban thieves outside the city, killed the thief's first horn and Zhang Baiqi, and specially sent me to present the head of the thief to His Royal Highness to report the good news. "

When Wang Wu saw King Zhao, he bowed down as soon as he saw him and said.

"Oh, is that true?".

When Zhao Wang Liu Yu heard this, his face was overjoyed, and then he looked at Wu Qi.


Wu Qi nodded immediately: "My subordinates have confirmed the head of the thief's first horn and Zhang Baiqi, so I can't be wrong." "

"However, my subordinates were worried that it would be too bloody, so I didn't bring it into the temple, and I ask your highness to forgive me. "


When King Zhao heard this, he waved his hand disapprovingly and said, "I'm not a cowardly person who hasn't seen blood, hurry up and take the heads of those two thieves for me to see."


King Zhao said so, and Wu Qi naturally would not refuse.

Immediately ordered someone to bring in the heads of Zhang Niujiao and Zhang Baiqi.

King Zhao was indeed bold and not afraid at all, so he directly observed it, and then laughed heartily: "Hahaha! It won't be wrong! This is indeed the head of these two thieves!".

"Haha! Zhao Yu was really cautious and brave, and he was able to eliminate this group of traitors in such a short period of time, and he made outstanding achievements!"

"Hurry up!".

At this time, King Zhao hurriedly took the initiative to help Wang Wu up, and said with a smile on his face: "I don't know where your lord Zhao Yu is now?" I want to meet this life-saving benefactor, and thank him well." "

Wang Wu immediately replied: "Your Highness, my lord is still cleaning the battlefield at the Yellow Turban Thieves' camp, and he asked the grass people to come and inform His Highness that he and Zhao Jiajun are going to repair there for one night;".

"Come back tomorrow morning to formally meet His Highness, so as not to disturb His Highness's rest;".

"In this way, it can also prevent any danger that may be brought to His Highness, and I ask Your Highness for permission. "

When King Zhao and Wu Qi heard this, their eyes lit up slightly.


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