"Sure enough, these two thieves! Ha ha! Ziyi, you have made a great contribution! "

After Lu Zhi confirmed that this was really Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang's head, he laughed and reached out and patted Zhao Yu's shoulder: "Don't worry, I will also give you credit for this!" You just wait for the ascension! "

has the merit of breaking the city, as well as the merit of killing the thief's first horn Zhang Liang.

Now, no one can stop Zhao Yu's rise.

Similarly, with these two heads, it is impossible for those ministers and eunuchs in the Luoyang Dynasty to frame him and find fault with him.

This time, he was afraid that he would also be stained with Zhao Yu's light, and he would go further.

However, after this incident, Lu Zhi also saw the situation in the DPRK and China clearly, and had the idea of retreating in his heart.

At worst, he will become low-key next.

The scholars, relatives, and eunuchs didn't care about him, but what made him chill the most was that the Son of Heaven was not ready to stand up for him and support him.

Otherwise, how can he succeed?

You must know that he, Lu Zhi, is loyal to the imperial court, has always been impartial, and wants to help the Son of Heaven to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty.

As a result, it ended up here?

This time, if it weren't for Zhao Yu's timely reminder and help, he would probably have been imprisoned in a prison car and ended up in a mess, and even his head fell to the ground, right?

The Spirit Emperor's behavior was too much, too chilling.

"Then thank you Lu Shuai!"

Zhao Yu immediately smiled and thanked Lu Zhi.

Seeing that Liu Bei behind Lu Zhi was even more sour.

What the hell is this, even Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang's heads were taken by this Zhao Ziyi?

Is there any reason left?

"It's all Lu Zhi's fault! This is the task he gave me to the North City Gate, isn't this credit mine? "

"I'm your student! How eccentric! "

For a while, Liu Bei hated Lu Zhi in his heart.


Early the next morning.

Lu Zhi summoned a group of generals and colonels in the army to discuss the matter in the Taishou Mansion.


When everyone arrived, Lu Zhi looked around and said, "I wrote my previous military exploits urgently yesterday, sent someone to Luoyang, and reported it to the imperial court; "

"Come to think of it, rewards are indispensable after that!"

"Thank you Lu Shuai!"

All the generals and schools thanked Lu Zhi one after another.

Lu Zhi raised his hand with a smile and pressed it, and then said: "The battle of Guangzong has come to an end, with Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, the two thieves were killed, and the three brothers of Zhang Jiao are only Zhang Bao of Qingzhou; "

"And the Jizhou Yellow Turban will also be beheaded with Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, and its power will drop greatly;"

"At present, only Guangzong and more than 100,000 Yellow Turban troops are left in Jizhou;"

"The rest are all scattered yellow turban thieves, and there is nothing to worry about;"

"I want to make persistent efforts, use troops against Guangping, and wipe out Zhang Yanbu's yellow scarves in one fell swoop, who wants to be a pioneer?"

Guangzong's side has only been taken, and there are still three or four hundred thousand surrendered troops to be solved.

Therefore, a certain number of troops are needed to stay behind to deal with the aftermath.

In addition, logistics have to keep up.

In addition, Lu Zhi had a hunch that his time to command the troops in Jizhou was running out.

Although, they took Guangzong before framing him on the side of the imperial court, killed Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, and swallowed the greatest credit.

But because of this, the situation in Jizhou has become clear.

There is still a lot of credit left, the clan headed by the Yuan family, the foreign relatives led by He Jin, and the eunuch forces will not let go of this opportunity to pick up credit for nothing, and will inevitably find a way to get the Son of Heaven to order him and even Zhao Yu to be transferred back to Luoyang.

The reason Lu Zhi thought about it for them: he made outstanding achievements and was awarded the title in Beijing.

"The last will go!"

The next moment, all the generals present came out one after another.

Including Zongyuan, Chen Qi, Zhao Yu, and Liu Bei are no exception.

"General Ziyi, don't grab these corners with us, right?"

"Yes! Oh, yes! "

Seeing that Zhao Yu was also out of the ranks, many generals looked bitter and said jokingly.

"Hey, hey!"

Zhao Yu also responded with a smile: "Lu Shuai ordered troops, I can't support it?" Otherwise, wouldn't it seem that I don't fit in and don't give face? "

"Haha! All right! "

When Lu Zhi heard this, he also laughed loudly and said, "Ziyi, you will stay and sweep the tail Guangzong with me this time!" Guangping handed it over to the sect members. "


Zhao Yu responded to the trend.

He really had little interest in attacking Quang Binh.

For one, there wasn't much of his guilt over there.

The siege was also not good for the Zhao army;

Second, he has all the great merits, even if he makes new contributions, the reward will be like that.

There can be no more qualitative change.

It's better to recharge your energy and prepare to deal with the turmoil in Luoyang.

On the same day, the army set out.

Mainly the sect members, Chen Qi, Liu Bei and others followed.

"Teacher! I went! "

Before leaving, Liu Bei pretended to run to Lu Zhi to say goodbye.

Pretend to respect the teacher.

Lu Zhi was tired of watching it for a while.

If you really respected your teacher so much, you wouldn't have skipped class and skipped school.

What's the point of doing all of this now?

However, Lu Zhi didn't expose him directly, saved him face, and nodded lightly: "Go!" Strive to make more meritorious deeds, and when you are rewarded, you can also get a better position. "


Liu Bei left.

On the way,

Zhang Fei snorted dissatisfiedly: "Big brother, you are too good, then Lu Zhi deliberately handed over the most difficult and least beneficial assault task to the three of us brothers before, but we didn't get much benefit, but we were injured, why be so polite to him?" "

Guan Yu also echoed when he heard this: "Big brother! I feel that what the third brother said is reasonable, then Lu Zhi is a famous general in vain, but he is so harsh on his own students, pit his own students, this kind of teacher, don't do it. "

These two people were also fooled and lame by Liu Bei.

didn't know the truth at all, and directly held a grudge against Lu Zhi.

Even with it, they were full of resentment towards Zhao Yu.


Liu Bei listened, but he sighed and said, "Second brother! Third brother, don't say that! There are many people, don't get into trouble! "

"Besides, Master Lu has always been my teacher, how can students complain about the teacher and say bad things about the teacher?"

"Don't say this kind of bastard talk again in the future!"

"I believe that the teacher was just blinded by some people for a while."

Liu Bei obviously had something to say in his words, and he began to poke and poke with rhythm.


Sure enough, when Zhang Fei and Guan Yu heard this, their expressions immediately froze.

"Big brother, are you talking about Zhao Yu?"

Guan Yu frowned.

"Zhao Ziyi? Probably not, right? "

Zhang Fei frowned when he heard this: "This kind of thing is not something he can call the shots, and besides, I am still familiar with him and know him well, he should not be such a person, there may be hidden secrets that we don't know?" "

"Otherwise, why didn't the sect general and the others show their dissatisfaction with Zhao Yu?"

If it was really Zhao Yu who was a ghost, it was impossible for the sect members and others not to have any opinions on him.


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