Mission: Cai Yan (Completed), Rewards: Yellow Emperor's Neijing, Zhuyan Dan*3, Longevity Pill (10 years)*5.]

"I almost forgot about this reward, claim it!"

The next moment, Zhao Yu felt a stream of information rushing into his mind, and digested it to get the full text of the Yellow Emperor's internal scriptures.

[Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon]: omitted

"The system understands me! I like this exercise. "

After Zhao Yu understood the effect of this exercise, he immediately ordered the system, "System! Establish a task..."

Mission: Refer to the Yellow Emperor's Inner Scripture ten times, reward: The Yellow Emperor's Inner Scripture (Beginner). 】

Zhao Yu immediately read the content of the Yellow Emperor's internal scripture in his mind.

It didn't take long to read it ten times.

[Ding!Task: Refer to the Yellow Emperor's Neijing ten times (completed), reward: Huangdi Neijing (beginner), do you want to receive it?]


Then, a stream of insights about the Yellow Emperor's internal scripture came to his heart, and Zhao Yu smashed it and said: "It's a pity, it's not so simple to continue to improve." "

Early the next morning,

Zhao Yu and his party and Cai Yong's family came to the ten-mile long pavilion outside the east gate of Luoyang, ready to leave.

Lu Zhi, Cao Cao, and Xun Yu all came to see him off.

"Ziyi, go to Runan, come steadily, don't be careless. Take care of Bo Ji and Akihime's niece. "

Lu Zhi patted Zhao Yu's shoulder earnestly and admonished.


Zhao Yu responded respectfully, and also cared: "Uncle too, Luoyang is the center of the vortex, the waves and clouds are weird, and there are constant battles in the open and secret, uncle must take care of himself, and he must not be forced;"

"If you have any questions, you can pass the message to me in time through Xiaobai, and I will help you as soon as possible. "

The Xiaobai that Zhao Yu said was actually a golden eagle he gave to Lu Zhi, because this golden eagle had a handful of white feathers on the top of its head, so it was obviously Xiaobai by Zhao Yu.

Even if it is a means of communication left by himself to Lu Zhi, it is also a guarantee.

He shared Xiaobai's control authority with Zhao Si, the commander of the Luoyang Intelligence Guard, and told him to pay more attention to the safety of the Lu Mansion.

Once you find out that something is wrong, contact him immediately, and at the same time, lead the intelligence guard to help Lu Zhi.

"Don't worry!

Lu Zhi nodded knowingly.

Speaking of which, he was also very amazed by Zhao Yu's beast taming technique.

It can tame the goshawk and make it obey the message of the message.

The point is, the goshawk is a little too smart.

It feels like Lu Zhi is almost like a human in his teens, and he is a miracle.

There is more than one such condor Zhao Yu, which shows that Zhao Yu is extraordinary.

"Brother Ziyi, take care! I will also go to Jinn in two days to take up my post! I hope there will be a chance to meet again, and when the time comes, you and I will have a good time. "

Cao Cao also walked over at this time, chuckling and hugging his fists.


Zhao Yu will also smile.

The next time we meet, if nothing else, it will be a battle to fight against Dong.

"Ziyi! Gongda! Take care!"

Xun Yu then came over to say goodbye to Xun Yu and Zhao Yu, and at the same time asked Zhao Yu to say, "My nephew will ask Ziyi to take care of you." "

"Don't worry!"

Zhao Yu smiled and nodded: "I have to rely on Gongda in the future, and I will definitely not treat him badly!"

"Let's get here, and we're on our way!"

With that, Zhao Yu turned over and got on his horse and set off with someone.

One day later, they arrived in Chenggao.

Successfully joined Zhang He and 5000 Zhao Jiajun here.

In addition, the moving convoy has already arrived here ahead of schedule.

At this time, they followed Zhao Yu and them to the mountain road again, along the line of Chenggao and Xingyang, and went south to Guancheng-Xinzheng, entered Yingchuan County, and passed through Changshe.

"It's a scorched earth, just looking at the scene, you can see how fierce the fire of General Huangfu Song and General Zhu Jun was at that time. "

When repairing here, Zhao Yu took Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Xun You and others to stand on a high place and look into the distance, and even used a clairvoyant mirror, Zhao Yu couldn't help but speak.


Xun You couldn't help but nodded: "The situation at that time was really critical, I can only say that the two generals, Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun, are worthy of the name of famous generals." "

"However, compared to looking at the scorched earth over there, my subordinates think that the lord's clairvoyant mirror is even more amazing;"

"I didn't expect the lord to have such a good thing in his hand;"

"This thing is definitely a battlefield artifact, and when used in war, it can definitely play a huge role!"

Through a small cylinder, you can see the scenery thousands of meters away.

It's much stronger than the human eye.


Before Zhao Yu could speak, Zhao Yunxian said with a smile: "Sir, I think so too, right?" This thing is too convenient to use on the battlefield, it can play a role in anticipating the enemy first, and make better responses and arrangements in advance, but the number is not enough, and it will be better to wait for energy production." "

"Mass production?"

Xun You was very surprised when he heard this: "Isn't this kind of artifact obtained by accident, but has he already mastered the production process?"

"I'm really wondering!"

Zhao Yu took over the topic and nodded: "However, it is not mature enough at present, mainly because it lacks more natural crystals with enough purity;"

"Although the glass process is not impossible to fire into qualified lenses, but at present, our glass firing process is still a little worse, and it is estimated that it will take a year and a half to develop and research before it can be truly mass-produced. "

Dacheng's forging and carpentry level is still too low, and the consummation and even transformation realm may be able to meet Zhao Yu's requirements.

Of course, it would be easier if the relevant technical processes could be obtained directly from the task.

It's a pity that Zhao Yu hasn't triggered this reward yet.

"That's already amazing!"

Although Xun You didn't know what glass was, he roughly understood, so he still nodded excitedly: "With such an artifact, then we will have a greater advantage on the battlefield in the future." "

"However, we must pay attention to protect the production process and even the finished product, and it must not leak out;"

"During the battle, if you find that something is wrong, you must let the generals destroy this artifact first, and you must not let the enemy get it. "

Otherwise, wouldn't this advantage be wiped out?


Zhao Yu nodded affirmatively: "This point has been told to everyone who has the clairvoyant mirror, and this will be given to Mr. in his hand, I hope Mr. likes it." "

"It's... Is it appropriate?"

Xun You said so in his mouth, but the movement of hiding things under his hands was not slow at all.

Directly like a baby, he carefully put the clairvoyant mirror in his hand back into the cylinder shell and put it in his arms.


This action made Zhao Yun, Zhao Yu, Dian Wei and others couldn't help laughing.

Half a day later,

Xun You is also going to go home and meet his parents and elders at home.

In addition, this time he was going to take his wife and children to Runan County with Zhao Yu.

"The front is Yingyin, that is, Gongda your hometown, I heard that there are outstanding people here, do you have any friends or talents to introduce me to know each other?"

After entering the city, Zhao Yu asked Xun Yu jokingly.


Xun You was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then touched his chin and pondered: "Don't say it, there is really a suitable candidate;"


Zhao Yu was also happy when he heard it, and asked, "Who is it?"

Xun You immediately said: "This person is a native of Yingchuan, but he is my classmate and friend, named Xizhong, and he is a Zhicai;"

"This person is from a poor family, his family background is very ordinary, but he is quite talented, and he is much better than me, if the lord is interested, I can recommend it on his behalf;"

"Xi Zhicai is known for his great ambitions, and if he is recruited by the lord, he should be able to get his allegiance. "

Speaking of which, Xi Zhicai actually has a better relationship with his uncle Xun Yu.

However, Zhao Yu spoke in person, and Xun Yu was naturally willing to introduce him.

Knowing that the world would be in chaos in the future, the princes would rise up, and he would serve Zhao Yu again, Xun You naturally thought more about Zhao Yu and recruited more talents for him.

If you get more talents on your side, there will naturally be fewer talents on the enemy's side. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is more beneficial to the great cause of the Lord in the future.

"Haha! Naturally, I want to! Then I'll leave this matter to you!"

Zhao Yu smiled and hugged Xun You.

Xi Zhicai's name was known to him in his previous life.

This person is Boss Cao's mastermind in the early stage, and he is quite capable.

However, this person is not in good health, and it seems that he still likes to smoke Wushi San, yes, it was relatively early.

He died in 196 A.D., more than 11 years later.

After his death, Cao Cao asked Xun Yu if he had a mastermind recommendation, and Xun Yu recommended Guo Jia.

It shows that the drama is not simple.

"System! Build a task...."

The next moment, Zhao Yu gave an order to the system in his heart.

[Ding! Mission: Accept Xi Zhicai, Reward: Epiphany Card (15 minutes) *2, Perception +1.]

"Huh, do you have another epiphany card? great!"

Zhao Yu was overjoyed when he saw this reward.

Epiphany cards are top-notch goodies, not too many.

"No problem!"

Xun You smiled and nodded: "I'll go home first, and by the way, inquire about the location of Xi Zhicai, and tell the lord when the time is confirmed!"

In addition, Xun You was originally going to arrange a place for Zhao Yu and them.

After all, it was to his local territory.

But Zhao Yu refused with a smile: "Gongda, have you forgotten that my Zhao Chamber of Commerce and Zuixian Mansion both have branches in Yingyin? "


Xun You also suddenly realized when he heard this: "Look at my brain, I forgot about it! Then my subordinates will leave first!"

When it's night, the Xun clan is here.

Immediately sent someone to call Xun You to the study for questioning.

"Grandson to meet Grandfather Ciming!"

As soon as Xun Yu came in, he bowed deeply to Xun Shuang.

"Listening to Wen Ruo's letter technique, you have already served Zhao Yu as the main and served him, are you so optimistic about this person?"

Xun Shuang asked after seeing Xun You.

He is very concerned about his very talented nephew, and as the head of the family, he naturally has to ask about this kind of life event.

This in itself also involves the future choice of the Xun family.


Xun You nodded affirmatively and said: "Although the lord is young, he is talented and has a steady temperament, whether it is knowledge, vision, talent, or even the way of commanding troops and controlling people. "


Xun Shuang was surprised to hear Xun Yu's evaluation of Zhao Yu so highly: "I didn't expect you to say the same?"


Xun You was slightly stunned when he heard this: "Grandfather, has anyone ever given the lord a high evaluation in front of you?"

"Could it be Uncle Wen Ruo?"

Xun Yu only thought of Xun Yu.

After all, the children of the scholar clan that Zhao Yu met were really limited.

However, it is precisely because of this evaluation of Xun Yu that Xun Yu feels strange.

After all, Xun Yu has always been very fond of Zhao Yu.

felt that Zhao Yu's ambition hidden in his heart was too great, and he did not have the slightest reverence for the Son of Heaven and the Great Han.

When the times are in trouble, this person must be one of the people who are in trouble.

"Not bad!"

Xun Shuang nodded affirmatively: "It's Wen Ruo;"

"A few days ago, he wrote to me about your friendship with Zhao Yu, and said his evaluation of Zhao Yu;"

At the same time, at that time, Wen Ruo also felt that you would choose Zhao Yu, but now it seems that it is true. "

"Wen Ruo thinks that Zhao Yu is ambitious and has no reverence for the Han family and the Son of Heaven, so he stays away, Gongda, what do you think of this matter?"

Xun You smiled slightly when he heard this: "Forgive my grandson for being rude, my grandson thinks that Uncle Wen Ruo is too stupid and loyal to the Han family and the Son of Heaven;"

"Sun Er has made an inference based on the history and the current situation of the Han Dynasty that within ten years, the Han Dynasty will be in chaos;"

"Today, my grandson has also seen a few times, and according to my grandson's judgment, it is not a longevity appearance;"

"On the contrary, if you indulge too much, I am afraid that it will not last long;"

"And now the Han Dynasty has internal and external troubles, and the contradictions of all strata are sharpening day by day;"

"If the sky collapses today, the big man will be in chaos;"

Xun Shuang's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

didn't reprimand or interrupt Xun You because of Xun You's bold words, just listened quietly.

Xun You continued: "On the occasion of these troubled times, my Xun clan wants to be long-term, multiple choices, and multiple bets are very important;"

"The most optimistic thing for my grandson is Zhao Hou, and I will do my best to assist him in his success;"

"Uncle Wen Ruo has a different concept from me, and there is a high probability that he will not choose Zhao Hou, but choose another Ming Lord to serve, which may not be a good thing for the Xun family. "

He couldn't change Xun Yu's current thoughts, and Xun Yu couldn't change his mind.

Then let each of them make their own choices and see the results in the end.

Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, it's not a bad thing for Xun.


Xun Shuang nodded appreciatively: "I am relieved to see that you are not hot-headed or have been deceived!"

"Your idea is very right, and Wen Ruo's idea may not be wrong;"

"Do as you please;"

"Now is the world of young people, and when you are born in troubled times, the future of the Xun family will be handed over to you. "

He is already old and will not live for a few years, and he may not see the day when the world is in turmoil, so naturally he won't say anything.

"Grandfather, what you teach, grandson obeys you. "

Xun Yu respectfully saluted Xun Shuang.

He has nothing but respect for this enlightened head of the family.

"Go ahead, you can be truly independent and be your own master!"

Xun Shuang waved his hand.


Xun You retreated.

In a box in the drunken immortal building of Yingyin City,

"Yingchuan opera is loyal to the drama Zhicai, meet Zhao Hou!"

After Xun You walked in with a young man, the young man looked at Zhao Yu and immediately bowed.

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