Another half a month has passed,

"Childe! Zhang Ji has found it! Moreover, he has agreed to the invitation, and he is already on his way to Pingyu! It is expected to arrive in 4 days!"

Zhao Yi found Zhao Yuyu to report.


Zhao Yu's eyes lit up slightly when he heard this, and he asked, "Great! How can you convince you?"

Zhao Yi immediately replied: "Fifty-nine, that kid guarded him in Zhang Zhongjing's hometown, and finally let him guard it, and then he called the name of Gongzi, and said that Gongzi had many rare medical books from the Imperial Palace, and Gongzi invited him to come here to talk about it." "

Zhang Ji immediately agreed. "


Zhao Yu was also happy when he heard it: "Fifty-nine, this kid is quite clever and clever~!

"This time he has made a great contribution again! Remember to give him a meritorious service;

"In addition, inform the intelligence guard that if you find Hua Tuo, you can also use the medical book to attract him;"

"I can make more copies of the first volume and send a copy to the intelligence guards in various places in case I need it. "

Since this method can attract Zhang Ji, there is no reason why it can't attract Hua Tuo!

Zhao Yu believed in the attraction of a large number of medical books from the Imperial Palace Hospital and the medical masterpieces in his hands to these real miracle doctors.


When Zhao Yi heard this, he also smiled and surrendered.

That's a good idea.

"That's right!"

At this time, Zhao Yi opened his mouth and reported: "There is news from Zhao Si in Luoyang, Wang Yun was saved by the Yuan clan and other scholars, but within a few days, he was imprisoned by Zhang Rang, and the second entered the palace;"

"Moreover, this time the crime is more serious than the first time, and I don't know if he can survive?"

This thing is also looking for its own death.

Running to provoke the limelight Zhang Rang, I don't know if he and the Son of Heaven are wearing a pair of pants?

However, since this old thing dares to calculate his own son-in-law and ignore the merits of his own son-in-law, he deserves to die.

If it weren't for Gongzi's refusal, it would still be useful in the future when he said that the old thing, Zhao Yidu wanted to secretly let the intelligence guard do something to this old thing.

Is it really easy to bully his son-in-law?

"Don't worry!

Zhao Yu also smiled and shook his head: "He was framed because he was against the eunuchs, the Yuan family, the Yang family, these scholars, and He Jin can't really let him have an accident, they will definitely protect him;"

"Anyway, it's a banner for them to target and fight against the eunuch forces, isn't it?"

"Moreover, after this incident, Wang Yun's reputation among the scholars will definitely soar, and his future prospects are limitless. "

The warriors need this kind of fighter to fill the line.


Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and said with some surprise: "Childe, could it be that Wang Yun had expected this day a long time ago, and he did it on purpose?"


Zhao Yu nodded: "This is an old fox, he has risen by constantly fighting the power of eunuchs, he has obviously mastered the password for promotion and fame!"

This is the same way as those big Internet celebrities in later generations.

Wang Yun is on the right track.

"I see!"

Zhao Yi nodded suddenly, and then laughed: "This old thing is not afraid of overturning? Once the car overturns, it will be his life that will be lost, and it will only be his head that will be cut!"

The gambling sex is really big.

"Since you want to climb up by stepping on the eunuchs, you naturally have to take the corresponding risks!"

"If you win the bet, you will be promoted and make a fortune, and if you lose the bet, your head will fall. "

Zhao Yu smiled slightly.

"Let Zhao Si continue to pay close attention to Zhang Rang and Liu Hong's situation! In another two or three months, we should also start to make efforts to promote the transfer. "


"Nanyang Zhang Ji, meet the general!"

As soon as Zhang Ji saw Zhao Yu, he saluted respectfully.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart, this Zhao Hou is really young.

is younger than his sons, but he has already achieved such an achievement, which is not simple.

But he didn't care about that when he came today.

"Mr. Zhongjing doesn't need to be polite!"

Zhao Yu waved his hand and said, "Come to think of it, since Mr. is willing to come, I think it is clear about my purpose, so I won't talk nonsense anymore;"

"I want to establish a medical school and train a large number of doctors, I wonder if my husband is willing to succumb to it and become the director of this medical school?"

"In return, I can keep all the precious medical books I have collected for you to look through. "

When saying this, Zhao Yu also ordered the system in his heart: "System, establish a task..."

[Ding! Mission: Accept the Divine Doctor Zhang Zhongjing, Reward: Compendium of Medical Works, Comprehension +1, Alchemy Talent +1.]

"Oh, the alchemy talent has come out, can I still refine the pill?"

"It's a pity that there is no alchemy and a pill recipe or anything, otherwise it would be powerful. "

When Zhao Yu saw this reward, he thought with joy and regret in his heart.

"Medical school?"

Zhang Zhongjing was slightly stunned when he heard this, and looked at Zhao Yu with some surprise: "I didn't expect the general to have such intentions?"


Zhao Yu smiled slightly: "Because I think that nowadays, there are still too few and too few doctors in the Han Dynasty, and I hope to cultivate more doctors to treat more people;"

"With the strength of Mr. alone, I am afraid that the poor will not be able to heal 10,000 people in his lifetime;"

"But if we can cultivate thousands of healers for Dahan in their limited life, these healers can not only treat more people, but also continue to train more healers;"

"Then the people of my Han Dynasty don't need to worry about not having a doctor to see a doctor, what does Mr. think?"

Zhang Zhongjing was very surprised when he heard this: "The general still has such a grand ambition?"

"It's just that healers can't be cultivated easily, let alone cultivated on a large scale;"

"If a doctor wants to meet the criteria for being qualified to practice medicine, he needs to study for many years. "

Zhang Zhongjing is obviously not very optimistic about Zhao Yu's idea.


Zhao Yu shook his head when he heard this: "I'm not afraid of your jokes when I say it, I'm also a doctor myself, and I think my medical skills are acceptable;"

"I am also well aware of the difficulty of training doctors, and these are the medical enlightenment books that I have recently compiled based on my medical skills and existing medical books. "

As he spoke, Zhao Yu waved his hand to Zhao Yi on the side, and Zhao Yi handed over the basic medical book in his hand to Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing had the heart to say that you, Zhao Yu, are just a teenager, and studying medicine is not a war, it takes time to accumulate.

But he still didn't rush to say anything, but took these medical books and read them first.

He came here for Zhao Yu's collection of medical books, so naturally he couldn't offend Zhao Yu.

However, Zhang Zhongjing was soon shocked by the contents of these medical books in his hand.

After he read it roughly, he looked up at Zhao Yu with a shocked face and asked, "General, are these really written by you? Do you really understand medical skills?"

It was really the content of this basic enlightenment medical textbook that surprised him too much.

The medical skills in this are just too systematic and detailed, and with this, it is indeed excellent to systematically cultivate a large number of doctors.

No wonder Zhao Yu is so confident.

"Naturally, if you don't believe me, sir, we can exchange medical skills! This is one of the purposes for which I have invited you. "

Zhao Yu smiled slightly, and at the same time commanded the system in his heart: "System, establish a task...."

"Sure enough! It seems that my wool gathering plan is fine! I can quickly improve my medical skills through this! hehe!"

Zhao Yu saw that the mission was successfully established, and he was immediately overjoyed.


Zhang Zhongjing listened, and this time he didn't sneer in his heart, but believed it a little.

Immediately, he began to exchange his medical knowledge and experience with Zhao Yu. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This exchange was an hour that passed.

[Ding!Mission: Exchange medical knowledge and experience with Zhang Zhongjing (completed), reward: A small increase in medical skill proficiency, do you want to receive it?]


Zhao Yu pondered silently in his heart.

In the next moment, a lot of medical knowledge and experience information appeared in my mind. 012503314 Lu 191313361

"The general is really a heavenly man, at such an age, he actually has such medical skills, it is really admirable and amazing! Your medical skills are estimated to be better than mine!"

After some exchanges, Zhang Zhongjing couldn't help but exclaim.

At least, in terms of popularity, he is not as good as Zhao Yu for the time being.

He didn't have that much medical knowledge.

"Sir is humble!"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "Mr.'s achievements in typhoid fever are beyond my reach, and my medical skills are far inferior to Mr., so Mr. doesn't need to praise me, I just read a few more medical books, and I have some understanding and talent." "

"By the way, Sir can also take a look at this medical book, this is the first volume of the most precious medical book in my hands, after reading it, I hope Sir can give me a positive answer. "

Saying that, Zhao Yu asked Zhao Yi to call Qianjinfang to hand over the first volume to Zhang Zhongjing.

Zhang Zhongjing immediately took it and began to look at it.

After a while, Zhang Zhongjing forcibly stopped himself, looked at Zhao Yu with a wry smile and said, "It seems that the general is deliberately fishing for me! This is worthy of being the most precious medical book in the general's hands, and it is simply a masterpiece in clinical practice;"

"After reading the first volume, I can't feel at ease if I don't finish reading it all. "

Speaking of this, Zhang Zhongjing also made up his mind in his heart, got up and saluted Zhao Yu: "I agreed to the general's solicitation, Zhang Ji will visit the lord! "

After seeing Qianjinfang and the conditions given by Zhao Yu, Zhang Zhongjing felt that he had no way to refuse.


When Zhao Yu saw it, he immediately got up with a smile and helped Zhang Zhongjing up: "It is Zhao Yu's blessing to be able to get Mr. to help, and at the same time, it is also the blessing of the people in the world;"

"When the medical school is established, I will have to ask Mr. Please!"

"Now, I have vacated a large courtyard next to the General's Mansion as a place to train military doctors in our army;"

"You may need to give a lesson to those students for a while!"

"It will take some time to prepare and establish a medical school. "

Since he was going to Yanmen County in a few months, Zhao Yu naturally wouldn't establish a medical school here.

Just let Zhao Qi and them recruit people to build it on the side of the Yin Pavilion in Yanmen County first.

Not only the medical school, but also the Yanmen Academy should be established.

However, the academy here in Runan has not yet been fully built, and it is estimated that it will be empty.

[Ding! Mission: Accept the Divine Doctor Zhang Zhongjing, Reward: Compendium of Medical Works, Comprehension +1, Alchemy Talent +1.]


Zhao Yu said silently in his heart.

The next moment, two warm currents poured into his mind, one that raised his understanding again;

[Understanding]: 2324 (once in a century)

The other seems to have changed him, but it's not clear yet.

[Talent]: Alchemy Talent (Low)

There is a clear display on the system panel.

At the same time, a complete set of Compendium of Materia Medica has once again appeared in the system space.

"Another set of medical books, okay!"

Zhao Yu was overjoyed.


Zhang Zhongjing didn't mind this kind of thing, he cared more about the concept of military doctors.

"Is the general already in the army already training healers in batches?

Zhang Zhongjing exclaimed.

My lord's idea is really a little different.

"It's not a first, is it?"

Zhao Yu smiled and shook his head: "In the past, there were also doctors in the army. "

"It's different!"

Zhang Zhongjing shook his head: "The lord is equipped with a large number of doctors in the army, forming a customization, which is essentially different from the past;"

"The lord can do this, it must be to reduce the death of injured soldiers, and even great merit, Zhang Ji admires. "

For a while, Zhang Zhongjing's sense of identity and loyalty to Zhao Yu rose because of this.

[Zhang Zhongjing's loyalty: 82]

"It's too much!"

Zhao Yu shook his head with a smile, and then said: "Mr. has been tired all the way, I think I'm already tired, why don't I go and rest for a day first, tomorrow I will personally take you to the military hospital I set up to have a look, and at the same time, I will also take you to see my collection of medical books, how about it?"

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey your fate!"

Zhang Zhongjing naturally has no opinion.

It's been a few days all the way, and it's really tiring.

"Zhao Yi! Arrange a yard for Mr. Zhongjing and take him to settle down!

Zhao Yu immediately instructed Zhao Yi.


Zhao Yiying made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Zhongjing: "Mr. Zhongjing, please!"

"Excuse me, Your Excellency!"

The next day, Zhao Yu took Zhang Zhongjing to visit the temporary military hospital as promised and saw the study of the medical apprentices there.

"The master's work is admirable! These students have almost mastered the basic knowledge!"

"What's even more rare is that he has a certain amount of experience in curing diseases! After a few more years of training, he will be able to become a qualified doctor. "

After reading it and testing some people, Zhang Zhongjing couldn't help but exclaim.

"They can't do it yet!"

Zhao Yu shook his head: "After that, I still need to trouble Mr. to teach them more lessons." "

After that, Zhao Yu took Zhang Zhongjing to see the medical book library he was most looking forward to.

I saw hundreds of medical books inside, which also contained a full set of Qianjin prescriptions and compendiums of materia medica.

"These two sets are simply divine books!"

"With these, it is much easier to train qualified healers!"

"Moreover, it is a great help and inspiration for people like me!"

"Lord, who created these two sets of masterpieces? Such characters are enough to be called a medical saint!"

After Zhang Zhongjing took a cursory look at Qianjinfang and the Compendium of Materia Medica, he asked with excitement and amazement.

"I don't know! I got it by accident!"

Zhao Yu smiled and shook his head.

You can't tell Zhang Zhongjing that the people of the future created at this time, right?

Moreover, the medical saint should be the future Zhang Zhongjing himself!

"That's a pity! I really want to meet these two seniors!"

Zhang Zhongjing said with a regretful face.

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