Zhang Xiu did not kill the messenger sent by Cao Cao.

Zhang Xiu did not drive away the envoys sent by Yuan Shao.

The messengers from both sides are properly placed, and if something bad happens, there is room for manoeuvre, which is simply witty!


Jia Xu got up and said, "Although the world has a lot of heroes, it has become a trend of merging with each other. After all, the small town of Wancheng needs to stand in line. It is recommended that the general make a choice as soon as possible to grab the greatest benefits and interests."

Zhang Xiu was stunned.

other people's words.

He could not listen.

Jia Xu's words must be taken seriously!

If he didn't have Jia Xu, he wouldn't be where he is today!

Zhang Xiu immediately asked, "Now that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are sending envoys at the same time, then according to Mr.'s opinion, how should Xiu choose?"

Jia Xu said, "I think Cao Cao is more suitable."

Zhang Xiu was a little displeased: "I killed his eldest son, his nephew, and his confidant Dian Wei. I'm afraid Cao Cao can't tolerate me, and Yuan Shao's power is several times that of Cao Cao, so why not vote for Yuan Shao?"

Jia Xu smiled and said:

"Cao Cao's ambition is lofty, and he is a man who believes in the world, better than Yuan Shao. If he surrenders at this time, he will ignore the previous suspicion and accept and treat the general well."

"Yuan Shao has great ambitions and talents, but he is arrogant and arrogant. Hebei does not directly border Wancheng. Once the general surrenders to Yuan Shao, Cao Cao will madly counterattack, which is useless for self-preservation!"

Zhang Xiu was indecisive.

He still wanted to surrender Yuan Shao.

The third prince of Yuan Shao IV, with a strong foundation in Hebei, is not comparable to the nouveau riche like Cao Cao!

Yuan Cao also has great ambitions. The two sides are bordering and friction is constant. There will be a battle. If Yuan Shao can get Wancheng, Cao Cao can't take care of the end and he will lose in the end.

Hold Wancheng in hand.

It's about the situation!

Jinneng can separate a city and reign in troubled times!

Refund can be used as a bargaining chip in exchange for glory!

Not urgent!

Not urgent!

Not urgent!

Zhang Xiu was calm.

Wancheng city defense is complete.

There is enough food and grass in the city for a few years.

Let's talk about being a soil emperor for a while!

When the time comes to sell, maximize the benefits!

Jia Xu secretly said in his heart, "Dead wood can't be carved!"

Zhang Xiu was afraid that he didn't know, this was the best time to surrender. If he surrendered immediately, he might still be able to save his life, but if he didn't surrender at this moment, it would definitely not end well.

Jia Xu believed it.

If you continue to advise.

It is not difficult to make Zhang Xiu change his mind.

But this man is short-sighted and scheming.

Not worth following.

Let him die!

in fact.

Jia Xu and Cao Xu had long corresponded.

Jia Xu admires his talent and pattern very much.

He knew very well that Cao Xu was by no means a thing in the pool, and that the Cao family had this unicorn son to achieve hegemony just around the corner, and this time, Xiahou Dun was used as the main general, I am afraid that it was also to paralyze, and the real leader should be Cao Xu.

Back to the study.

Confidant sent a secret letter.

Jia Xu showed a strange look when he saw it.

He casually threw the letter into the brazier and burned it.

Immediately set off and head to a luxurious mansion.

This place was originally the residence of the former owner of Wancheng, Zhang Xiu's uncle Zhang Ji, but now there is a widow living here, this person is none other than the famous Mrs. Zou.

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