Zhang Liao immediately suggested: "We should pursue the victory!"

Xiahou Dun woke up.

He will order the three armies to attack.

However, Cao Xu stopped the second general: "No need, Zhang Xiu is dead, the overall situation has been decided, I have other arrangements in the city, there is no need to add casualties."


Wancheng army generals.

All turned back.

Zhang Xiu was instantly killed by a single shot in front of everyone's eyes.

The soldiers in the city were terrified, and the generals lost their backbone.

"I can't fight!"

"The generals are dead!"

"What's the point of us holding on?"

"I can't surrender, I'll wait to defend with all my strength."

"That's right, we can't hold back and ask Yuan Shao or Liu Biao for help!"

Wancheng generals hyped up a group.

A brawny man slapped the table angrily: "The general is dead, and Lao Tzu, what are you afraid of? In short, you must not surrender, otherwise Cao thief will not let us go! We should avenge the general!"

This person's name is Hu Che'er.

Zhang Xiu's first warrior.

Two years ago, Hu Che'er stole Dian Wei's double halberds, which eventually led to Dian Wei's death in battle without weapons in his hands. Because he was afraid of being liquidated, Hu Che'er was resolutely opposed to surrender, and Hu Che'er had a high status. Statement is very important.

At this time.

Jia Xu has arrived.

Everyone seemed to find their way.


"What should I do now?"

"Is it war or surrender?"

"We want to avenge the general!"

Jia Xu's face was calm.

He took four guards with him.

He walked slowly among the crowd.

Press your hand first.

Instruct everyone to be quiet.

"General Hu Che'er, in the current situation, only you can take the lead and have a plan to save Wancheng!"

Hu Che'er was overjoyed to hear that!

Jia Xu had a high prestige in Wancheng.

Even Zhang Xiu must respect him!

Did he say that to support himself as the leader?

"This policy is secret and should not be leaked out. The general is closer, and let me tell you it alone!"


Hu Che'er listened with ear to ear: "Sir, please speak."

Jia Xu said slowly, "This is a surefire way to trouble General Hu Che'er... go to hell!"

Hu Che'er was stunned.

Don't wait for him to react.

Jia Xu was surrounded by four bodyguards.

He almost took out his dagger and stabbed to the point.

Hu Che'er's martial arts are good, but within this distance, there is no chance to react.

Eyes, cervical spine, heart, chest, all pierced at the same time.

Not even a hum.

Fall straight down.

"Jia Xu!"

"what are you doing!"

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