Lu Lingqi raised her hand.

Flicked the blue silk on the temples.

This casual action is full of girlish style.

She looked up.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Lu Lingqi felt it.

This is the gaze of Cao.

[Lu Lingqi is nervous +! 】


Dry with a towel.

Cao Xu smiled slightly.

Lu Lingqi left nervously and hurriedly. . . . . .

(ps: It will be launched at [-] o'clock in the morning, and it will start with ten updates on the first day. At least ten updates will be updated. Try to write a little more on this basis. I hope everyone will support it.)

Shelf Testimonials (12:[-])

Click on the shelf!

At least ten chapters will be updated on the first day!

If it can be done, it will continue to be added on the basis.

It is not easy for this book to come to this day. Thank you readers for your encouragement and tolerance, as well as friends who collect, vote, send flowers, and reward!

The author is an old author.

It has been about ten years in the mixed network circle.

A total of about [-] to [-] million words have been written in total.

Large and small, almost all topics have been written.

In the past ten years, there have been peaks and hits.

It's all thanks to the reader who gave me a bite to eat to live to this day, otherwise I would have starved to death if I didn't have other skills.

So thank you so much to everyone who supported me.

The author Jun only started to write books in Feilu last year. Although he has published books with good grades, he only compares the data before the shelves. So this book should be the highest in my Feilu at present, but because of the particularity of the entry point, it has led to a lot of controversy. It's really hard to say how big and specific results are, and I don't have a clue in my heart.

I can only hope for your support.

I hope that friends who like this book can support a first order.

Not much other nonsense, it will be on the shelves at [-] o'clock, and the update will be accelerated after the shelves. Friends who have flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets hope to support more!


Chapter 1 Xuchang was shocked! (10/[-])

Wancheng to Xuchang.

But three hundred miles.

Early the next morning.

The news came back.

Together they were given to Cao Cao.

There was also a head that had been chopped off.

no one else.

It is Wancheng Zhang Embroidery!

Cao Cao was completely stunned.

Cao Xu arrived in Wancheng less than seven days ago.

Why did Zhang Xiu move his head?

Cao Cao quickly asked, "What happened?

The summoning soldiers did not dare to neglect.

He repeated the matter carefully.

Cao Xu "Flying birds broke through Wancheng, and in front of the battle, he cut Zhang Xiu together, and it cost nothing.

, to take down the entire process of the entire city.


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