Fuck, he pacified Xuzhou a month ago. When he came back, the scene was not so exaggerated!

At least.

at that time.

The Son of Heaven and the Holy Chariot did not welcome him in person!

Today, even Liu Xie is on the stage!

Needless to say.

Do it like this.

Definitely Cao Cao's pot!


This guy is really overjoyed.

I wish all the people of Xuchang would come out to worship.


"You've worked hard!"

Cao Cao stepped forward.

He personally welcomed Cao Xu to dismount.

The cheap old man was in tears.

He gave Cao Xu a fatherly hug on the spot.

Cao Xu couldn't help but say: "Father, Ziqiu has only been out for less than ten days, so it is necessary to

Does it seem like we haven't seen each other in ten years?!

Cao Cao laughed and said, "It's not like that, why do you express the joy in your father's heart?

To show my son's merit?


He patted Cao Xu on the shoulder.

"Please follow the father to meet the Son of Heaven!"

Cao Cao and his son came to the emperor's holy car.

The two acted respectfully and respectfully in front of the common people.

Liu Xie sat upright, very dignified, and pretended to say: "The two gentlemen don't need to be more polite.

Cao Xu has made great achievements in this battle, greatly strengthening our army, and should be rewarded!"-


The waiter stood up.

He held the imperial edict in his hand and read: Cao Xu, the military commander, broke the city of Wan, soothed the hearts of the people

, Courageous champion of the three armies, outstanding resourcefulness, promoted to General Annan, canonized as champion marquis, hereby announce

The world, let the salty hear it!

All civil and military officials bowed their heads and saluted.

The people immediately cheered.

shout long live.

Xiahouying stood among the countless people.

A pair of big eyes.

Not blinking.

Staring at the young man in white not far away.

She was so stunned that she couldn't even open her eyes.

This tall and handsome, personable, extraordinary temperament, all the high-ranking officials and the common people

Is the son in the focus enough to be your future husband? The difference is also different from what you imagined

It's too big!

Too fake!

This is not true!

Xia Houying was ruthless.

She pinched herself hard.

Stop dreaming and wake up!


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