Diao Chan is usually a dignified, elegant, stable woman who pays special attention to etiquette and appearance.



under the public.

She tried to suppress the excitement in her heart.

A great beauty.

It actually showed a shy and timid, bird-like attitude.

Diaochan confesses affectionately.

Above all praise in the world.

Cao Xu tried his hand and nodded in satisfaction.

Although it is a little thin, it is not very obvious, and there is no place where it should not be thin.

There is thin, which makes people very satisfied.


Cao Xu deliberately asked with a straight face:

"Today, when I returned from the expedition, I met with Chinese martial arts and tens of thousands of people, and told me to go out of the city ten miles to welcome them.

He Wei is the only one who can't see his wife? Could it be that the wife forgot about her husband's return?

"Ah, husband, that's not the case, don't get me wrong!"

Knowingly joking.

Still can't help but panic.

Diaochan quickly explained.

It turned out that Diaochan thought she was a humble concubine, not suitable to appear on grand occasions.

Jia herself doesn't like to be in the public eye, because she can easily attract too much attention when she shows up

, It would be bad if it caused gossip to your husband.

"Why does Mrs. Diaochan take this little time?"

"No, a husband's reputation is more precious than a concubine's life--thousands of times, . . .

Cao Xu asked: "Besides what?"


The two meet.

Just sprinkle dog food and show affection.

Lu Lingqi is not single anymore.

But the temperament is destined to be impossible to be as sticky and sticky as the cicada.

She saw it.

I am very envious.

He hummed:

"Hmph, sour man, should I avoid it?"

But Cao Xu said: "That's not necessary, because my husband is going to the celebration banquet, it's not early now, so I can enjoy it.

Just a little wine and go. "

Cao Cao held a banquet.

Those who came were all the cronies of Guo Jia and Cao Ren.

Two low-level concubines are definitely not suitable to attend.

of course.

Diaochan and Lu Lingqi didn't want to go either.

Because they don't like Cao Cao very much.

The two always felt that Cao Cao was too treacherous and unpredictable.

It's too stressful to eat with this kind of hero, it's better to have porridge at home.

After Cao Xu left.

Diaochan began to look up and down Lu Lingqi.

Lu Lingqi was horrified by the beautiful eyes full of deep meaning: "Little aunt, look

What, is there something on my face?

"That's not true!" Diao Chan covered her mouth and chuckled, "You have changed a bit, it must be due to your husband's work.

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