Lao Cao's eldest son and the first fierce general died indirectly because of her.

(Wang Zhao Zhao)

At this moment, if he takes it again, I am afraid that it will make his subordinates feel bad about it.

As for why he didn't give it to Cao Xu as a concubine, because Mrs. Zou is too old, she has been three years old.

Ten years old, Cao Xu is only seventeen years old, the age difference between the two is nearly double, and Lao Cao does not want

The son was taken advantage of.

of course.

on the other hand.

Mrs. Zou is also a hero.

Pingwan City has a share of credit.

She is not fit to give a reward to a courtier.

So Mrs. Zou is now free.

She brought a large amount of private property from Wancheng, and received a large amount of reward in Xupin. Now she can

She is a big rich woman!

Mrs. Zou saw Cao Xu.

Too high above.

Let her not dare to be too rude.

But it made Madam Zou even more excited.

"Mrs. Zou came to my house to ask for something?"

Madam Zou put on a pitiful look and said softly, "I have come to Xudu, and I have no relatives.

I was deeply apprehensive, so I came to the son for help, hoping that the son could show me a clear path for my concubine.

Chapter 7 Surrender of All Net worth (10/[-])

Mrs Zou.

Not easy.

Zhang Xiu was a little bit afraid.

Jia Xu planned, and Madam Zou came forward.

Let the resistance forces within Wancheng collapse in one fell swoop.

Mrs. Zou stunned the generals in Wancheng with her female figure.

She must be a woman of courage and determination.

For Cao Xu.

She is not very suitable for a baby to be a wife and concubine.

Of course, it is unlikely to be accepted as a slave.


Those hang on the branches.

Bright and eye-catching large ripe fruit.

If you can just reach it.

It's good to pick it up and taste it occasionally.

"I'm going to open a rare pavilion to sell some rare items. There should be some

Small profit, if Mrs. Zou is interested, you might as well take a share as a partner

how about joining in?"

The so-called Rare Pavilion.

The main thing to sell.

Nothing more than some glass products, and handicrafts.

in the system.

These things are cheap.

Buying from the system doesn't cost you too many points.

There is no firing process for glass products in this era, so many seemingly simple, even

The crude products can be sold for 260 days.

between reselling.

The benefits are considerable.

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