
Madam Zou widened her eyes: "Anything else?"

Cao Xu noticed.

Mrs. Zou looked at something.

Always habitually squinting.

He immediately asked: "Mrs. Zou doesn't seem to have good eyesight.

Mrs. Zou nodded: "My concubine has lived alone for ten years and has nothing to do all day, except to read books.

Over time, vision has declined.

"Then I'll show Mrs. Zou a good treasure."

Ying Xu didn't know Mrs. Zou's specific degree of myopia, but she could see the distance and the ability to distinguish.

The force was about [-] degrees, so I opened the system and exchanged a picture of [-]


[Lady Neighbor is curious +100! ]

"what is this?"

"Mrs. Zou, don't move.

[Mrs. Zou expects +100! ]

Cao Xu suddenly approached.

Cao Xu didn't do anything special, just put a pair of black-rimmed glasses on Mrs. Zou's face.



The effect is good!

Mrs. Zou's temperament.


The clothes don't fit.

If you can change to a small suit.

That's a typical set of beautiful teachers and beautiful secretaries.


"my eyes!"

"Why is it so clear all of a sudden!"

[Mrs. Zou is shocked +500! ]

Madam Zou is like discovering the New World.

She stared wide-eyed, looked left and right, gasping in amazement, unable to understand.

Cao Xu said: "These are glasses, which can correct vision, and are suitable for Mrs. Zou, then

I'll give it to you as a little gift from me. "

"How is this possible?"

"This thing is too precious!"

Cao Xu smiled and said, "Why is Mrs. Zou being polite, I just don't know about partnership, Mrs.

How are you thinking?"

Is this still worth thinking about?

Which of these things is not a rare commodity?

Treasure Pavilion, once opened, will never lose money!

Mrs. Zou realized that this was not only an opportunity to get close to Cao Xu and the powerful, but also a chance to get close to Cao Xu.

A chance to settle down and make a fortune, as long as the cooperation method is reasonable, she is willing to give all

Net worth, all put into it.


Empty glove white wolf!

Cao Xu did not spend a penny.

He can become an absolute majority shareholder.

Mrs. Qian Zou is out, and Mrs. Zou does it, and she can still find opportunities to interact with Mrs. Zou.

Where can you find such a good thing?!

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