"Cao Ren!"

"The end is here!"

"From noon tomorrow, the city will be closed for three days in the name of catching thieves!


Cao Cao made various arrangements.

He was afflicted with severe headaches.

Since Ziqiu has such a good grasp that he can be cured.

(Ok) Then you have to give it a try-try, but also to prepare for the worst, Cao Cao this

If the series is arranged, even if you really have three strengths and two weaknesses, you can ensure power.

It was handed over to Cao Xu.

Cao Cao believed it.

With Cao Xu's talent.

The Cao family's hegemony is sure to succeed!

Cao Cao made all kinds of preparations and left behind all kinds of backhands.

After he made sure there was no problem, he quietly went to the hospital that night.

After all, Cao Cao was cautious and suspicious.

Let Cao Ren begin to seal the city at noon tomorrow.

And he did various other-series of prep skins.

They also point the operation time to tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,

In fact, these are deliberately sending a wrong signal to the core confidants.

No one would have thought.

Cao Cao's scheduled surgery.

It's actually happening in secret tonight!

At this moment, Cao Xu has personally taken him into the operating room!

Chapter 1 Lao Cao is cured! Hua Tuo begins to awaken! ([-])

Cao Cao changed his clothes and sat in the operating room. A large number of anthracite lamps were installed indoors.

There is enough light, although it is not as good as a real shadowless lamp, but it will not affect the operation.

Cao Cao was amazed.

It is indeed Ziqiu's masterpiece.

Cao Xu brought a bowl of medicine: "please take the Ma Boi Tang, father only needs to sleep, the rest

Leave it to me. "

Cao Cao's Braised Egg Head.

A little reflective in the light.

He glanced at the dark soup medicine.

He looked at the baby boy in front of him again.

Not shivering.

Drain in one gulp.

"Hahaha, Ziqiu has never disappointed his father, but after drinking this soup, his father

It's really a pity that I can't watch my son's wonderful skills in person!"

Look at the fart.

Cut a hole in the head.

Heck if you can see it!

Cao Xu was not angry: "Father, don't tremble, I have something to say when I wake up, hurry up.

Lie down. "

Ma Boiling Soup.

The supreme treasure of the secret recipe of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is the most precious of the prescriptions invented by Hua Tuo.

Fast onset, stable anesthesia, small sequelae, one-time sleep-night.

Without such a secret recipe, Hua Tuo would not have become the first senior middle-aged man proficient in surgery.

Doctor, the real Maboitang recipe, but it has not been passed down to future generations, it is very legacy.

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