Cao Cao was stunned.

what happened?

That's it!

Sleep comfortably!

Are those thirty years of ills gone?

Madam Bian used a limit god.

Xu Chu immediately went down and took a glass jar.

"Lord Sikong, please take a look."

"This is the lesion that Ziqiu Gongzi personally created from Lord Sikong's skull!"

"Master Ziqiu said: The operation was very successful, and Lord Sikong should not play any dramas.

Intense exercise, diet should be light, avoid spicy alcohol, only need to rest for ten days to recover

It is normal to recover completely within a month.

No way!

Really cured?

Just don't believe it!

I really don't feel the pain anymore.

Never thought things would go so smoothly.

"I didn't expect that the culprit who tormented me for [-] years was actually such an ugly piece of jujube.


Cao Cao took the glass jar from Xu Chu's hand and stared blankly at the lump of it soaked in it.

After watching the tumor for a long time, my emotions began to lose control, and then Ruo Ruo laughed out loud.

stand up.



Cao Cao laughed a few times, but the wound was involved.

Scalp pain.

The wound was a little open.

He quickly stopped being complacent.

But the mood is still uncontrollable ecstasy.

without any exaggeration!

Cao Cao consciously reborn!

Everything is thanks to Cao Xu!

Xu Chu and Madam Xia were overjoyed when they saw Cao Cao, and there was no abnormality after waking up.

Finally, they are completely relieved. Regarding Pu Xu's superb methods, the two of them are at a loss at this moment.

The five-body cast of clothes.

Mrs. Bian sighed: "Ziqiu's talent is really a blessing to the Cao family!"

in fact.

Mrs. Bian is quite ambitious.

She wants to be Cao Cao's wife.

But it is a blessing for Cao Xu and Mrs. Bian.

She knew that even if she became Cao Cao's wife, her son's status in Cao Cao's heart would be very important.

It is impossible to compare to a few percent of Cao Xu. Mrs. Bian has nothing to say about this, and she doesn't realize it.

Gotta be jealous.


Jealousy is relative.

A man worth one hundred thousand.

He may be jealous of the people around him who are worth hundreds of thousands or millions.

But if the richest man in the world suddenly appears in front of you, this little Sith, who is worth [-] yuan, will be the first

Will the resulting emotion still be jealousy? I'm afraid I only have the heart to kneel and lick it!

The same is true for Cao Xu.

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