"I'm ready!"

"let's go!"

Hear this news.

The other two were worried.

Maybe she could be happy.

Diaochan - [-] unwilling husbands to go on expedition.

But she is also very clear about her husband's identity and mission.

At this time, persuasion and worry: are superfluous, she can only whisper:

"Husband, Lingqi, you are on the battlefield, you must protect yourself, the concubine is waiting at home

Until you come back victorious.

Cao Xu smiled and hugged Diaochan and Ying'er, "Don't worry, nothing will happen, this battle will be fine.

I won't be able to fight for a few days: my husband will be back soon, and you guys will take care of yourselves at home. "



There is no time to delay.

Cao Xu left immediately.

Who wants to fight?

Cao Xu definitely didn't want to.

This is also impossible.

The Cao family's career is the most important.

On the outskirts of the city, the three generals Zhang Liao, Yu Jin, and Xu Huang gathered together with three thousand elite cavalry.

The officers and men stood 487 silently waiting for orders under the moonlight.

Gives a chilling feeling.

Cao Cao had two ace armies.

One is the Tiger Guards commanded by Dian Wei in the past, this unit is actually Cao Cao's relatives.

Corps, the combat power is naturally very strong, but there are not many records in history-

The support is the tiger and leopard cavalry in front of me. The strength of the tiger and leopard cavalry is stronger than the former. This is Cao Cao.

The core elite troops, the selection and training of every tiger and leopard cavalry are very strict,

Therefore, it is very precious, and it has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements in historical records.


Tiger and leopard riding is hard-won.

Cao Cao is very cautious every time he uses it.

Now this invaluable force has been handed over to Cao Xu.

Regardless of the fact that the entire army has only a mere [-] people, no one can ignore the combat effectiveness of this unit.

"Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Commander Cao Chun pays a visit to the general!"

A general with a temperamental temperament stepped forward and failed miserably.

Cao Xu glanced at him: "General Cao Chun does not need to be too polite, the battle is urgent, and there is no delay;

Order the whole army to set off overnight!"

This Cao Chun is Cao Ren's younger brother.

That is, Cao Cao's cousin, Cao Xu's cousin.

The tiger and leopard cavalry is the core elite unit of the Cao family, so the position of the cavalry supervisor is all taken by the Cao family.

to serve to ensure that this force is faithful and reliable.

"Set off!"

One command.

Three thousand iron cavalry started. ,



This is also human nature.

Since ancient times, kings and leaders have been like this.

Cao Cao was suspicious by nature but still used five good generals.

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