What are those [-]-year-old girls doing in future generations?

Chasing stars, gossip, dressing up, shopping, and still in high school - high school


Xiapi City stayed for three days.

The two made many fond memories.


Cao Xu came to Xuzhou.

Not to create memories for Lu Lingqi.

Zhang Liao and Pu Chun finally returned with the cavalry.

Cao Xu didn't see Liu Bei's head or a living person, and it seemed that the pursuit had failed.

He felt a little disappointed.

"What's going on? Why didn't 197 catch anyone!"

Zhang Liao was a little ashamed.

"We pursued Liu Bei several times in a row."

"Although thousands of thieves were killed, the team was scattered." We could only target the most suspected team to pursue, but in the end we found that only

Liu Bei's family members, and Liu Bei himself is not among them, they should use their blindfolds,

Disguised as a soldier, mixed with other teams and escaped.


But there is no way.

Although the tiger and leopard rides are very elite.

But just relying on these three thousand cavalry is a little less.

It is impossible to pursue several troops at the same time.

Cao Xu asked again, "Which family members have you taken back?"

Zhang Liao replied immediately: "There are two people caught, Liu Bei's wife Mi, his concubine Gan


Cao Xu was stunned.

This is also a gain.

It can't be said to be in vain.

Chapter 1 How can you let go of your two sisters-in-law ([-])

different captives.

Treated differently.

Senior generals, officials, and their families are of high value.

In order to prevent death or other problems due to poor sanitary conditions during detention,-

Generally, they will be separated from ordinary prisoners and placed under house arrest alone, and their treatment and conditions will be very good.

A lot, usually keeping a basic decency.

Guan Yu, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang.

locked in a separate cell.

Although they were all shackled to prevent escape.

But the interior space is relatively clean and spacious.

Cao Xu even gave Guan Yu special privileges to read and write.

Although Guan Yu was reduced to an inferior cause, he was different from Mi Zhu and Mi Fang who were restless.

He behaved very indifferently, holding a bamboo slip in his hand and feeling calm.

At this time, you can still read books with peace of mind.

Probably this is called the wind of the general!

in fact.

Guan Yu had already thought about it.

It is impossible to surrender Cao Cao.

If forced to surrender?

Once dead, with full loyalty!

A coward fears death and must die, but a man with lofty ideals seeks benevolence.

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