
He went away.

Let Guan Yu think for himself (aicc).

Cao Xu did not know what kind of mental journey Guan Yu went through.

Cao Xu also did not know whether the two Liu Bei ladies communicated and advised Guan Yu.


Brain slaughter, it will be difficult to explain the source of these soldiers, but no matter what, killing people

Foot kills people.

Although seven years.

The bad effects are still there.

This is not conducive to future management.

Cao Xu decided to wipe his father's butt.

Only then did he offer flowers to Buddha, appease the people, and plead guilty for his father, and achieved good results.

Most of the people in Xuzhou began to be grateful to Cao Xu, which once again proved that this

The people of this era are very simple, and their requirements are really not high. As long as they are given a bite to eat,

They will be grateful.

And all this.

Guan Yu, Mrs. Mi, Mrs. Gan, Lu Lingqi, Zhang Liao and others were all slashed in the eyes.

They have been kept by Cao Xu's side all the time, and naturally see that if Cao Xu is moving around, he will do something to Cao Xu.

Fa was very impressed, after all, this era can be like him, caring about the coldness of the people at the bottom

There are not many warm and powerful people.

Especially Guan Yu.

His impression of Cao Xu.

It can be said that a huge change has taken place.

This man possesses unparalleled martial arts skills, and is the son of Cao Cao, the most powerful minister in the world.

But there is no trace of arrogance or arrogance in him.

Farmers are treated equally.

this quality.

Extraordinarily rare.

Guan Yu admired from the bottom of his heart.

The eldest brother Liu Xuande may not be as good as him.

Pu Xu appeased the people well, and left some troops to garrison Xuzhou. He did not stay there any longer.

Immediate departure and return.

This is out.

Another ten days.

Now that everything is done.

Then it's time to go home! .

Chapter 3 Returning to Xuchang, Cao Cao played a trick ([-])

Cao Cao's recuperation is completed.

Remove bandages, gauze, sutures.

A braised egg head is a bit funny and abrupt.

But everything has recovered except the hair.

Cao Cao touched his bald head and sighed: "Since Ziqiu treated me with craniotomy, my ears and eyes are clear.

Ming, there is no more headache, and the dull pain and discomfort that have been with you in the past have not reappeared, only

I feel ten years younger.

Madam Bian saw that her husband had recovered.

Of course she was happy too.

"This is all due to Ziqiu, and I don't know that Ziqiu is a kid who is behind the scenes.

How much has your old father done, you have to thank him!"

Not to mention this is fine.

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