After I have done this, if Yuan Shao can run away, I don't have the face to go back to see my son.

Zhang Liao, Guo Ban and the others all laughed.

Don't say Cao Cao

even if they

Then there is no face to go back to face Cao Xu.

The battle is here, the outcome is no longer in suspense

Next, it is the question of how to expand the results of the war and make the war more beneficial

[ps: recommend a friend's book]

[Book Title: "My Elixir is Strong and Invincible"]

[It is a super cool essay on fantasy themes, with a lively and smooth rhythm, friends who like fantasy

You can join us! 】

hit through

Chapter [-] Saved [-] soldiers from Boss Cao

Chapter [-] Saved [-] soldiers from Boss Cao

After Cao Xu burned the black nest.

Stationed in Baimajin.

Tsu means ferry.

Baimajin is the ferry crossing of the Yellow River in Baima City.

Opposite the Baima Ferry is Liyang County, an important town in Jizhou.

Yuan Shao's logistics, support, and supplies were all sent by Li Yang to cross the Yellow River from Baimajin.

Finally, it was transferred at Wuchao and sent to the front line of Guandu.

Cao Xu burned Wuchao, beheaded Chunyuqiong, the general guarding grain, occupied Baima, and strictly guarded Baimajin.

: Yuan Shao lost his supply support and was completely shut down and beaten dogs, and his fate can be imagined


this action.

It can be said to be fast and accurate.

Zhao Yun, Pang Tong, and Zhuge Liang admired him very much.

Unsurprisingly, in just a few days, news of the army's defeat came from the front.

Father and son cooperate perfectly.

Cao Xugang cut off supplies and burned food and grass.

Cao Cao immediately returned to attack, leaving Yuan Shao no chance to escape.

The Rui army was almost completely destroyed, and all the generals and schools were beheaded.

Currently. "Two seventy

Aishao and his eldest son, Aitan, are still at large.

Cao Cao did not intend to let this old enemy go, and sent Zhang Liao to lead a number of light cavalry to go to various crossings.

The mouth must be intercepted on the way to prevent Yuan Shao from fleeing back to Hebei and letting the tiger return to the mountain.

several battles.

The army's morale collapsed and collapsed at the touch of a button.

Cao Jun's battle losses were not high, and the results were exceptionally brilliant!


at this time.

Cao Xu received another message.

This is the report sent by Guo Jia and Xun or.

There were as many as eighty thousand soldiers surrendering.

Cao Cao didn't want to keep these surrendered troops, so he ordered Xu Chu and Xiahou Yuan to dig a mass grave.

The plan is to kill everyone except Zhang Bu Gao Lan.

"All buried alive?

Lu Lingqi and Zhao Yun were both stunned.

Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong also frowned.

That's seven or eighty thousand people!

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