I just heard the last sentence of Cao Xu.

Cao Cao was stunned: "Could it be that Ziqiu has other plans.

Cao Xu nodded and said, "Even if this group of surrendered soldiers can't be transformed into Cao's army for the time being, it will be seven years old.

Wan Qingzhuang is a high-quality labor force of [-] people. For today's imperial court, it is very important.

precious resource!

"We now have a lot of high-yield food to feed [-] to [-] people, but

It is not easy to find [-] or [-] well-qualified and highly efficient laborers.


Rather than kill them all.

"It's better to leave it all to Ziqiu.

"In less than a year, I will be able to give my father a surprise!"

What is the most precious resource this year?

Of course people!

Seventy or eighty thousand young men said they would kill them!

In Pu Xu's view, this is a brain-dead behavior!

Chapter [-] Blood stains the Yellow River! The sad song of the end of a generation of heroes!

Chapter [-] Blood stains the Yellow River! The sad song of the end of a generation of heroes!

"All right!

I heard Ziqiu

"You rarely ask for something from your father.

As a father, can you not give it?"

"However, the big hole has been dug, so it can't be wasted!

Cao Cao laughed wickedly and said, "Since you want to use these people as your father, you can help you and accept them.

Buy hearts!"

so-called buying hearts

It's just a show.

According to the plan, Cao Cao put the soldiers into the Wanjin Pit.

Xu Chu and Xiahouyuan ordered.

When the soldiers were about to be buried, they were almost in despair.

Cao Xu suddenly appeared, defying all opinions, preventing the murder, and saving him in front of the soldiers.

their lives.

As such.

These descendants.

Although it cannot be used by Cao Cao.

But they were so grateful to Cao Xu

For them, Cao Xu is a life saver.

Cao Xu is a little speechless about this, Lao Cao has a lot of showmanship, but it's not a bad thing

, in the future, if you want these people to do things for you well, it is still necessary to brush up on loyalty


As for the use of these [-] or [-] people?

I haven't thought about it for a while, not because I haven't thought about how to use it, but I haven't thought about where to use it.

Labor is needed in many places

Such as farming, such as mining, such as production, and even large-scale steel smelting, shipbuilding, bridge repair

, paving the way, and even rebuilding Luoyangcheng, which was destroyed by the war, and so on.

Don't say seven or eight thousand people.

Give Cao Xu [-] to [-] people.

He can make these people work too!

There are potatoes, sweet potatoes, super wheat, and hybrid rice.

13 for Cao Xu.

Food is not a problem at all

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