No matter how turbulent life was in the past, after tonight, I can finally live in peace.

a few days later.

Zhuge Liang personally came to the door 603.

He brings good news:

"grown ups!

"Not a burden."

"The first steam engine was successfully developed!"

Cao Xu was shocked: "This is a success? No way!

Zhu Liang and Wu couldn't help laughing: "How dare you talk nonsense, if you don't believe me, you can come and see for yourself.


It's only been a game.

Even the most primitive steam engine.

Cao Xu thought it would take a month or two.


Dang Xu underestimated the scientific research ability of Huang Yueying + Zhuge Liang + Ma Jun + a group of researchers

It also seriously underestimates the manufacturing ability of skilled craftsmen in this era.

But obviously.

This is a great thing.

After Cao Xu personally verified.

He then reported the news to Cao Cao.

When I learned that Cao Xu really came up with a steam engine.

Cao Cao also had a look of reluctance, and then he became very curious, so he called Manchao Wen.

Wu, I decided to personally see this item that was blown away by Cao Pi at that time.

Does it really have such an insane value?

Chapter [-]: The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, shining through the ages

Chapter [-]: The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, shining through the ages

The next afternoon.

Cao Cao brought a dozen or twenty confidants to the scene.

Gou Or, Guo Jia, Xu Chu, Xiahou Miao, Zhang Liao and others all accompanied him.

Cao Xu brought Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and Lv Lingqi to help fight, and specially invited Xu Duge.

There are nearly [-] elite students of the School of Physics.


There was a lot of discussion.

Everyone was full of curiosity.

Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Huang Yueying, Ma Jun and others are assembling a strangely shaped large

Stove, build firewood, prepare water, and do all kinds of preliminary preparations.

Xun Yu looked confused: "What the hell is this?"

Guo Jia frowned and said, "I heard that Ziqiu asked Kong Ming and the others to create a system that could move on his own.

, The power is infinite, and there is an organ that uses endless power, and I don't know whether it is true or false. "

Xu Chu didn't believe it: "Impossible, how could there be such a thing in this world, wouldn't it?

It's like a god!"

Zhang Liao was obviously also very suspicious: "This thing doesn't look like a fetish, it looks like a big

Point boiler.

[From everyone's doubts +15230!]


Everyone is full of confusion.

Even Cao Cao is no exception.

They do not believe that there is such a miraculous thing in the world.

Especially after seeing this clumsy and ugly furnace made of solid iron,

This feeling of doubt and confusion is even stronger. It's just a mere dead thing, how can it be?

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