and supporters.


more than two weeks.

No big deal.

Cao Xu spends most of his time at home.

Spend some leisure time with a few ladies.

Writing poems, playing the piano, painting, rehearsing dramas, expressing love for landscapes, romance, and beauty

Eating, playing cards, and rubbing numbness constitute the whole of life. He feels at ease and has no guilt about it.

Sense of.

The general trend of the world, government and opposition affairs, agriculture, civil and military affairs, are supported by Boss Cao, but Cao Xu does not

must worry.

Cao Xu's own affairs.

Full power to the subordinates.

From Guan Yu Zhao Yun, to Sima Wei, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Huang Yueying, and Jia Xu

Everyone, everyone has their own tasks, they are very busy, and they are teaching for Cao Xu.

The layout of education, production, technology and other fields has been painstakingly.


even business.

It is also fully entrusted to Diaochan.

Diao Chan is inside, Mi Zhu and Madam Zou are outside.

Cao Xu doesn't have to do anything, all major industries and major businesses are making daily progress.

Full of bowls, the highest state of being a leader is to fully delegate power and leave important things to the trustees.

Nuo people, let them run, go busy, work hard, and finally present sweet

's fruit.

The end of the year is approaching.

Xudu is now prosperous, prosperous, commercial, and popular, without the slightest chaotic atmosphere.


People began to welcome New Year's Eve. Although there were no fireworks and firecrackers in the Han Dynasty, the people had their own way.

Your own way of celebrating, such as cutting peach wood into a patron saint, and then placing the patron saint on your own.

in front of the house.

This is a very popular custom in Qin and Han Dynasties.

According to (The Book of the Emperor):

In ancient times, there was a pair of immortal brothers named Shencha and Yu Lei, who lived at the foot of Dusu Mountain.

It is said that the evil spirits that harm the world are bound up and eaten by tigers.

Standing Shentu and Yu Lei on the door "to fight off evil", and this is also the prototype of the door gods of later generations.


It seems different today.

Cao Xu brought several wives to Xuchang Palace to participate in the celebration.

Several people found that the patron saints standing in front of the people's door were not only two ancient gods, but

Of course there is also a general.

The world today.

There is only one general.

Cai Yan was very surprised (bhf g) when he saw this.

"The people actually compared the husband to a god!"

Cai Yan came to the Cao family to live for a period of time and entered the door unsurprisingly.

Diao Chan said with a smile: "My husband brought food for the people, and defeated the epidemic in Huainan.

It's not strange to be respected by the common people. I heard that in many places in Huainan

, The people even built a shrine and incense offerings for their husbands. "

When Cai Yan arrived at Xu Lv, it didn't take long to ask.

She has only recently fully understood her husband.

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