"I heard that the general and his wife created a method called drama performance, which can perform (

Can the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai be taken seriously?"

The "Mulan" after this performance is novel and innovative.

However, it is generally still a traditional Chinese opera, mainly based on martial arts, singing and dancing, and acrobatics.

As a supplement, although Liu Xie likes it very much, he is more looking forward to Liang Zhu's drama.

Emperor Tian is a fan of Liang Zhu.

Zeng issued an edict and went to the newspaper office to urge the change.

Cao Xu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, don't be impatient, this is about to begin."

Dozens of people carry props, quickly assemble and set the scene, but it takes only a quarter of an hour to set up

An open-air theatre stage was built.

Scene [-]: Yingtai goes out.

music accompaniment.

I wish the staff came to the stage.

He pulled the noise and sang:

"Abide by etiquette and wish your family a good reputation."

"Yingtai is too self-willed, so she went to Hangzhou to read poetry and books." She was the daughter of the Zhu family and made public appearances to humiliate her family. "

"I was determined not to let her go to Hangcheng, but I was afraid that her condition would worsen, so I thought about it and felt uneasy,


Sing a short paragraph.

Immediately into the story.

【Liu Xie is surprised +500!】

【Cao Cao is surprised +300!】

[Xun or Surprised +500! 1


People on the spot.

All are eye-opening.

Is this a drama?

Several drama actors began to interact.

Use exaggerated expression and tone to promote the story in a dialogue way, mixed with singing

Music, let the story tell the story, has a very strong sense of substitution!

People on the spot.

Most of them have seen Liang Zhu.

Rough men like Xu Chu and Xiahoubiao.

They had not seen it but were also attracted by the drama.

You know, even in the [-]st century, there are tons of games and big-screen movies.

There are all kinds of film and television resources, and there is still room for drama, which is widely popular

School, campus.


in a certain sense.

Cross talk is a type of drama.

This shows the classic of the art form of drama.

Where have people in the Han Dynasty seen such a bold and advanced performance? Liang Zhu's story was originally

Just twists and turns, fascinating, for those who have not been baptized by massive, film and television dramas

It is a classic that is difficult to surpass for modern people.

Performed in a dramatic manner.

Stories come alive and visualized.

No doubt greatly magnifies its beauty.

In addition, the director of the play is Diao Chan and Cai Yan.

Diaochan was in charge of the outline and singing, and Cai Yan was in charge of the lines and the music.

The two put a lot of effort into it, and with Cao Xu's help and guidance, it can be said that it is almost perfect.

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