Who dares to say that a bad word of Cao Cao can be overwhelmed by the spit of the people.

If anyone dares to speak ill of Cao Xu, it is not as simple as being overwhelmed by spittle stars

, In Henan, in Huainan, I was afraid of being beaten to death.

strong public opinion.

Simply destiny.

Liu Xie continued to read recent current affairs news.

A lot has happened to Xu Lu in the past ten days.

such as.

Xuchang City Industrial Park was initially completed.

A grand arrival ceremony was just held soon.

This industrial park was built by Cao Xu's order, and a total of more than [-] strong labor were used.

A pioneering use of cement as a material, so that the construction speed is unimaginable.

Compressed the previous half-year to one-year project to less than a month, and built

The quality and durability of the resulting buildings actually surpass the traditional wooden ones.

material construction.

From the newspaper.

Two hundred factories are currently open.

It mainly provides production bases for patent industries.

The industries gathered in Xuchang Industrial Park include medicine, food, glass, sugar, perfume,

Soaps, drinks, printing, textiles, and various patented products are all completed and able to provide

There are [-] to [-] jobs, and the income of the common people has doubled or tripled, which has greatly increased the financial revenue of the imperial court.



Huaxia production mode.

All are classic smallholder production.

And this is already a little industrialized.

From the management of famine and disease in Huainan, to this light industrial park, Liu Xie couldn't help but once again

Admire Jin Xu's genius-like governance ability and hand over the country to him in the future, that's for sure

Also no problem.

Liu Xie continued to watch.

There is just too much news.

For example, steam engines are used in mines.

For example, Xu Lu College began to recruit students.

For example, the wheat harvest in a certain experimental area was bumper.

Another example is the Huainan Shipyard launching the first batch of warships.

These news can cause a lot of discussion, but Liu Xie is obviously not very concerned about this.

some national events.

His attention was quickly replaced by a piece of news that was not so important that it was ranked very low

attracted. "Xuchang Opera House completed!"

“It will officially open on New Year’s Eve!”

Liu Xie was overjoyed to see the news.

He was also very annoyed: "Damn, it's unreasonable, the theater opened a few days ago

Well, no one notified me!"

What Hebei military situation.

What industrial park landed.

Even if these messages are not reported.

The opening of the Xu Lu Opera House is such an important event.

It is simply outrageous that no one has reported to him!

The Tenth Daily of the Central Plains specially lists the program list. Every day singing and dancing, music and drama performances,

All are carried out at a fixed time. The scale of this regiment is currently small and can only accommodate

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