Intentionally support to win over and cultivate this school.

I hope this "Niu Sima Yi Dun" can make persistent efforts.

Contribute to China's science palace.

Continue to burn yourself for the scientific development of Huaxia.

Not long after Cao Xu made this arrangement, he forgot about it, because it was here and there.

At this time, a major good news came from the north:

"The prime minister has attacked Banye City!" "Saixi Yuan Shang was intercepted and killed while escaping trial."

"The entire Huangzhou has been in the hands of Prime Minister Cao!".

Chapter [-]: The Anti-Cao Great Alliance is Formed

Fast to get Jizhou.

Simply push all the way.

Although Cao Shui's two armies fought a few times.

But there was no long-term confrontation, and it was basically defeated in the first battle.

Yuan's army and the people's hearts are completely lost, and Cao's army's people's hearts and minds want, all counties in Jizhou, hundreds of cities, basically hope

Wind down.

Cao Xu and Jia Xu's assists also play an important role, and Hebei Yuan's has long been exhausted.

How can he stop Cao Jun, whose morale has exploded and is at its peak in all aspects?

Cao Cao took Yecheng.

Start to restore order and clean up the mess.

Jizhou is currently the most populous state in the world.

Cao Cao only needs to stabilize the situation in Jizhou and wipe out the resistance forces and counter-trends of Qing, You and Bing.

If the power is strong, it can be as powerful and easy as anti-learning, and the Cao family's territory has officially expanded to the Yellow River.

Kishi has now become the well-deserved frost master of the Central Plains.

have to say.

This is a leap in Cao's career!

Cao Cao needs to stabilize Jizhou, and take over Qing, You, and Union.

There are still fights, and in a short period of time, they will definitely not come back.

However, Jia Xu and Ma Teng returned to Xuchang ahead of schedule.

this battle.

Ma Teng and Han Sui made military exploits.

The court divided the marquis into separate titles and promoted them to be General Zhengxi and General Zhengnan.

Ma Teng and Han Sui had different attitudes towards the imperial court. Han Sui thought it was the rationale for the imperial court to conquer Guanzhong.

Since he did not enter the dynasty, Ma Teng not only entered the dynasty, but also brought Ma Dai along with his family.

More than [-] clan members, all of them came.

of course.

There is only one exception.

The strongest and most important son of 810 Ma Nitrile: Ma Chao.

Ma Teng's army has many Qiang troops and horses, and his subordinates are many generals of Xiliang and Qiang.

These people know that even if they follow Ma Teng to join the imperial court, most of them will not be reused by the imperial court.

If you simply bring the troops back to Guanzhong, compared to being controlled by the imperial court, Guanzhong is free and easy.

more refreshing.

Matt can do nothing.

Just let them go back.

It just so happened that his son Ma Chao didn't want to enter the DPRK either.

Ma Teng asked Ma Chao to take over his troops.

His idea is very simple. He dragged his family and brought his family to go there. To say that there is no wind at all.

It is impossible to take risks. Let Ma Chao help the troops outside, and it can better protect the whole family.


have to say.

Matt's thoughts.

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