Been preparing for many days.

Without [-]% certainty.

How dare you take such a risk?

You know, this is related to the life of the family, if you succeed, it is fine, in case you lose

Don't say that Cao Xu can't let him go, even Zhang Tai will never forgive him, so

Only success! "Action!"

Everyone checked the hand crossbow.

Then, taking advantage of the night, approached quickly.

Zhang Weibiao roared furiously: "Release the arrow!"

The arrows are like locusts, from the gate, from the window, from all angles, crazy shooting, almost no death

Corner, covering the whole house, if there is a living thing in it, even a mouse

There is no escape!" No movement."

"do you died?"

The crowd almost stopped shooting arrows.

So fierce, such a sudden pleasure.

No matter how high your martial arts are, you can't react in time, no matter how strong your strength is, it won't help you, after all

Even if the King of Foot is reborn, it is only flesh and blood, how can it be in such a rain of arrows?


"Don't be careless!"

"Live to see people, die to see corpses!~

Zhang Wei pulled out his sword and quickly broke into the house.

In the air, blood was pungent, blood was flowing on the ground, and there were several on the bed that were shot.

into the corpse of a hedgehog.

A request for flowers · 0" Haha!

"Sure enough!"

Zhang Wei burst out laughing.

He went up to look at the body of "Cao Xu".

He was going to behead Zhang Lu and Cao Cao, who was stationed outside the city.

Jun, but when Zhang Wei turned the body over, his dangerous expression and smile

At the same time solidified.

"Do not!"

Zhang Weizhen's eyes are splitting!

Lying in bed at the moment.

It was not the Cao Xu he had seen not long ago at all.

They are his wife and eldest son respectively.

The two of them were full of horror, pain, and incompetence at the moment.

Zhang Wei ordered the shooting of arrows just now, thinking that Cao Xu would surely die, but he never expected

It was his wife and children, how could he not be angry with this discovery? The anger continued

A few seconds later, it was quickly replaced by the fear that followed.


and many more!

Why are my wife and children here!

Could it be that - your own plans have been exposed!

But how is this possible? Cao Xu only came to Nanzheng today!

It is impossible for Zhang Lu to know about this matter, otherwise there is no chance to do it at all.

Cao Xu leaked the secret

when. "Get out!"

Zhang Wei was very relieved.

It's almost over!

Now you must evacuate and escape!

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