Much more comfortable than being a warlord before.

Who would have thought that there are unpredictable circumstances in the sky, such a day has passed for two months, and his son Ma Chaotu

However, he rebelled in Guanzhong, causing the whole family to be implicated.

Ma Teng spent more than a month in prison.

At this time, Ma Teng was very scared.

I just feel like I'm dead this time.


The general is gracious.

Only the official position was cut, the family property was confiscated, and most of the fief was deducted, although life was greatly affected

The sound was heard, but Ma Teng's family was released anyway.

In this regard.

Ma Teng was very puzzled by Cao Xu.

His teeth itch with hatred for the betrayal of his renegade son Ma Chao.

Ma Chao used to be Ma Teng's proudest son, Ma Teng trusts him incomparably, no matter how

He didn't expect that he would be betrayed by him, which almost led to the whole family being linked.

Hatred, anger, regret, loss, frustration.

It was at the most confused moment in his life that Ma Teng got a book by accident (Dao

The Classics, when I opened the book, I was immediately deeply attracted.

in the scriptures.

The beginning explains the origin of the world.

This is what everyone is curious about but can't understand.

In the Dao Jing, Lieutenant General calls the whole world the "universe".

"The well of the universe does not exist forever, but is created from nothingness."

"The origin of the universe can be traced back to about [-] million years ago, when the entire world

The world does not exist, there is no question of space, no question of time, no matter, and everything ceases to exist.

Now, the whole world is a dense and hot singularity, like a void and chaotic

egg. "

"In it came a great consciousness that created everything and ruled

The supreme god of all, the Lord himself has no name, but the people of the later generations call him

For: Pangu!"

"Pangu broke the singularity and tore apart the egg of nothingness, warmth and chaos, and the final time was one hundred and three.

[-] years ago, there was an earth-shattering explosion that created the world.

"This explosion created the universe, one is two, two is three, three is all things, the universe is one

All matter in the universe, including time, space, celestial bodies, and life, are caused by Pangu

Appear. """

Ma Teng was deeply shocked.

The Dao Jing goes on to describe the origins of human beings.

It is said in the Taoist scriptures, "This universe is made up of countless billions of stars, all of which obey the

It operates according to the will of Pangu, and the stars that human beings live on are only among the billions of stars.

, an extremely small and insignificant one.

"The great god Pangu has incarnations on many planets, and his incarnation is the world's creatures and the

The origin of wisdom, of which the oldest incarnation on earth is called: Hong hook Daozu

"Hongjun Daozu is the origin of Taoism and the supreme ruler of the human world.

There are ten saints under him, who created all beings, created human beings, and created thirty

Sixth heaven, and eighteen layers of hell.



"Dao Jing.Begin.

Shocking and confusing.

Then the next Dao Jing description is getting closer and closer to reality.

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