Da Qiao thought that this story would definitely help her husband's great educational project, so he wanted to share with him.

Cai Yan and others joined forces to write a great classic work.

Cao Xu thought about it.

He felt fine.

If you want to do it, do it thoroughly.righteous.

Chapter [-] Everyone is talking about Taoism, another round of new thoughts

nearly half a year.

The Chinese language forum is developing very fast.

From the popularity of words to narrative poems, all of them have injected vitality into the literary world.

Among them, the most groundbreaking change is still the emergence of Zhanghui, although the birth of

The birth time is very short, but the development speed is very fast, and it is widely loved by the general public.

There are many well-known works.


There are two most representative figures.

One is Mrs. Da Qiao and the other is the talented Yang Xiu.

The two are recognized as masters of the sect, but their style and style are completely different.

The representative works of Mrs. Da Qiao are Liang Shanbo and Zhu Futai, Hua Mulan, etc., literature

It has a high sex and a strong story, and it also has the meaning of criticizing reality and resisting feudal ethics.

Respected a wave of thought.

Countless supporters.

There are also many critics.

The most successful part of Mrs. Joe's work is that.

Each of her works can be adapted into operas and plays.

"[-]" has now become the most widely circulated, the most classic among the Xuchang City, and the influence

The most far-reaching story can be said to have formed a cultural phenomenon and made Mrs.

Hands can be hot characters.

Yang Xiu's (Langya Biography) and other works, with excellent writing, a lot of explicit description, to

And the delicate research on the relationship between the sexes, all reflect a strong personal style.

It is different from the realism of Mrs. Joe, which is mostly tragic.

Yang Xiu specializes in writing interesting bridges.

Although it's very vulgar, but it's cool enough yy, it's not elegant, it can't be adapted into words

The performance, but Ruo has a very wide audience, making Yang Xiu a genius.

He has published three works.

The total circulation is more than [-] copies.

There is no piracy this year, even if the royalties of each book are only [-]%, they still make a lot of money.

A full bowl, plus the manuscript fee during the serialization period, although Yang Xiu has now made a clear distinction with the Yang family

The boundaries cut off the relationship, and he still lives very well.


Yang Xiu was in Xuchang City.

The size is also considered a celebrity.

Has a large group of book lovers.

Talk and laugh with ru, no contacts STOMATOLOGY.

Write every day, write articles, scold Fang Qiu, and hold high the banner of the New Culture Movement

I don't know how comfortable it is to fight with Confucian Confucians and Taoist guards, Yang Xiu feels that he has found

to a path that suits you best.


That's not enough.

Yang Xiu felt that he had to reach the top.

Only by being the greatest family in this era can he be remembered by the world and let him

His works can be passed down through the ages and continue to be pursued by people thousands of years later.

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