The religious principles that reveal the origin of the universe, the origin of all things, the essence of life, and the destination of the soul

Shocked. "The word universe.

"Take it from Zhuangzi." "Space is the universe, and time is the universe."

"The universe has always existed, and it is clearly stated in the "Dao Jing" that it comes from a hundred

[-] years ago, there was a big explosion of creation! After Pangu created the world, countless

The world, one of our world knowledge.

"Yes, this is confirmed by an article in the Grid News.~

"Then will other worlds also have dynasties and people's lives?"

"It seems that there are really gods in the world, and all beings are constantly reincarnated in the world.

In order to practice, only when you practice @ full can you break free from samsara and enter the fairyland.

"Fengshen Yanyijia has such a background."

"I don't think this story of Romance of the Gods is necessarily a story. 4

"From today onwards, I will do one good deed every day, not for the perfection of merit and virtue, to be ranked in the immortal class, but only for

If you practice well in this life, you can have a good birth in the next life. "1.1"

The story of Fengshen Romance.

The pattern is large, the imagination is majestic, and the plot twists and turns.

Even if it is put into later generations, it is commendable, not to mention that it has not gone through all kinds of fantasies.

The Han Dynasty people who have been hit by the work? There is a whole Taoist scripture as a supplement to the setting, let this

Works become more attractive.

It can be said.

Fengshen Romance is one.

However, it brought great assistance to Zhang Lu's preaching career.

The two complemented each other and soon became popular in Xuchang and then the Central Plains.

After Cao Xu learned that the response was severe, he was dumbfounded, never expected such a situation.

effect, but it doesn't seem to be a bad thing at present, so he also does not plan to


Let people break their lungs!

But at this time.

Zhuge Liang suddenly brought good news to Cao Xu: "General, after our slaves, the preliminary research results of new weapons have been obtained!"

Chapter [-] Cao Wei's brand new secret weapon

On the outskirts of Xu Lu City.

An open meadow.

Cao Xu brought Ruo Lu Lingqi into confusion.

Zhuge Liang's command and order.

A very secretive experiment is underway.

The loud bang of "Boom" startled countless birds.

The stone shook the sky, shook the earth, echoed in the sky, and lingered for a long time.

I saw that there was a lot of dirt and grass scraps in the wild, and a small smoking pit appeared in the center.

【Lu Lingqi is shocked +800!】

She was stunned: "What happened?!"

So loud.

It's too exaggerated!

Zhuge Liang proudly said: "This is a special study of the Academy of Sciences based on the secret recipe provided by the general.

The gunpowder found!"

Lu Lingqi asked, "What is gunpowder? Is it a drug?"

Cao Xu smiled and said, "It's not wrong if you understand it this way, this medicine can't cure diseases, but it can.

To rule people, to rule all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

Zhuge Liang also smiled and said: "Gunpowder can not only be used directly on the battlefield, but also develop a variety of new

The auxiliary weapon can also be widely used in mountain mining and various production.

, I thought it was a great invention!"

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