Loud, deafening sound, but not very lethal, unless it is close to the body, or tied

It's hard to blow up on people, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure that people will be killed.


Even so.

Cao Xu will also invest in this research.

On the one hand, there is one more weapon and one more choice, and on the other hand, the accumulation of technology.

Although it cannot be popularized in a short time and cannot play an overwhelming role in the civil war,

But in the future, the technology will gradually develop and mature, which can make the barbarians who are not very obedient in the Quartet, okay.

Learn what it means to be punished by the gods!

As for whether cold weapons can be eliminated in the future?

Cao Xu felt that it was basically impossible, at least not within a few decades.

From the emergence of hot weapons to the complete domination of the battlefield, in general, after hundreds of years of development,

Even in the Napoleonic morale of the nineteenth century, soldiers were armed with swords.

For this gunpowder weapon.

Cao Xu does not expect it to sweep all directions.

In the future, as long as it can reach the level of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and even the level of open fire weapons, it will be very good.

As for the current stage, Cao Xu only hopes that it can be partially used in the offense and defense of the navy and the city.

, adding a tactical option, thereby enhancing the comprehensive combat effectiveness of Cao Jun.

"Kong Ming, you did a good job."

"However, although preliminary studies have shown results."

"But the current power is limited, and even somewhat unsatisfactory."

"I hope to further improve and enhance it so that it has the ability to break through mountains and crush rocks and be indestructible.

force.At that time, the enemy's city walls were also vulnerable to us! You have to remember,

Gunpowder is an artifact of the country, and it must be taken seriously. "

Zhuge Liang said solemnly: "Please rest assured, General, for how to develop weapons, Liang

At this moment, there is a plan in mind.

He already had inspiration.

Explosives are currently not very salty.

However, when the explosive is dried, it can generate a lot of light and heat.

Zhuge Liang felt that gunpowder could be used as a combustion aid to detonate and combine it with a fuel barrel.

or directly make a large amount of gunpowder into 840 barrels of explosives, and then use the warship to throw

Set to launch, strike the enemy ship.

enemy ships.

It is entirely made of wood.

Such an attack, as long as it takes one hit, is simply unbearable.

The only thing Zhuge Liang has to solve now is how to increase the accuracy of the launcher so that

To ensure that the attack can increase the hit rate, and this is not difficult in the eyes of Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying,

With their attainments in the field of engineering machine maple, they can completely create a set of accurate enough,

Weapons that specialize in firing incendiary barrels and explosive barrels.

Thoughts on Zhuge Liang.

Cao Xu expressed his appreciation and recognition.

At this stage, it is obviously impossible to come up with artillery.

Even if you can get it out, you can't achieve mass production.

But Zhuge Liang's idea is very suitable for naval warfare.

"You can do whatever you want. As for manpower and material resources, the court will support them.

I only have one requirement, to produce results in the fastest time at all costs, and to invest as soon as possible

for purchase.


He glanced south.

Unify the world.

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