Sun Ce is different.

What he wants is hegemony.

The more interesting talents, the better, and the more fierce generals, the better.

Only in this way can Sun Ce have the confidence to fight against Cao Xu.

at the same time.

North, Jizhou, Yecheng.

The Duke of Wei, Cao Cao, encountered a new headache.

He has been in Yecheng for several months.

Yuan Shao's four states are now basically in his hands, all rebellions and internal

The hidden dangers are basically eliminated.

but now.

There are new problems.

Some of the Yuan family's children fled to Wuhuan.

Cao Cao was a little worried, so he called Guo Jia to discuss the matter, "Wuhuan has become more and more popular in recent years.

Growing up, I think it is always a big problem, Feng Xiao thinks how to deal with it?~

Guo Jia said: "Wuhuan was originally an ally of the Ai clan, who once conquered Youzhou and plundered more than ten Han people.

Ten thousand households, swallowing part of the land of Jingyouzhou, their ambition and appetite are not small, Feng Xiao thinks that they cannot

Appeasement, must send troops, once and for all.

Cao Cao also had this idea.

The Wuhuan people Pu and Yuan Shao fought against Song.

Tatton Chanyu is quite talented. In order to stop the development of Cao Wei's forces, he is very likely to follow.

Will support the Yuan family to raise troops.

This will undoubtedly bring great trouble to Cao Wei.


Cao Cao worried a lot.

~"~ Expedition to Wuhuan is extremely difficult, this is not so easy to do. Wuhuan Li

We are far away, and it is only a problem at the elbows and armpits, and Sun Huang Liu Biao is a serious problem for the confidant.

Guo Jia saw that Cao Cao was hesitant to do so.

He then said: "Because the Wuhuan is very far away by relying on our highness, we must be unprepared.

Take advantage of it and launch a sudden attack, which will definitely wipe it out in one fell swoop.

"Duke Wei, although you are powerful in the world, but there are some officials in Qing, Mo, You, and the four states.

The generals are forced to join us because of the situation, these officials and generals and the people of Youzhou and other places

, did not get much benefit from us, may not be loyal to Cao Wei, loyal to the court.

"If you abandon the north and march to the south, you will not be able to win quickly at that time, and the Ai Shi will take the opportunity to use the power of the Wuhuan to rise up.

Soldiers, it is very likely to revive the old army, and make Tau Dun have the opportunity to invade while chaotic.

Ambition, Youzhou will be lost, and Yizhou will be at stake. "Although Sun Ce and Liu Biao are very dangerous, Liu Biao is only asking himself (Zhao Qianhao) to keep him from plotting.

Originally, Sun Ce wanted to attack the Central Plains, but he didn't have the strength. Master Ziqiu guarded Xudu.

Do not dare to act. "

Guo Jia's analysis makes sense.

Wuhuan is difficult to fight, but Jingzhou Soochow is even more difficult to fight.

If the North and South cannot be determined in a short period of time, and they fall into the quagmire of war, they can

It can lead to Wuhuan's entry, and the Yuan family's power to reignite.

that time.

The situation is not good for some families.

However, this battle cannot be rashly started.

Cao Cao accepted Guo Jia's suggestion and made preparations first, such as using a large number of migrant workers,

They began to excavate two water racks for water transportation, one is the Pinglu Canal and the other is the Quanzhou Canal, so that the

Go north to transport grain.

Other than that.

Cao Cao was still worried.

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