Chapter [-] A corner of the prosperous world

Cao Cao saw the reply.

Guo Jia commented: "Those who are good at attacking do not know what they are defending, and those who are good at defending do not know what they are attacking.

The son's strategy is to avoid the real and attack the virtual, making the enemy hard to guard against, and it is very confusing: Feng Xiao

thought it was possible. "

Zhang Liao also agrees very much: "Allowing the general to exchange positions with Duke Wei will not only deter Sun

Liu, let him not dare to act rashly, and let all potential enemies in the north relax.

Weaknesses at the bottom. "

Cao Cao has a lot of experience.

The art of war is flawless.

He naturally saw that Cao Xu's method of attacking and defending on the defensive was indeed very effective.

Ingenious, but he still has his own worries, but this kind of worry is not a strategy

Technique ~ on.

Cao Cao said: "Although Ziqiu is invincible, he has never fought against the barbarians.

This operation will require a solo effort, and I'm concerned for his personal safety-

to be honest.

Cao Cao still protects the calf.

Since you want to win by surprise.

It's about taking the risk.

This battle will definitely be very dangerous, so Cao Cao can't rest assured, he would rather risk this himself

I don't want Zeng Xu to take risks, because the situation in the world has developed to this point,

Today, it is possible to have Cao Cao without him, but - it cannot be without Cao Xu.

Zhang Liao and Guo Jia were helpless.

The master of his own family is too protective of the calf.

Cao Xu is now famous for his bravery and invincibility.

Is there a battle he can't win in this world? Even if it's a situation where the battle is unfavorable

With his strength and skills, as well as the guards of the people around him, he was able to break out of the siege and be amazed.

,no problem.

even so.

Boss Cao still doesn't want to take risks easily.

This shows how important Cao Cao sees Cao Xu.

Guo Jia had no choice but to persuade him: "With the talent of a great general, Duke Wei will never be disappointed.

Zhang Liao also said: "Yes, the general has always had the ideal of attacking the Hu people from afar, and this time it was him.

The opportunity to build merit, as long as the general can eliminate the hidden dangers of the Wuhuan, it will be more and more important from now on.

Megatron Central Plains.


Cao Xu still needs to accumulate prestige and merit.

Although Cao Xu's achievements have been numerous.

But it is not so easy to be completely accepted by the world and replace the Han family.

Cao Cao immediately made a decision to take Zhang Liao, Guo Jia and other people, as well as some elites.

The cavalry troops stayed in Yecheng, and then brought most of their men, as well as the main force of Cao's army.

The team returned to Xuchang.

After seven or eight days.

Cao's army arrived at Xuchang City.

The emperor Liu Xie and Cao Xu went out of the city to greet him, and the momentum was not small, and it would soon spread.


Liu Xie promulgated an edict, making Cao Xu the shepherd of Yizhou, and letting Cao Xu guard Jizhou.

A posture of guarding the rear.

After Cao Cao retreated from the rear, he began to be responsible for strengthening military training and supervising the base camp.

production, and gradually transferred the troops from north to south and deployed them to places such as Huainan and Hanzhong.

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