Xuchang's current scene and spirit.

It was exactly what Cao Cao dreamed of seeing when he was young.

In the past, Cao Cao was full of enthusiasm, but in the face of the increasingly arrogant Han court, he was really heartfelt.

There is more than enough strength. Later, even if the army is self-reliant and absolutely reshapes the universe, I often feel that

no confidence.

Since more than three years ago.

After officially discovering Cao Xu's talent and enabling him.

Cao Cao found that everything had changed, and within the next three and a half years, the Cao family developed their power, almost

Just like opening up, from the lowest point of Wancheng's fiasco, to today's success.

For the hegemony of the Central Plains.

The process is so fast.

It was definitely something Cao Cao didn't think about before.

Cao Cao said to Cao Xu: "You must be modest and cautious in attacking Wuhuan from afar this time, but you must

Take your own safety as the top priority, the outcome of a battle is not important, Youzhou can be lost, hope

The state can be lost, and the entire Hebei can be lost, but Ziqiu, you can’t have an accident!”

For Cao Cao.

Even if the whole Hebei is lost.

It can also be taken back.

If Cao Xu is gone, the loss will be permanent, and it will even be enough to make the Cao Wei Group one

Both are restless.

Dang Xu said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm ready, in two months at most, Father

Dear lord, just wait for the good news to come back!"

To conquer the Wuhuan.

Cao Xu had to do some preliminary preparations.

For example, to withdraw several important generals under his command, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu.

The two have been in Hanzhong and Guanzhong for two or three months.

Guan Yu reorganized the defense line of Hanzhong County and consolidated the position of Xi Army in Hanzhong County, Zhao Yun

He also swept away more than ten rogue forces at one risk, and initially implemented the plan formulated by Cao Xu.

Cao Wei is full of talents.

Cao Cao can reduce the general Cao Ren to temporarily guard Hanzhong.

Let the Xiahou brothers, Yu Jin, Zhang Tai and other generals continue to sweep Guanzhong.

In this way, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun can temporarily withdraw from these two places.Mountain

Chapter [-] Build the invincible Cao Wei Iron Cavalry

Speaking of this battle.

Cao Xu decided to abandon the infantry.

Even abandon large-scale radiation and supplies.

He was going to plan a full cavalry blitzkrieg.

Cao Xu did not have many soldiers in his hands. He eliminated a small part of the troops in Guanzhong and Hanzhong to maintain stability, and others.

The units are all engineering units and currently have their own production and construction tasks.



Cao Cao will always lead the Cao family.

The most elite and most valuable tiger and leopard cavalry was left to Cao Xu to be safe.

Cao Xu had three thousand tigers and leopards in his hand.

Zeng Cao left thousands of elite riders in Hebei.

Two cavalry units joined together would suffice.

【Cao Cao worries +500!】

Less than ten thousand rides.

Such a little force.

Raided the Wuhuan base camp Liucheng?

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