Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1005 ?【Running Wheel Swallowing Dragon Palace Canopy】

Chapter 1005 [Running Wheel Swallowing Dragon Palace Canopy]

When Yangzhou began to change, wars also began to break out in Youzhou, where Lin Mu had just left. Moreover, a battle to promote the name of [Black Tiger] also took place here!

Youzhou, Guangyang County, outside Ji County.

On the vast plain, there are many camps, large and small camps, scattered all over the place, with bright posts and dark posts, intertwined with canine teeth, which is quite strict.

In front of the camp, the Sheng flags were flying, and the crowd was surging. Soldiers wearing yellow scarves kept training in front of the camp, like continuous yellow waves.

If Lin Mu is here, he will also find that many players who joined the Yellow Turban camp are also in the army, and they are also wearing yellow scarves and yellow cloth bags on their waists.

These Yellow Turban soldiers had just been summoned and had not yet been baptized by the flames of war and blood, so the Yellow Turban Qu Shuai held his feet temporarily and stepped up training while waiting.

But when the Yellow Turban Army gathered outside the city of Ji County, the tall city walls inside Ji County were completely quiet at this moment, as if dead still.

"Mr. Guo, the camp outside has already gathered 200,000 people!" A soldier reported with a look of panic on his face.

"In such a short period of time, so many Taiping disciples gathered?!" Youzhou Governor Guo Xun straightened his bloated body and said in horror.

When the Yellow Turban Army gathered, Liu Wei, the prefect of Ji County, and Guo Xun, the inspector of Youzhou, who came over from inspection, were listening to the wonderful music in the city and watching the dancers dancing with incomparable grace!

Guo Xun, when he got the information from Longting through Yinshou, he didn't take it seriously. Taiping Dao is just a Taoism established by folk mud legs. What can he do? Army, Taipingdao won't do anything here. If there are troubled times, you should go to places like Jizhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou. In troubled times, what are you doing in this remote place!

So he came to Ji County to enjoy it in the name of inspection.

However, what he didn't expect was that there were quite a few Yellow Turban Army in Guangyang County. Under the summoning of Commander Liao Hua Daqu, they had already gathered hundreds of thousands of people!

The Yellow Turban Army began to divide into four groups like wolves and tigers, and captured the other four counties in Guangyang County!

This bad news directly terrified all the senior management.

"Wearing yellow scarves, called the Yellow Turban Army... Why did they gather so many people so quickly, and aren't they carrying iron weapons? They are strategic items, don't you usually have no restrictions at all? "Guo Xun dumped the blame on the prefect Liu Weidao.

"I don't know... the number of weapons owned by hundreds of thousands of Taoists is not small. If there is no special channel to supply them, they will not be deployed so quickly."

"All of this was premeditated!" Although Liu Wei was slack in government affairs, his knowledge was not small.

"Could it be provided by a stranger?"

"Impossible. There are quite a few aliens who lack weapons. There is no way to forge such a large number of weapons and armor. Moreover, there are restrictions from heaven, and they will not give the weapons in their hands to the Yellow Turban Army."

"Now, what should we do? Ah... what do you think? The Yellow Turbans have already started appearing on the other three walls!" Guo Xun said in horror, shaking the flesh on his face.

However, the people present were all flustered at the moment, and they didn't have any suggestions.

They know that the defenders in Guangyang County are basically old, weak, sick and disabled who occupy the quota of food and pay. If they want to ask them to defend the city, it is better to open the city directly to welcome them in!

"Mr. Guo, why don't we recruit a large number of aliens in the city, let them help defend the city, and then ask for help, and let volunteers or other county soldiers come to support."

"Maybe there are no other county soldiers to support. The news just came that Zhuo County Zhuo County has also been surrounded by the Yellow Turban Army!"

"What? So fast? The Taoists of Taiping Dao, even if they responded immediately, they would not form their combat power so quickly, would they start attacking Zhuo County?!" Liu Wei felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave at this moment.


At this time, a messenger rushed over.

"If you have any news, tell me!" Liu Wei shouted.

"Report to the prefect, there is salvation! There is a foreigner's territory outside Zhenbei Town. The rebels heard that the Yellow Turbans are in trouble, so they came to help. However, because of the long distance, they will need some time to come to support."

"How many reinforcements are there?" Guo Xun was overjoyed to hear that there were reinforcements.

"The alien messenger said that it is enough to wipe out a million Yellow Turbans!"

"Okay! Immediately gather all the strangers and young adults in the city. We must stick to the city and wait for foreign aid. As soon as the foreign aid comes, we will cooperate with the outside to defeat the Yellow Turban Army and win the top prize!" Liu Wei didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he was overjoyed Crazy, shouted loudly.

When the soldiers on the city wall heard the loud shout, their faces were overjoyed. Is there any foreign aid?

Liu Wei looked around and found that the morale of the soldiers had picked up a little bit, and he felt a little relieved.

At this time, the person who came to help can only be regarded as a life-saving straw. As for whether the stranger will lie, this is not important anymore. At this moment, everyone knows that only by boosting the morale of the young and strong in the city can there be a chance of winning. It is logical to use foreign aid as an excuse.

This is the way Liu Wei came up with temporarily.



"Report!!!" On the side of the Yellow Turban camp, there were also messengers reporting information.

"Report to Commander Daqu that the four major counties in Guangyang County: Guangyang, Changping, Jundu, and Anci have all been captured by our army. Except for the army that placed loot in the county and engulfed the people, the strength of the other four armies has been reduced." Come to Ji County!" A messenger reported to Daqu Commander Liao Huahui.

"Good! The strategy of fixed-point breeding is really powerful. As long as it is used properly, every state can be obtained at your fingertips!" Liao Hua slammed the table and said happily.

Taipingdao, a long time ago, based on the suggestion of Guo Tu, the envoy of the military division, implemented the strategy of "fixed-point breeding".

Fixed-point raising means that one or several strategic resource points are secretly arranged in each state and county, where weapons are cast, strategic materials are hoarded, and middle-level generals are trained to wait for orders. Together, these strategic points are used to assist the army of each state and county , Support them to attack the city, kill the county officials, occupy the states and counties of the big Han, and seize the luck of the world!

Youzhou is a place of bitter cold, and there are only two resource points forged in Taipingdao here, one of which is a weapon casting point, and the other is a strategic material storage point.

Qu Shuai was in charge of the strategic points, so nothing happened. The Yellow Turban Army who launched the uprising easily obtained weapons. So far, the weapon casting point is basically empty. At present, the strategic material storage point is valuable.

The weapon is courage, and the Yellow Turban Army who obtained the weapon, even if they have not seen blood, their aura is different.

"Wait for all the armies to gather, and then upgrade my tent of the heavy weapon of the Taiping God Sect [Turn Wheel Swallowing Dragon Palace Canopy]! Youzhou Governor Guo Xun should have the dragon luck of the Great Han Dragon Court!! We will swallow the Great Han Dragon for the sake of General Tiangong!" Luck!!" Liao Hua exclaimed fiercely.




"The head of the army, the people of Zhenbei Town, have passed the information to Guo Xun, and everything is proceeding according to the plan!" Zhang Xiaohu, the deputy of Huanglong Cavalry, said.

"That's good. Surround the city on all sides. They inside the city, no matter whether the information we convey is true or not, will defend the city with all their strength and consume the elite yellow scarves." Li Dian laughed.

"When the right time comes, we alien reinforcements can come out!"

"All the layout of the chief military division is extremely precise, and we follow the steps step by step, which is really easy."

"Xiaohu, there is a message from the Yeying Department that the strategic point of Taiping Road has started to deliver the second batch of supplies to Cheng Yuanzhi."

"Are you going to loot again?" Li Dian laughed.

"Legion Commander, the next battle is crucial, so I won't go looting. I will arrange for a lieutenant to take the troops with me. According to the original plan, after Cheng Yuanzhi gets into the quagmire in Zhuo County, he will assist Yeying Department, take down the strategic points and cut off their supply. When two tigers fight, one must be injured, and then attack again."

"I just don't know if this Liao Hua is an epic historical general. If so, we might as well kill him!"

Li Dian frowned, shook his head lightly, and said, "I know what you mean, let's wait a little longer. Liao Hua is the one whom the lord calls for, so he can't be killed!"

"In addition, there is news from the lord that the situation has changed, and we have to change our plan a little bit."

"We will not plunder the second batch of resources transported at strategic points, let them be transported over there, Cheng Yuanzhi has a strong enemy, let these materials support him, let him delay a little longer."

"Also, on Liao Hua's side, we don't plan to copy later."

"Now, let's take down the strategic points of Taiping Road with all our strength first!" Li Dian said with a sigh of relief.

"Get strategic resource points first?! Promise!" Zhang Xiaohu didn't question Li Dian's decision, and immediately went to arrange troops.

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