Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1013 ? Gu Yong made things difficult, Lin Mu entered the Lujiang River

Chapter 1013 Gu Yong made things difficult, Lin Mu entered the Lujiang River

Tang Zhou's informant dealt an unprecedented blow to Taiping Dao, especially two months earlier!

According to the original plan, it should be within these two months to secretly gather Taoist disciples, transfer good supplies, determine strategic policies in various places, and then start sweeping the states and counties of the world.

At that time, with the arrival of people, abundance of supplies, and vigour, under the influence of lightning, the whole world, except for the remote counties and core states, would basically fall into their shadow.

"How many people are called so far?" Dian Wei asked in a condensed voice.

"In Lujiang County, a total of 600,000 people have been called..." Zhou Cang said in a low voice.

"600,000 is not a lot. It's time to attack!"

"Taking down the county town of Shu County first."

"General Gongtu, the prefect of Lujiang, has already gone to Shouchun, Yangzhou. If we seize this opportunity, we might be able to capture the whole of Lujiang!" Zhou Cang said in a deep voice.

In Yangzhou, because it is richer and the people live a better life, there are not as many people joining the Taiping Road as in other states and counties. Otherwise, the tens of millions of people in Lujiang County alone would be terrifying.

"Wang Lang's secret territory, have you found it?" Dian Wei asked pointedly.

There are several purposes for him to come to Yangzhou, among which Wang Lang is the key point.

"I searched all over Lujiang County, but I couldn't find it!" Zhou Cang lowered his head and shook his head slightly.

"Are you sure that Wang Lang's private territory is in Lujiang?"

"It's in Lujiang." Dian Wei said firmly. "Since we can't find it, it doesn't matter. Wait until we capture the entire Lujiang River and wait for it to emerge. At that time, someone will clean it up for us." Dian Wei Ning said.

"General Gongtu, I heard that there has been an incident in Youzhou. The governor and the prefect of a county have been killed!"

"Well, that's right! Youzhou is quite desolate. General Liao Hua used tricks to lead the Youzhou Yellow Turban Army into Guangyang County City ahead of time and killed all the officials in the city!" Dian Wei nodded.

However, when he mentioned the Youzhou Yellow Turban Army, something strange flashed across his eyes.

On the Youzhou Yellow Turban side, although there have been major achievements, they are vaguely unstable! In particular, that weird Yellow Turban Army didn't listen to orders and plundered wildly like locusts, looting the other four cities in Guangyang County and engulfing the people.

Of course, he won't tell everyone these things, otherwise, if they set an example, it is inevitable that they will do such an outrageous thing after they are not restrained.

"Okay! Let's start the incident. In the name of Zhoucang Daqu Shuai, set up our banner and raise the account!" Dian Wei stood up suddenly, sonorously.

Following Dian Wei's order, the rhythmic sound of drums began to appear in the sky above Lu'an City, and then, the sound of horns and horns echoed in the sky.

A wave of evil spirit soaring into the sky trembled.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The people in the city, hearing these trumpets and roaring, knew that a mutiny had taken place. It's just that what they didn't expect was that there would be such a day in a small and remote county town like Lu'an City.

Even if the officers and soldiers in the city came out in full force, there would not be such a battle. It must be another mutiny!

The well-informed gentry of aristocratic families closed their doors tightly, because the Taipingdao had caused trouble in Lu'an City.

The Yellow Turban Army in Yangzhou has formed! !

Fortunately, Dian Wei, Zhou Cang, etc. are not as different as the one in Youzhou, otherwise these wealthy families might disappear a lot!

It took eight days after Dianwei led Zhou Cang to start an incident, before the soldiers surrounded the four cities near Lu'an.

Under the momentum of tens of thousands of elite soldiers, cities such as Anfeng, Xunyang, Longshu, and Juchao automatically surrendered and opened their gates.

No way, some county magistrates, after knowing that it was the Yellow Turban Army who had killed them, surrendered without much thought. Even, there are some aristocratic families who secretly let the soldiers guarding the city open the city gate to welcome the Yellow Turban Army into the city.

The momentum is overwhelming!



"Report!! Lord Inspector, Zhou Cang, Commander-in-Chief of the Yellow Turban Army Daqu, set up a flag in Lu'an City to raise his tent, raised his head, gathered millions of Yellow Turban troops, and began to sweep Lujiang County!" A message spread to the Inspector's Mansion in Shouchun, Yangzhou .

Although they had already received that Zhou Canghui would invade Yangzhou with his army, they never expected that it would be started inside Yangzhou.

"Didn't the intelligence say that millions of Yellow Turbans were gathered from Yuzhang County? How did it become Lujiang County?!" Wang Lang panicked.

He has a lot of plans in Lujiang, if he is harmed by the Yellow Turban Army, it will be a big loss.

However, he didn't know what to think of, and he immediately calmed down.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, maybe the layout of Lujiang County can make great contributions!

"Yuzhang, Jiujiang County, etc., there were Yellow Turbans rioting, and they began to cholera the prefectures and counties, but the Yellow Turban army in Lujiang is the most hidden." Zhu Hao said in a deep voice.

At present, the Yellow Turban Army does not seem to be gaining momentum, and some counties can rely on officers and soldiers to guard the city.

"Everyone, we have been discussing for some days, please stick to it, and once you find the opportunity, you will do your best to kill the traitors of the Taiping Dao and return the world to the world!"

"Yes!" Zhu Hao, Gu Yong, Yang Xu, etc. all responded sonorously and forcefully, and then everyone returned to the counties.

Heroes come out of troubled times!

The Yellow Turban Rebellion was their opportunity, the best time to accumulate meritorious service, gain a bright future, and become famous.

They were in the Governor's Mansion these days, but they communicated a lot, including You Zhonglang's discussion about Zhu Jun's going south.

"Lord Inspector, three days ago, I received the military report that General Fubo sent 200,000 troops to Wushang City in Dongye County."

"I don't know how my lord will command these 200,000 people?!" Gu Yong whispered to Wang Lang after everyone left,

In fact, according to normal circumstances, General Fubo Lin Mu could not obey the order of the governor, even some orders of the prefect, but for some reason, Lin Mu always obeyed the orders.

"Yuan Tan must have already prepared a draft, why should I direct blindly." Wang Lang laughed.

Hehe... I really have a draft for a long time! The corner of Gu Yong's mouth curled up without a trace.

"Huaiji County is located in a remote place, and the Taiping Road has not taken root here, so there is no Yellow Turban Army born in the county. Then the 200,000 troops can be used in other battlefields. How about transferring them to Lujiang County?" Gu Yong followed Wang Lang's wishes. Straightforwardly.

In fact, Taipingdao did not preach in Kuaiji County because of Lin Mu's influence. He asked Gu Yong to attack Taiping Dao secretly or explicitly, basically eliminating the spread of Taiping Dao in Kuaiji County.

"Okay! Let's go to Lujiang County and meet Zhou Cang, the commander of Huangjin Daqu!" Wang Lang laughed.

Hearing that Wang Lang approved of this decision, Gu Yong was determined, he was afraid that you would drag Lin Mu to Jiujiang County.

"In addition, you arrange a person who supervises the army to go to Lin Mu's army and command Lin Mu to confront Zhou Cang head-on! Although Lin Mu is a eunuch's minion, his military ability is still very good, and the generals under his command are also very good. Quite a few, it would be easier if he could mess up his military strategy." Wang Lang said solemnly.

Obviously, he still recognized Lin Mu's military ability very much.

"It's difficult for us to intervene in the matter of supervising the army. After all, he is the genuine General Fubo. If he overturns the table and leads the army to ignore Lujiang County, we can't do anything to him. Don't push him too hard."

"However, I can ask Xie Fei, the lord of Wushang City, to make things difficult for him in terms of food and grass, and let his soldiers go to battle half-starved." Gu Yong said with a ruthless look on his face.

"Okay! Yuan Tan is really powerful, he can see clearly. I will do as you please." Wang Lang was overjoyed. It's a blessing that this rookie of the Gu family cooperates with him so much. With the support of the Gu family, the affairs in Yangzhou are much easier.

"When Lin Mu and the Yellow Turban Army are both defeated, then I can come out and clean up the mess! Kill two birds with one stone!" Wang Lang secretly rejoiced.

"Besides, as long as Zhou Cang, the handsome man of Daqu, and Yangzhou Yellow Turban can be completely solved. At that time, my meritorious service, let me go one step further!" Wang Lang was ecstatic in his heart. He seemed to have seen himself entering the center of Longting and fighting side by side with teacher Yang Ci.

"Yuan Tan, there is no Yellow Turban Army in Kuaiji County, why not send some soldiers from the county to come to Jiujiang County for support?" Wang Lang pointed out.

Although the current momentum of the Yellow Turban Army is not great, he is still worried about Shouchun's safety. As a new governor, he does not have a deep management in Jiujiang County like Liu Yao, the previous governor. He needs foreign aid.

"No problem! I can summon 300,000 soldiers from the county and hoard them in Zhuji City, waiting for the situation to change. If necessary, I will rush to help Jiujiang County immediately." Gu Yong said with a gleam in the depths of his eyes.

"However, due to the Xuzhao Rebellion and the impact of natural disasters, the county is very short of food and weapons. I hope the governor can provide support." Gu Yong sighed.

"No more food and weapons?" Wang Lang frowned.

This is already the third time Gu Yong asked him for something.

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