Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1021 ? Dian Wei defeated Xu Huang with one move!

Chapter 1021 Dian Wei defeats Xu Huang with one move!

"It's an honor to trap me with the cub as the bait, the God's Domain as the base, and the talisman as the chain!" There was no panic on Xu Huang's face, but he roared angrily.

What are the three means of pressing the bottom of the box? When Dian Wei heard this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and instead of answering Xu Huang, he looked at Dangkang not far away.

At this moment, Dang Kang still didn't look at Dian Wei, but continued to stare at Lin Mu, as if Lin Mu was a huge and delicious ice cream, attracting it.

Lin Mu next to him saw this scene and heard Xu Huang's words, his pupils shrank suddenly and his heart shook.

In Lin Mu's eyes, Xu Huang and Xu Gongming, who were invincible, were caught by Dian Wei so easily? ! He thought there would be a fight between dragons and tigers!

With a look of horror on his face, Lin Mu couldn't help but backed up a few feet. Sure enough, the guys who can be famous on the list of gods are so cruel!

He could feel that Dian Wei didn't have the attitude of killing Lin Mu no matter what the price was, but he still had the intention to kill Lin Mu. If he had the chance to kill Lin Mu, he would definitely not hesitate.

Feng Zhong who was hiding next to him was the reason for his fear.

In fact, before Dian Wei used God's Domain, he had a feeling in his heart and directly left the range of God's Domain that Dian Wei could create.

He knew that Dian Wei had used some kind of power, but he didn't know it was God's Domain. Previously, I thought it was the trump card to imprison the so-called power of the universe.

"Being able to control the scope and aura of God's Domain, Dian Wei has gone farther than Huang Zhong in the way of God's Domain! I wonder how it compares to Guo Jia?" Lin Mu was stunned.

He has already known some of Huang Zhong's secrets. Huang Zhong's Nine Suns God's Domain does not have the means to control the radiation range of the God's Domain at will. It can only be said that Huang Zhong has mastered the God's Domain, but he cannot completely control the God's Domain.

Perhaps, this is the gap between them.

Dian Wei glanced at Xu Huang, then at Lin Mu who was hiding in the darkness, and then at Dang Kangrui Beast.

"Little guy, it's hard for you to grow up here, why don't I send you to a place where you might grow up better, in the future... maybe my life will have to be blessed by you once." ..." Dianwei's figure flickered, came to Dangkang's side, and whispered softly in a voice that only he and it could hear.

At this moment, Dang Kang turned his head slightly, and finally took a deep look at Dian Wei, with a strange look in his eyes, and then looked at Lin Mu again. It seems that Dian Wei is not interested at all.

"To attract Dangkang so much, could it be that Lin Mu's dragon luck has surpassed ten dragons? Should I tell Zhang Xuangan about this information?!" Dian Wei thought silently in his heart. This Dangkang is a young beast, and it is still wild. It does not recognize Wang Lang as the master. This shows that Wang Lang does not have the dragon luck that blesses him, only the great Yangzhou luck!

Dian Wei didn't have the skills and supernatural powers such as Wang Qi, and he didn't know the dragon luck on Lin Mu, so he could only speculate from the surrounding things.

Dian Wei took out the jade talisman again, and suddenly input the power of the gods, and the next moment, a bright yellow light flashed, and the auspicious beast Dangkang had disappeared.

Dang Kang didn't struggle, as if he was persuaded by Dian Wei's words. In fact, it's not that it can't resist, its natal supernatural powers haven't been used yet! Even, Dian Wei's jade talisman has the ability to jump out!

The moment it disappeared, it was still staring at Lin Mu closely, as if its eyes never left Lin Mu during the short capture process.

"Grow well, your natal supernatural powers must grow well..." Dian Wei murmured again in a voice that only he could hear.

Then Dian Wei threw the jade talisman sharply at Lin Mu who was hiding in the darkness.

At this moment, Xu Huang finally noticed Lin Mu's existence.

Originally thought that the military general hiding next to him was only Dian Wei's deputy general or personal guard, but he couldn't imagine this situation.

In fact, Xu Huang thought this way because he was influenced by Feng Zhong who was hidden next to Lin Mu. Because of Feng Zhong's breath, he is very familiar with it!

Even on the way here, he planned to flee with Dangkang under the siege of the two.

Unexpectedly, without even using a single move, he has already fallen into such a situation!

As if he had finished something important, Dian Wei let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at Xu Huang.

Seeing Dian Wei looking at him, Xu Huang didn't know what was going on, he could feel that Dian Wei seemed different at this moment! As for the difference, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Xu Gongming, you are not convinced, next, I will let you go, if you can accept my three tricks, I will let you go!" Dian Wei said quietly.

"If you can't take my three tricks, how about you leave Wang Lang and join Zhang Jiao's command?" Dian Wei grinned, revealing a row of white teeth.

Dian Wei's voice seemed a little strange under the starry night, even Lin Mu in the distance could feel a ferocious aura brewing.

Three moves to subdue Xu Huang? Lin Mu is looking forward to it now.

But at this moment, Xu Huang saw the row of white teeth that made him feel terrible, as if he was stared at by an awakened giant beast, his hair stood on end, like falling into an ice cave.

Before he was entangled in strange chains and influenced by Dianwei God's Domain, he had never been afraid, but at this moment, before he saw Dianwei's methods, he felt a sense of crisis that a giant beast was about to tear him apart.

However, Xu Huang, who is proud of his heart, is confident that he can resist the three moves. Moreover, he can't even do three tricks, can he run? After hesitating for a moment, Xu Huang nodded emphatically.

He has self-confidence, and Dian Wei also has self-confidence, let's see who is more powerful!

"Kaka..." A subtle voice sounded, and Xu Huang knew that the chains that tightened him were slowly loosening. However, he could feel that the weird chain was still nearby. As long as he dared to take a step back, the weird chain would definitely lock him again. At that time, he would have no chance.

"Could it be that we're going back to that prison again? Sigh..." Xu Huang thought, and a big ax appeared in his hand.

"Boom!!!" Xu Huang's face turned hard, a majestic aura came out of his body, and his whole body swelled, and then turned into a series of divine energy condensed around him, gradually converging into a purple shield.

The shield of divine origin power is more powerful than the defense of the heaven-ranked blue dragon armor in Lin Mu's hands!

Dian Wei on the opposite side didn't have such a big battle, he didn't even take out his halberd, he just stood ten feet away from Xu Huang calmly.

After feeling Xu Huang's aura rising to a certain level, Dian Wei grinned, and the row of white teeth reappeared, and then Lin Mu saw a scene that Dian Wei had never seen before.

Without the slightest warning, a huge black shadow that lifted the sky suddenly appeared in the sky above Dian Wei.

Origin Yuanling! ! !

That black shadow that lifted the sky was Dian Wei's original spirit! !

The four people present all knew what it was!

Can't see clearly, although the three know that the black shadow is Dian Wei's original spirit, the spirit of the gods, but they can't see what it is, because when it comes out, the sky and the earth suddenly dim, the stars in the world, the fire in the valley, Even the sound of fighting and so on seemed to have disappeared!

At this moment, the world is dark and silent!

Phew, a subtle voice sounded, and Feng Zhong's figure slowly appeared from behind Lin Mu. At this moment, Feng Zhong no longer hides, just to observe the next three moves!

Seeing this scene, Xu Huang was dumbfounded! He just wanted to shout out that it was unfair, but he found a huge oppressive force suddenly roaring.

There was no time to escape at all, he seemed to be frozen again.

boom! ! ! ! A huge voice suddenly spread out.

Xu Huang hit the front with a big axe, and received such a blow abruptly.

The scorching aftermath of sparks splashed directly through the shield of Shenyuan, burning Xu Huang's skin, and the smell of barbecue spread.

Then, under the pressure of the unbearable superpower, the brilliant purple shield of divine essence directly collapsed.

The roar of the resounding clouds echoed above the valley. Everyone felt as if their ears had been blasted by thunder, and the sky was dark.

Surroundings, the original trees had long been turned into dust, the forest was broken, and a huge pothole appeared, and Xu Huang half-kneeled in the pothole.

At this moment, Dian Wei's strength has increased dramatically, and it is many times more terrifying than the two previous fights!

He was horrified! One move, he can't take it! That's right, Dian Wei's move has been reserved.

"One move!" A huge voice suddenly appeared, as if it was about to break the sky.

"Fierce! Fierce!!" Lin Mu and Feng Zhong were shocked.

"Feng Jin, what strength is he?!" Lin Mu stared at Dian Wei intently, and asked in a trembling voice.

"I thought he was similar to Han Sheng before, but at this moment, I feel that Han Sheng is not as good as him. I don't know the specific cultivation level, but it should be more than six yuan! Stronger than Feng Xiao!"

At this moment, Dian Wei seemed to be out of some kind of shackles, and exploded with all his strength!

One move, one move, Xu Huang is convinced!

"Although your growth trajectory has grown somewhat, it is nothing compared to mine!" Dian Wei's domineering voice came.

Dian Wei at this moment is more violent, more fierce, and more domineering than the previous battle with Huang Zhong!

Could this be Dian Wei's full strength? !

(Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, cheer for the students all over the country! Book friends who are going to take the college entrance examination, Xiaomu is here to cheer for everyone! I feel that Xu Huang is easily subdued by Dian Wei, and there is no sense of imagery. I am a little unwilling, so I show Dian Wei's strength, I wrote an extra chapter to suppress the situation.)

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