Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1054 Zhao Yun's invitation, Li Dian's courage

"Let them mess up...Let them fight to the death at the front...We can collect the persecuted people in the back." Zhang Xiaohu laughed. The battles in the Great Wilderness Territory have always been smooth and smooth, making these generals very comfortable.

"Getting Liao Hua's Zhuanlun Tunlong Gongpeng, Cheng Yuanzhi, with so many troops, fought fiercely for more than a month, but he still hasn't broken through Zhuo County. I'm really speechless!" Li Dian stood up and looked into the distance, sighing with emotion.

The Yellow Turban Army in Youzhou was not too scattered, and after the conquest of the Great Wilderness Territory, there were not many left. Some elites, including the remnants of Liao Hua, were deliberately driven to Zhuo County, Zhuo County by the Wild Dragon Army, and joined forces with Cheng Yuanzhi and Da Qu Shuai.

However, Li Dian deliberately sent Liao Hua's wheel-swallowing dragon palace pendant to Cheng Yuanzhi.

It's a pity that he still didn't break through Zhuo County.

"It should be because there are fierce generals in the city! Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, once they appeared, even if the Yellow Turban Army captured the city wall, they were all killed."

There are two divine generals of heaven and earth in Zhuo County, can we not guard them? !

"Those four guys stayed together all the time, didn't they separate?!" Li Dian asked in a calm voice.

Ranger News reported: "That's right! The four of them have been together all this time, and they have never been separated at all. Even if the prefect Liu Yan strongly requested, there is no way."

"Hehe... It seems that Liu Yan has a problem with them."

"According to the rumors of other people, I heard that Liu Yan wanted to recruit Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to cause conflicts. It's a pity that Liu Bei shunned them all in the name of sworn friendship." Ranger News reported.

In the group of four who became righteous in Taoyuan, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei came into Fayan's eyes. That guy Liu Bei had a deep scheming mind. How could Liu Yan not see it? As for the stranger Zhu Xuan, he just ignored it.

"My lord has sent news that if we can break up the four of them, we will be able to obtain the merit of a god-level mission. This mission is really not easy!" Zhang Xiaohu said with emotion.

"Forget it, the layout of these small tricks is just done incidentally. Now, our goal is Cheng Yuanzhi!!" Li Dian's tiger eyes shot out with a breathtaking brilliance, sonorous and forceful.

It turned out that Li Dian came here to plot Cheng Yuanzhi!

Cheng Yuanzhi is the commander of Daqu in Youzhou, and he owns a palace canopy that swallows dragons. Under various calculations, the soldiers and horses are not at all comparable to Liao Hua, the commander of Daqu who was calculated.

The Youzhou strategy of the Great Wilderness Territory did not include Cheng Yuanzhi in the layout. Because the Great Wilderness Territory wants Cheng Yuanzhi to go south. It's a pity that after Cheng Yuanzhi gathered so many Yellow Turban soldiers, not only did he not capture Zhuo County, but he also stayed in Zhuo County firmly and did not go south.

The ambitious Li Dian decided to use his strength to kill Cheng Yuanzhi, who had already made a fool of himself!

Because he knew that Cheng Yuanzhi was an epic general with a historical characteristic!

He happened to be in urgent need of an epic-level soul talisman!

"Legion Commander, outside the camp, those alien lords have come to visit again, do you want to meet?" The rangers came to report again.

"Those guys are really annoying, they have come to visit dozens of times!!" Zhang Xiaohu rubbed his forehead and said with a wry smile. Zhang Xiaohu really experienced the patience of a different person during this time. Stickier than brown sugar!

What kind of dragon coral in the sea, what antiques from the previous dynasty, etc., in order to meet Li Dian, Yiren used all means of bribery, and he almost didn't contribute Yiren's beauties!

Well, after the appraisal, it was either a fake or a useless decoration.

Of course, the upright soldiers of the Great Wilderness Territory will definitely not accept these shoddy things.

"Don't worry about them!" Li Dian waved his hand. Compared with the protagonist Lin Mu, these people are simply rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

The generals began to discuss some military affairs.

Just after they basically finished their discussions, there was a commotion outside the camp.

"Zhao Yun!! I love you!! Zhao Yun!!!"


"Changshan Zhao Zilong, I am the spear king of Hedong. I love a piece of firewood. How dare you get off your horse and fight me!"


"Changshan Zhao Zilong, I am Chen Hui, the descendant of a famous family, and my family is the richest in the world. If you come to my territory, I will let you command millions of elite soldiers and beat Fang Qiu!"


"Zhao Yun, I am Liu Fuhu, the queen of King Jing of Zhongshan. Now the world is dark and the dragon court is decaying. I sincerely invite you to come under my command as a general, clean up the universe, and restore the Han Dynasty to a bright future!"


A loud noise echoed over the camp. This is the voice of those stubborn aliens!

Li Dian had already seen such an attitude.

There is arrogance, there is arrogance, and there is also ignorance... Life is full of states!

After King Jing of Zhongshan and after King Lu Gong, they sprung up like mushrooms after rain. If the lord hadn't told him in advance, maybe Li Dian would really have met these Empresses of King Jing of Zhongshan and Empress Lu Gong when they first met.

"Legion Commander, Zhao Yun is here again!" A ranger rushed over to report to Li Dianhui.

Hearing this, Li Dian's tiger's eyes flashed sharply, and he nodded.

Zhao Yun, the core target of the God Rank No. 2 mission in the Great Wilderness Territory!


Actually, this is not the first time Zhao Yun has come here. After they dealt with the battle situation in other counties, they completed their set goals and rushed over immediately. And since then, strangers have been harassing him.

It may also be because of other people that Zhao Yun found this place.

For the first time, Zhao Yun wanted to invite Li Dian's rebel army to cooperate with Baima Yicong, to attack the Yellow Turban Army's central army from behind, join the defenders in Zhuo County, cooperate from inside to outside, and defeat the Yellow Turban Army!

But at that time Li Dian had just settled down for a long time, and he kept coercing the people, so he didn't have time to pay attention to it.


【God Rank Task List】

[Task No. 2]: The only target: Zhao Yun, a real person from Changshan, Jizhou!

The key people involved: Tong Yuan (master), Zhao Yu (his sister), Zhao Feng (his brother), Xia Houlan (fa Xiao);

Attached to the task: Zhao Yunzhi's portrait, Zhao Yun's location distribution map, Zhao Yunzhi's character description, Zhao Yun's relationship context information;

Mission introduction: This character prefers white, and the mantra to introduce himself is generally "I am Changshan Zhao Zilong". His whereabouts are quite elusive, and he may appear in Changshan Zhending, Jizhou, or in Bingzhou (worship teacher Tongyuan, Bingzhou); where he appears It can also be the Youzhou area (becoming an official Baima Yicong); this task requires the cooperation of multiple states, Tianjia 1 (Jizhou), Tianjia 2 (Jizhou), Tianjia 3 (Bingzhou), and Tianjia 9 (Youzhou) Supervisor.

Important information: Changshan Zhending Zhaojiazhuang, the person in charge Tianjiaer (Jizhou)! If it is completed before he becomes an official, the task reward will be doubled!


Li Dian knew this task list by heart.

Although the Yeying Department is basically busy behind the scenes, once these characters appear, they are basically on the battlefield, and they have a good chance to meet these generals.

When Zhao Yun came here for the first time, he was very excited because he was the one who met Zhao Yun!

It's a pity that I later learned through Zhao Yun that he had already become an official, and he had been mixed up in Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong.

Li Dian felt very sorry for a while.

"Hurry up! No... I'll pick it up myself!" Zhang Xiaohu suddenly stood up. Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaohu ran out directly.

Li Dian was the leader of this 'rebel army', and had the same status as Gongsun Zan. In order to pretend to be coercive, Li Dian did not move. And he also knew that Zhao Yun was coming again through those noisy words.

Soon, Zhang Xiaohu came in to meet a handsome general with imposing appearance, sword eyebrows and star eyes, white armor and white spear.

Seeing Zhao Yun, Li Dian felt a little emotional in his heart: "Personal hobbies with unique characteristics may be able to add points, I want to focus on a color hobby in the future?! Black armor?"

"Welcome to the cavalry general Zhao Yun. Come, please take a seat." Li Dian got up to greet Zhao Yun, and greeted him enthusiastically.

"The honored guests come to the door, and the luxuriant plants are shining, come and serve the wine and food!"

The lord said that if you want to make friends with fierce generals, you must have wine and meat. If you have beautiful women, you can also perform a beauty dance. Regardless of whether it is corrupt or not, as long as you can recruit real fierce generals, you can be reimbursed for whatever you spend!

"Thank you General Li Dian for your hospitality!" Zhao Yun said indifferently.

He had already felt Li Dian's enthusiasm. The enthusiasm of the aliens scorched him like a flame, it was no longer hot, but burned into charcoal!

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