Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1106 The twenty cities of Xuzhou fell, and the world was in chaos (Part 2)

However, everything is not over.

After the first fallen city appeared, it was like a domino effect. Announcements in the Xuzhou area kept appearing, and county towns were captured by the Yellow Turban Army!

One after another, the Yellow Turban faction's sky-level mission [Siege of the City] has been completed!

The Yellow Turban soldiers of Taiping Road attacked the city without announcement, except for killing important figures, such as the prefect and the governor.

And after the player-based troops capture the city, they will have the opportunity to be on TV!

However, those who appeared on TV were not very well-known figures, such as Jiang Chenglong, Ji Beiqin, etc., none of them.

The Huaxia Channel suddenly became crazy and turbulent.

"Holy shit, shit, shit! Capture a city and let them take away the resources inside?!! This is too cool! Get rich overnight!"

"Want to create a myth of wealth? Come on, attack the county seat! Capture one, and you will be the myth of wealth in the limelight!"

"Strange, why are these third-rate and fourth-rate lords! First-rate and second-rate lords have no strength? Or are these third-rate and fourth-rate forces pretending to be pigs and eating tigers?!"

"Where's my shepherd king? Where's the world's number one lord? Why hasn't there been any news recently?! Are you holding back a big move?!"

"Analyst Emperor, come out and analyze a wave!!"

"It's coming! It's really shocking! I didn't expect that our group of people would have a day to show off in the announcement!"

"Let me tell you a situation first. I counted carefully and found that a total of nine cities have fallen! There are still eleven cities under attack. According to the live broadcasts of some live broadcast rooms, no accidents, the fall is inevitable ! In other words, twenty counties will fall! This is almost equivalent to a large county!" On the China Channel, a well-known analysis king was explaining.

"These forces must have planned a long time ago, using real historical data to play this game of chess! This is a success!"

"Also, a veteran asked just now why the third-rate and fourth-rate forces joined forces. It is because the peak lord forces in China have joined the Han camp!! Therefore, they will not attack the county, unless it is a city captured by the Yellow Turban Army. The big man camp is sure to win, and in the long run, I will definitely not join the Yellow Turbans!"

"However, these forces may be trying to gamble and turn bicycles into motorcycles, so they are desperate to make a big wave!"

"These lords are silent on weekdays, and they didn't participate in the Eastern Ocean Expedition, just to preserve their strength and make a blockbuster! Niubi!!"

"As for Lin Mu, some players saw that he was in Yangzhou, and some players said he was in Qingzhou or Xuzhou. As for which one is correct, there is no way to know. We can only ask him. However, Lin Mu is a staunch royalist. They shouldn’t be attacking the county seat, so everyone won’t be able to see it.”

"Moreover, based on my observations and information collection, Lin Mu seems to be dealing with the Yellow Turban Rebellion at a leisurely pace, without the domineering arrogance that swept across and pushed across to the Kingdom of Dongying! Many fans of Mu It was quite a surprise!"

"Okay, old iron, that's all for today's analysis, everyone...see you later...fuck...there is an announcement from Huaxia!" The analysis emperor seemed to have heard something.


"—Announcement from the Huaxia District: Ten cities with gold belts and armors, my life is up to me! In the epic historical battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, players from the Yellow Turban camp captured ten cities from the Han camp, and the players from the Yellow Turban camp received a special buff: [Siege the city ]. From now until the end of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the protection buffs of all player territories will be lifted, and players or aborigines of different camps can attack the territory of the enemy camp, please pay attention!"


"..." Three vast Huaxia District announcements directly shocked the whole country!

Especially for those player lords who are away on an expedition, it is like pouring a plate of cold water!

Thoroughly cool!

For the sake of battle points and meritorious service, many lords basically put all their eggs in one basket to participate in the battle. In the territory, except for the sub-professional vassals and some militiamen who maintained order, the soldiers were basically taken out by them to do things.

They can be so crazy because the territory will not be attacked. And now, the territory protection buff is gone... What about the territory?

The Yellow Turban Rebellion is the most chaotic period at present. Anything can happen. NPCs who are hungry and can't bear it may attack their territory and loot their food stocks!

In more serious cases, even the heart of the city may be destroyed, and the village building order may be looted!

All of a sudden, the whole of China is surging!

Many hidden player lords began to appear, or directly returned to their hometowns to defend, or crazily attacked the enemies of the camp, and returned to their hometowns after preparing for a wave of points and meritorious deeds, or some players asked their companions who guarded their hometowns to start moving to the deep mountains and old forests... …The various life styles of the players began to appear continuously.

On the Huaxia Channel, because of this announcement, it became quiet for a while.

After a while, those players who were not lords began to gloat.

"Damn...Lords and tyrants, you also have this day! You have to guard your home, and I, the yellow scarf, is going to go out!"

"The lord player is trembling..."

"The test for the lord players has finally come! I hope that after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, you will see that everyone's territory is still in place! Let's do it and cherish it!"

"Look! I guessed at the beginning that the player's territory will definitely be brought into the Yellow Turban Battle by the system, and the waves will wash away the sand! It really came true! From now on, everyone will ask me to guess the drama king!"

"The world is going to be in chaos..."



Yangzhou, in Lin Mu's tent.

"Sure enough! It still appeared!" Lin Mu sighed with emotion.

This is really not good news for Lord players. Without a safe rear, how can we participate in the battle with peace of mind?

Maybe you kill the thief in the front, and you don't even know that your hometown is taken away in the back!

Especially for the very special group of players, as long as there are no certain restrictions, there are as many variables as the water in the ocean.

"The Yellow Turban Rebellion in the previous life was washed away by the big waves, but 15% of the territory was lost. I don't know what the consequences will be if this time is brought forward?!" Lin Mu sighed softly.

It's not his Sacred Heart's pity, but he doesn't want players to hinder his plan and doesn't want to see Huaxia's overall strength weakened.

It is easy to destroy a territory, and it may be done in a few hours, but it is very difficult to build a territory, one year, two years, four years... It is possible.

"However, it's okay... Youzhou, Qingzhou, and Yangzhou are basically fine. These three states should be much better than the previous life!" Lin Mu said to himself easily.

Because of his layout, the Yellow Turban Army in Youzhou, Qingzhou, and Yangzhou were basically wiped out, or they were in his hands, so it shouldn't be too chaotic.

"Boom!!" At this time, a slight earthquake was felt, and there were bursts of roars echoing outside.

Ding Feng's army has arrived!

Lin Mu raised his head and stood up slowly.

When he came outside the camp, he found that the first to arrive was not Ding Feng's army, but his star army.

"My lord, you are indeed stationed here, and you are indeed a brave man!" Cui Wu pulled his horse and galloped over, flattering him.

Lin Mu's camp was laid out on the plain in a daze, facing the city occupied by the Yellow Turban Army.

"Let's go, I feel that Ding Feng's army is not far away!" Lin Mu beckoned.



Xuzhou, Xiapi County, Huaipu City.

In the City Lord's Mansion, a player stood with a livid face, staring blankly at the attribute panel.

"So that's it! After players from the faction capture ten NPC cities, they will activate this hidden buff! However, why is that protection mechanism gone? Our territory is like a drunken beauty who takes off her clothes. Can it be ravaged?!" The player scolded rudely.

"Boss, the warehouse of the City Lord's Mansion has basically been moved! There are many good things, there are three illustrated books, more than 30 copies of blueprints, more than one hundred talismans, a lot of military rations, and many valuables. It should be that those officials were afraid of being held accountable or in order to deal with the Yellow Turban Army, so they hoarded it, completely exceeding previous expectations! I thought that the moths would embezzle cleanly, but there were only standard armor and blueprints and illustrations, and nothing valuable. Unexpectedly, there are so many things, developed!" A player reported happily.

Hearing this information, the lord player was shocked. Sure enough, capturing the city is really delicious! The feeling that the territory was at stake was suddenly diluted by joy.

"Okay! After moving the county government, go to the predetermined location and start the looting carnival plan! Build it hard!" The lord ordered with a stern look on his face.

Before returning to the territory, you must go crazy! ! Whether it is his own territory or the suzerain's territory, there are not many troops stationed in the territory.

It would be terrible if it was coveted by players from the big man camp!

Rob! Hurry up and go home!

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