Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1108: The Tragedy That Shocked the World (Part 1)

Before Twenty Cities ignited the flames of war, changes were also taking place in Lu County of Pengcheng Kingdom.

Luxian City of Pengcheng Kingdom has been occupied by the Yellow Turban Army, and its garrison general is Wu Huan Xiaoqu Commander under Zhang Kai's command.

And Wu Huan, Xiao Qushuai, is obviously from the Great Wilderness Territory!

"Wu Qushuai, the troops have assembled!" the lieutenant said in a deep voice.

"Okay! Has the logistics started?" Wu Huan nodded excitedly, and then asked again.

The soldiers and horses did not move, but the food and grass went first. This is what he learned from the book.

"It has already set off in secret!"

"Okay, after the assembly is complete, we will start to sweep the villages and towns around the county. The alien territories of the Han camp can also be attacked. We will start to coerce the people and loot their property!" Wu Huan said in a voice.

"After engulfing the people around, they began to rush towards Pengdu City, and then engulfed the people around the capital to attack the capital!" Wu Huan said ambitiously.

Hearing Xiao Qushuai's words, all the elders of the Yellow Turban burst into joy. They've had discussions before, they've developed a strategy. For the people who coerce the hostile camp, and even loot the treasure house of some noble families, the harvest will be great!

As for attacking the capital, it is not impossible.

"Notify the brothers, don't use small yellow bags to pack supplies, but use horse carts to load them. Those things belong to us!" Wu Huan instructed the elders in a low voice.

"Xiao Qu is handsome, don't you use the little yellow bag?! How can you explain to the general that day?" Hearing Wu Huan's words, the elders all showed embarrassment.

The little yellow bag is actually the 【Resource Vault Beacon Bag】!

"Why? Don't you dare? We coerced the people and ransacked like locusts. Can we explain to General Tiangong? General Tiangong is far away in Jizhou. They have completely controlled Jizhou. The Han army cannot enter. Brothers in Jizhou, I heard that we have already begun to enjoy the fruits of victory, so what if we just collected some property in a remote place and filled the pockets of some robes?" Wu Huan asked bewitchingly.

Those elders with hesitant faces immediately cheered up when they heard this.

This statement makes sense! They have worked hard for the Taiping Dao and have always obeyed the orders of General Tiangong. Now, the situation seems to have stabilized, it's time to enjoy a wave of victory! !

Seeing everyone's excited faces, Wu Huan cursed inwardly: "Damn, Zhang Kai actually arranged for a few elders to come over to supervise the battle. Otherwise, I would have already made up my mind! Why bother with these guys!"

"However, after starting to act, let these guys make a lot of money first, then go back there, first confuse Chen Bai, Huang Xiang, and Wan Bing, the three little Qu handsomes, to join the wave, and then let Zhang Kai also Get into the water! Xuzhou, it's impossible to be quiet!" Wu Huan's pitch-black eyes faintly glimmered.

"Xiao Qushuai, actually, why don't we ransack the mansions of those guys in the city?" An elder stood up and asked.

At this moment, for the sake of treasure, they have already thrown General Tiangong's instructions into the endless sea.

Hearing these words, Wu Huan twitched his lips, and said in his heart: "I really want to, but there are not so many troops, so I have to confuse you guys to do it!"

"General Tiangong has instructed not to disturb those nobles and nobles. Apart from not turning against them, another reason is that the servants in their mansion are very powerful. If they are provoked, it will be a disaster!" Wu Huan waved his hands.

"Hehe...we don't want to attack those big gentry families...Ordinary gentry families and small gentry families, you can slaughter them! Besides, we just loot the treasures and try not to kill, which is worthy of General Tiangong's order." Another The elder stood up and said.

In order to fill their pockets, these guys have gone crazy!

"That's good! You are the pillars of Zhang Kai and Daqu Commander. You should have the opportunity to loot the property first. The property in Lu County will be handed over to you! You lead your troops to attack 600,000 people , go looting! I will lead my 200,000 units out of the city first, and start to implement the plan." Wu Huan pondered for a while, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and then said helplessly. If this decision is not good for him, it is very beneficial for the elders.

Hearing Wu Huan's arrangement, sure enough, the elders showed joy. This little Qu is handsome, but Zhang Kai is still very afraid of the big Qu being handsome. The property in the city belongs to them!

After the discussion was over, with an order, the Yellow Turban Army, which could not be counted at a glance, began to surge.

Such a change directly makes the city fly like a dog. Because, a solemn and murderous atmosphere seems to be lingering over the city.

Wu Huan went out of the city directly with this series, and started a huge coercion plan!

However, compared with the complicated situation inside the city, the villages and towns outside the city are much easier. Many people affected by natural disasters and man-made disasters, under the instigation of Taipingdao, tied up yellow scarves and started their career journey.

Hmm... In layman's terms, it means getting on a thief's boat!

The journey went smoothly, and Wu Huan's Yellow Turban Army rapidly expanded from 200,000 troops to 600,000!

This is because Wu Huan didn't drag the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled in a frenzy, otherwise the number would be even greater, and it might be several times.

The current population statistics of the Han Dynasty are very rough. They are basically the people in the city and the people in the outstanding towns nearby, and there are many people living in relatively remote towns and towns, which are not counted. Moreover, some gentry and gentry will secretly control some towns, occupy land, and raise servants.

"It's the Xuanjie village building order again, why isn't there a better one?!"

"Hmm... hey, a picture book, a good harvest!"

"The number has reached 600,000...the logistical pressure is a bit heavy..." Wu Huan's voice kept coming from a temporary tent.

"Report!!" At this time, there was a hurried report from outside the tent.

"Report! Mr. Qu Shuai, the right-wing troops have sent a military report. They encountered a foreign territory hidden on three sides surrounded by mountains and one side surrounded by water! This territory belongs to the Han camp, it is quite secretive, and its development is also very vigorous. There are a lot of farmers working inside!" Wu Huan, who was checking a certain piece of information and frowning, heard the report of the messenger soldier.

"Oh?! Encountered a foreigner's territory again?!" After Wu Huan heard the report, his frowning eyebrows relaxed slightly.

This is already the 171st or 72nd alien territory they have encountered!

The territory of the hostile camp that I encountered earlier, needless to say, directly coerced the people, and all artisans and farmers were pulled out. To be honest, although the quality of the farmers and craftsmen in the Alien Territory is mediocre, they can be coerced, and the proportion of the old, weak, sick and disabled is very small!

It is completely the most ideal target in the coercion plan!

As for the material resources in the territory, needless to say, move!

However, in terms of the heart of the city, Wu Huan didn't defeat all of them, but only took away some of the Xuanjie Village Construction Orders with good attributes.

I haven't encountered the order of building a village at the ground level!

"Shuai Qu, I have a hunch that the village building order in this territory may be from the ground level!" The messenger soldier said excitedly.

"If it is an order to build a village at the local level, everyone will be rewarded!" Wu Huan was overjoyed. The task assigned to him by his superiors has finally achieved outstanding results!

But he knows that the village building order of the land level is one of the top tasks on the task list of the territory's level!

"How is the defense in this alien territory?" Wu Huan asked cautiously.

"Shuai Qu, it's very strange about this. It seems that there are no soldiers in the territory, only some patrol soldiers." Chuanxin Binghui reported.

"There are no guards?! These alien territories, why are they so strange! We can just pull out a garrison, and we can crush them!" Wu Huan said with a strange expression.

"In this case, attack! This time, the heart of the city, break it!" Wu Huan ordered!


Following Wu Huan's order, a tragedy that shocked the world happened! !

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