Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1113 The Unexpected Person

A burly and tall figure continuously burst out bursts of overwhelming power. The majestic power is full of sharpness, even from such a distance, Lin Mu and Cui Wu can feel the sharpness.

Lin Mu has seen Zhou Cang's fighting general before. He had a fight with Zang Ba, but it was not a life-and-death fight. At that time, everyone was there, and there was a certain degree of psychological dependence, and neither Zang Ba nor Zhou Cang had reached the current height.

Compared with Zhou Cang, who is open and close, Ding Feng's fighting style is more chivalrous, more supple and short, and all movements are done in one go, clean and neat.

The two are evenly matched!

"Dangdang!!" The two figures continued to cross each other, and the clanging sound echoed in the battlefield.

"My lord, do you want to see Ding Feng's fighting style?" Cui Wu took a look, as if he could sense the purpose of the lord's coming here.

"That's right! Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle!" Lin Mu smiled and nodded.

For Ding Feng, Lin Mu had the idea of ​​recruiting. Especially when he learned that he was under the command of the short-lived ghost Wei Zhongdao, his thoughts became heavier.

Cui Wu got the master's confirmation and nodded. What the protagonist does is very assertive and purposeful.

"You also need to learn more." Lin Muyi pointed out.

"Hey... Leave things like fighting generals to other people, I'm just a handsome general!" Cui Wu waved his hands.

Hearing what Cui Wu said, Lin Mu felt helpless on his face.

Then the two continued to observe the battle in silence.

With every confrontation in the arena, the sound of drums outside the arena is constantly changing. Zhou Cang, the leader of the Yellow Turban camp, beat Ding Feng once, and they beat louder. Ding Feng, the leader of the Han camp, suppressed Zhou Cang's limelight. The drum beats louder.

Back and forth, playing a boundless battle song!

"Hey, my lord, what's going on with that group of people?" Cui Wu found a small group of people hunched over and slowly approaching the battlefield.

Lin Mu concentrated on looking at the battlefield, but didn't notice this situation, but after Cui Wu reminded him, he suddenly looked at it, and his face was quite strange.

Without him, players too!

Many players, in fact, have the idea of ​​killing the boss to explode the god costume, even Lin Mu has such an idea. However, he has self-knowledge, and will not sneak up on the battlefield like those players, intending to be a weasel for a while.

"Those are strangers!" Lin Mu said firmly.

"What are they going to do? Want to sneak attack? Are they from the Yellow Turban camp? Or are they from the Han camp?" Cui Wu was also quite speechless.

Those aliens, the most powerful ones, are only Huang rank generals, can they surpass Tian rank generals? Even if someone is seriously injured, it's not something these weak chickens can covet!

"No matter what camp they are in, they just want to take the head!" Lin Mu said helplessly, waving his hands. He is immune to this situation. What can't the player do? !


"Come on! The first person to go up to the top of the city will be rewarded with a hundred gold!"

"Enemy attack! The enemy is attacking from the north gate!!"

At this moment, the sounds of killing and cutting mixed with warning sounds suddenly appeared and echoed over the city.

Rao even Lin Mu could hear the soaring shouts from such a distance.

Hearing the enemy attack, Zhou Cang's fighting figure paused suddenly, but he was fierce and quickly adjusted, and fought with Ding Feng again.

"Are you attacking the city with tricks? Hehe... So you asked me to fight against the general at the South Gate, just to hold me back! are too naive!" Zhou Cang roared, and the whole person rushed towards Ding Feng like a tiger .

"I integrated most of the Taipingdao believers in Yangzhou, but there are a million troops. You want to break through the city, it's wishful thinking!" Zhou Cang roared angrily.

Ding Feng on the opposite side, after realizing such a change, his face flashed with astonishment. What kind of strategy is used to attack the city? We didn't even think about attacking the city directly, okay!

Who on earth led the soldiers and horses to attack the North Gate? ! This is not in line with the plan!

"My lord, it seems that there is a battle on the other side of the city wall!" Cui Wu straightened his neck to check the situation, but found that he couldn't see what was behind the thick city wall at all.

Lin Mu was also a little stunned. Could it be that the officers and soldiers of Danyang County came to help after they wiped out the Yellow Turban Army in the county? On this critical point?

Really speechless!

Fuling City is one of the important fortresses connecting Danyang County and Jiujiang County. It can drive directly into Danyang County and overlook Jiujiang County. It is a very important fortress city.

Zhou Cang is entrenched here, and he also intends to integrate the forces of the Yellow Turban Army and is fighting with the officers and soldiers.

The six counties of Yangzhou are very safe because of the natural danger of the Yangtze River. If you control the water army, you can basically defend against danger. Taipingdao, because it has not invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the development of the navy, so there is no navy!

The Yellow Turban Army in Yangzhou is basically unable to support the north.

Therefore, Zhou Cang's goal is to hold back the officers and soldiers in Yangzhou and prevent them from going north to support them.

Sensing the abnormality, Lin Mu pondered for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go! Let's go back to Huang Xu's place."

Seeing Lin Mu's serious face, Cui Wu nodded and immediately followed without asking any further questions.

"How could this happen!" Lin Mu frowned as he rode his horse.

After Lin Mu discovered that the other side of the city had been attacked, he began to look for clues. The way he looks for clues is very simple, that is to go to the property panel to watch the chat on the Huaxia channel or go to the live broadcast interface to search for key information.

After all, many players secretly follow the elite forces of the faction.

Soon, Lin Mu found out who was attacking the other wall of Fuling City through the player live broadcast room of a certain Yellow Turban camp!

And when he saw this force, he felt bad all over!

Because the person who stormed the city wall was none other than Yuan Shu, a disciple of the Yuan family who had confronted Lin Mu before! !

That's right, Yuan Shu is here!

Yuan Shu, who came out of nowhere, actually got involved in the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Yangzhou.

According to history, isn't this guy enjoying life in Luoyang?

Lin Mu, who had received Yuan Shu's "caring care" once, was very wary of Yuan Shu.

This guy, relying on Yuan's background, has accumulated a lot of good things. Yuan Shu is completely different from Zhou Cang, Ding Feng and others. Even though Yuan Shu may only have the cultivation of a Xuan rank military general, he is even more terrifying than Ding Feng and Zhou Cang!

"Yuan Shu, why did you suddenly send troops to Jiujiang County?! It's so strange!" Lin Mu felt a lingering uneasiness in his heart. It felt that Yuan Shu's dispatch of troops was extraordinary.

Lin Mu secretly kept this situation in mind.

Lin Mu took Cui Wu with him and hurried away without looking back.

(I don’t know what’s going on... I’m sitting in front of the computer tonight, I want to code words, but I always feel stuck there, I can’t write anything at all... I’m stuck... I feel so uncomfortable... I feel like the plot is not exciting Today I will sort out my ideas, and I will have a chapter tonight!)

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