Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1115 Who is the Oriole (Part 2)

The flames soaring into the sky harvested the soldiers ambushing in the forest like a god of death.

However, on the pitch-black official road, torches were suddenly lit, and awe-inspiring soldiers emerged from the darkness.

Obviously, these soldiers all approached here by hiding their bodies by some means.

"Commander Da Qu's order, kill all the people or beasts that come out of the fire forest!" A loud voice pierced through the night and echoed on the official road.

"No!" In the flickering firelight, some of these soldiers were wearing yellow scarves and some were wearing blue scarves on their heads.

"Shuai Da Qu is really good at predicting things, he has already guessed that there will be soldiers and horses ambushing here!"

"Clear out these ambush soldiers first, and then clean up the remnants who fled from Fuling City!"

"Here we come! The soldiers in ambush are charging! Be careful! Don't be counterattacked by the enemy!"

Between Sumeru, as the Yellow Turban Elder said, some flaming soldiers kept rushing out of the forest.

If you still hide in the innermost part of the mountain forest, you may eventually suffocate due to lack of air. If you rush out, there is still a trace of life!


Some soldiers covered some sackcloth to prevent the flames from rushing out, but they had just escaped from the fire and were attacked again, so they simply did not give these people a way out!



In front of Fuling City, Ding Feng led his troops and began to rush towards the gate of the city.

Rao was trapped in the encirclement, and the morale of Ding Feng's men did not drop at all, but rushed away with great momentum.

"Boom!" The steel torrent of cavalry, under the rumble, rushed like the wind, and soon collided with Zhou Cang's shield infantry.

The Yellow Turban Army, which had been prepared for a long time, all desperately resisted the enemy's charge with a cold face. As long as they resisted and slowly surrounded, this army would be theirs!

Yellow Turban infantry at the front. Rao was fully prepared, but under the impact of Ding Feng's special arms, he was still defeated like a tide. Just like a small hole in a dam collapsed, the flood washed away all the dam in an instant.

Countless Yellow Turban soldiers fell in a pool of blood.

And Ding Feng's cavalry didn't feel so good. Some horses were shocked or attacked, and they all fell on the way of charging.

The cavalry behind charged and even trampled the robe into mud! Terrible!

"Part Three, Turn! Turn three stalls to the right!"

"Part Four, Turn! Turn four stalls to the left!"

Ding Feng is worthy of being a general. He did not forget to command the soldiers while charging and fighting. Constantly looking for the enemy's weaknesses, and constantly allowing the soldiers to charge the most smoothly.

As for Ding Feng and Zhou Cang, they did not meet each other. Zhou Cang was killing Ding Feng's soldiers, and Ding Feng was killing the Yellow Turban Army. Both are tacitly staggered.

"Boom!" Although the infantry ambushing outside was getting closer and closer, Ding Feng's space was getting less and less, if he couldn't break through the soldiers at the city gate and rushed into the city, he might be dumped! !

"The city gate is approaching, continue to charge!" Soon, Ding Fengjun charged to the city gate.

However. What made them desperate was that sharp spikes were lined up at the city gate at some point, and those spikes glowed scarlet and cold under the evening sun!

Rows of spikes fixed on the ground are their insurmountable chasm!

Seeing this, Ding Feng immediately ordered the charging team to charge towards both sides of the city wall, not daring to use the lives of soldiers to fill them up.

After charging for a while, Ding Feng found that he could not break through the defenders of the city gate, so he led his soldiers to cut through Zhou Cang's encirclement and fled away.

"Chasing!" Zhou Cang slammed the remnants of the cavalry with a throw, and waved his hand to let the soldiers chase.

After a charge, Ding Feng's cavalry was obviously exhausted, and their mounts were even weaker. As long as they continued to chase, they could catch up.

And in terms of physical strength, they have an advantage, after all, there are many people!

Then Zhou Cang took the lead in riding a war horse, and led all the soldiers outside the city in pursuit.

As the sun set, a huge black curtain gradually enveloped the entire sky.

Night is coming.

"Scramble! Brothers, go!!" After the battle between the two armies, no one came to clean up the entire battlefield, directly benefiting the players waiting outside the city.

Crazy players rushed over and began to touch the corpse.

"Good stuff! The armor is still intact! Although this gun is broken in two pieces, it's still good to go back and recast it!"

"Treasure bag! Haha... I picked up five! This time the harvest is big!"

The players began to celebrate with each other.

Little did they know, however, that danger was upon them. When the players buried their heads in picking up the loot, the spikes at the city gate had been removed, and burly soldiers had poured out of the city.

Do loot really make players cheaper? ! impossible!

The next moment, the yellow turban army that poured out of the city began to line up, with the shield soldiers in front and the archers behind, and quickly completed the army.

"Kill!" With an order, the rain of arrows covered the battlefield, bombarding those unsuspecting players.


"Hiss! My hand!!"

"Enemy Attack! Enemy Attack!!"

"The Yellow Turbans are out! Everyone, run!" Compared with the Yellow Turbans, players are better at fighting with the wind. If they encounter a difficult battle, they don't need to pile up their lives. It is basically difficult to complete.

There was no organized resistance, and the entire battlefield was filled with a strong smell of blood, with patches of white light constantly emerging, as if setting off firecrackers!

The players fled in all directions.

Obviously, in this battle, the players, not the oriole!

Not only did many players fail to make any money, but they also dumped a lot of material on their bodies.

"Hey... These aliens want to take advantage of it and seek death!" A yellow turban battlefield looked at the rapidly cleared battlefield with a smile on his face.

Then he waved his hand violently, and a messenger soldier next to him immediately threw a rocket. When the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall saw it, they immediately shouted: "The battlefield is safe, logistics farmers, go clean the battlefield!"

Following an order, countless peasants poured out from the city and began to clean the battlefield.

At this time, those yellow turban soldiers who defeated the players also put away their weapons, and began to pick up the spoils with a relaxed face. Even some elders stepped down to help.

However, the real oriole has arrived at this moment!

The night is thick and the stars are shining.

A troop hidden under the starry night slowly came not far away. They were all riding horses and holding a bow in their hands!

This army is surprisingly Lin Mu's Star Legion!

At an unknown time, Lin Mu left and returned, and did not lie in ambush at the predetermined location.

"My lord, it's as you expected! Fortunately, we didn't have the urge to attack the city." A figure in the team whispered.

"After the battle is over, it usually happens like this. It's not like a god." Lin Mu shook his head and said in a low voice.

Huang Xu, who was next to him, waited indifferently, his eyes looked mysterious and deep under the starlight.

Starry Night is the home field of Star Legion.

Every star archer can see the surrounding things clearly without using a torch.

"My lord, if we act like this, do we not follow the agreement?" Cui Wu asked.

"Why didn't you follow the agreement? I still keep the troops in ambush. As long as Zhou Cang dares to chase, we will show up. What are you afraid of!" Lin Mu said with a smile.

"Hey, yes!"

"My lord, are you going to attack?" Huang Xu asked after pondering for a moment.

"Wait a minute, a small part of the battlefield has not been cleaned yet, and they can attack after they are fully immersed!" Lin Mu pressed his hand and said in a low voice.

"Have the troops been arranged?" Lin Mu asked.

"It's all unfolded, 60,000 star archers, with one order, 80,000 arrows!"

"Three rounds, as long as three rounds, the Yellow Turban Army on the battlefield can basically be wiped out!" Huang Xu responded.

"The other 30,000 cavalry archers, divided into two wings, have already bypassed the battlefield and should arrive at the designated position in a while." Cui Wu also reported.

"Okay! Let the soldiers take out their bows and arrows." Lin Mu ordered.

"After clearing out the soldiers under the city, start to charge, rush into the city, assist those 30,000 robes, and take down the city wall in one go!" Lin Mu shouted forcefully.

This time, even Ding Feng didn't expect that Lin Mu not only failed to ambush at the predetermined spot in front, but also walked around behind them, acting like an oriole!

After waiting for a while, Lin Mu felt that the time was almost right, and roared angrily: "Get ready! Let it go!"

"Whoosh, whoosh!!" Sounds of piercing the air echoed in the dark sky.

"Bang bang!!" After a while, there was a sound of falling to the ground on the battlefield.

The bows and arrows of star archers are blessed under the starry night, and they are more powerful than ordinary archers.

Many Yellow Turban soldiers fell to the ground without wailing at all.

"Ah!~~" Some were lucky, and the arrows only pierced through the arms and thighs before they wailed.

"Enemy attack!!!" The familiar words echoed on the battlefield again. This is the third time the sound of an enemy attack has sounded.

The entire battlefield has turned around!

"Surrender, don't kill! Surrender, don't kill!" Cui Wu, who was beside Lin Mu, roared while shooting arrows.

The same is true for the Star Archers led by him. Throughout the battlefield, the hustle and bustle once again soared into the sky.

"Surrenderers, put down your weapons and lie on the ground, so as not to die!" Lin Mu shouted angrily.

Three rounds, just as Huang Xu expected, just three rounds of arrow rain, and there was not a single Yellow Turban soldier standing up on the battlefield.

Of course, there are also many farmers who directly obey Lin Mu's orders and lie on the ground.

On the edge of the city wall, Lin Mu's surprise soldiers also played a role. Those Yellow Turban soldiers who were relaxing on the city wall had no idea that the enemy would come to kill them in this gap!

Lin Mu occupied the city wall in a desperate manner!

However... um... the third party force on the battlefield appeared again!

But this time, it was Lin Mu's troops.

After Lin Mu successfully occupied the city wall, he let 50,000 cavalry archers defend, and other soldiers went out to clean up the spoils.

To be cautious, Lin Mu also let 10,000 cavalry archers patrol the edge of the battlefield in case Zhou Cang came back suddenly.

Lin Mu successfully became the oriole in this battle!

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