Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 114 The Virtual Strategy Department Establishes a Tea Party

In addition to this Huaxia announcement topic, of course there are also various game missions, what gains, etc., Lin Mu ran quietly without making a sound, occasionally smiling lightly.

Although everyone has different majors, they are quite familiar with each other and have no special points. They will share any topic, and everyone is still very enthusiastic. This is the same alumni.

After a while, everyone arrived at their destination, the school's largest gymnasium, Xinghai University [Rongcheng Hall].

This large gymnasium can hold a full 50,000 people. It is very large. Many social events will also be held here. The school is also willing to rent it out to attract more healthy events, enliven the school atmosphere, and increase students' extracurricular knowledge. Baili No harm.

A group of people arrived in a mess and rushed in. Fortunately, there was no one at the door at this time, otherwise it would definitely cause congestion.

As soon as he entered the gate, what Lin Mu saw was a banner with white characters on a red background, "Welcome to the Xinghai University Virtual Strategy Department Formation Tea Party!"

Lin Mu's major is the School of Mechanical Management. Soon, Lin Mu and his group found the location of their class, bent their bodies and quickly lurked there.

The students walked to the seat of the class, and the place was almost full, and only people like myself were left behind.

The students in the class all focused their attention on Lin Mu. After all, it had been a long time since they had seen each other, but they all just nodded and greeted him kindly.

"Yo, classmate Lin Mu, you finally showed up, hum! Hurry up and find a place to sit, I'll wait for you, the president of the school's student union, Sima Ying, has come here early, you are really big names, after the dean and other leaders come, the meeting It's just started." The beautiful class leader Zhang Xinwen said bitterly, although she was ruthless, the students all knew this enthusiastic and chivalrous beautiful class leader very well, and knew that she was hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

However, when talking about Sima Ying, the president of the student council, Lin Mu could tell that Zhang Xinwen, the class leader of the beautiful girl, had an inexplicable expectation for him.

Lin Mu not only knew Sima Ying, the president of the student council, but also had grievances with him. Sima Ying was a son of a big family, the family was very rich, and Sima Ying was talented, handsome, and very popular with girls in school. The president of the school's fighting club, a fighting star, the president of the school's student union... many, many titles and honors, in sharp contrast to this unknown boy who is like a phoenix in the sky and a pheasant underground.

In the hearts of many boys in the school, Sima Hao is the winner in life, his goal in life!

In the hearts of many girls in the school, Sima Ying is their Prince Charming and their ideal partner!

However, Lin Mu didn't envy or hate, he was used to these things for a long time, if he had been himself before, he might have looked forward to meeting the legendary campus star and the proud son of heaven.

Soon, there was a commotion from the rostrum, and Sima Ying appeared on the high stage surrounded by a group of people.

After all, it was a school-wide meeting, and a huge and eye-catching stage was built in the center of the gymnasium. The center of the stage is the speech platform, and there are four rows of seats on both sides, which can accommodate many people.

Those who are qualified to sit on it are either school stars or school leaders. This is an iron law and it will never change.

If it is not in the same class, there are not many opportunities to meet school-level stars, and such people are usually very busy, and there are many endorsements in various advertisements.

Now that the school is holding such a grand tea party, those school-level stars should appear, and everyone is looking forward to it.

In today's society, many group companies like young and energetic college stars, fighting stars, and martial arts stars, and they all hope that these stars can speak for their group companies or be image spokespersons.

Fighting stars and martial arts stars are also highly respected like hot singers and actors.

The school will hold fighting competitions or martial arts competitions, and then the winners will participate in municipal fighting competitions or martial arts competitions, and the more outstanding ones will represent the heroes of the city and the province, and the winners of the provincial competitions will also represent the province in the national competition .

What's even more powerful is that in global fighting competitions or martial arts competitions, showing one's face can glorify one's ancestors, like the rising sun, shining brightly.

Once famous, star treatment, various fan pursuits, various corporate endorsement product activities, various advertising and other activities are endless, booming, running non-stop, creating countless benefits.

Lin Mu also had such a dream, but was crushed cruelly by reality.

I have weak strength, no family inheritance, no rich family property to buy cheat books, empty ideals but no strength, like a frog at the bottom of a well, unable to jump out of the well.

In my previous life, I was a rootless ping ping, with average talents and ordinary fortunes. Many cruel realities impacted me, but I still went on the road of professional gamers honestly, all the way to the end!

Seeing such a scene, Lin Mu clenched his hands slightly, honoring his ancestors, everyone is looking forward to being ahead, no one wants, no one wants! Lin Mu is also an ordinary person, and he is looking forward to such a scene. When he dreams, maybe he is the one standing on the stage.

However, he was soon relieved, the past is gone, and now he is brilliant, he is like a hidden dragon in the abyss, just waiting for the wind and rain, he can soar nine days, ascend to the extreme position, under one person, above tens of thousands of people, shine the world Attention, God's power in the world!

But keep a low profile now, Lin Mu gently let go of his clenched hands, thinking about his own things.

Lin Mu watched those people's 'performance' indifferently, and listened to the same speech. Soon, it was the headmaster's turn to speak.

"Next, we invite our great principal, academician Zhang Tianhe, to speak." All the students off the stage were very excited, their faces were flushed, and countless eyes were fixed on the figure of the principal, and the palms of their hands were flushed.

The principal of Xinghai University, named Zhang Tianhe, has a very luxurious and dazzling identity: Huaxia State Special-level National Researcher, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the National Academy of Sciences Materials Institute, President of Xinghai University, Dean of the School of Materials Science and Technology of Xinghai University, fourth in Huaxia Kingdom The first runner-up in the Huaxia Martial Arts Competition, a seventh-rank martial artist...

The young Zhang Tianhe has already won countless honors, and even represented his country in international competitions. What is even more enviable is that he is a genius with both civil and military skills!

Zhang Tianhe is exceptionally talented in material science, and he has studied deeply. He has contributed a lot of advanced technologies to the country and won countless meritorious deeds!

However, at the age of 57, he still has achieved countless achievements and enjoys the pursuit of countless people!

It's really old and strong, old and strong!

Lin Mu also respected this kind old man very much. When he heard that he was going to speak, he calmed down slightly and listened patiently to his speech.

Principal Zhang Tianhe’s dantian was full of energy, and his speech was very contagious: “Today, the wind is sunny and the winter is like spring. In this ordinary winter, we gather together. We come from all corners of the country, but we all have a common goal. Ideal, that is to build a stronger motherland! We encourage each other along the way!"


Something to do, a little late, one update, one more update later! Audacity to ask for recommendation tickets for collection~~

Thank you [Qingfeng Drinking Tea] for the reward of 500 coins!

Thank you for the reward of [Wandering Q Kite] 100 coins!

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