Words such as Jiang Chenglong, Kang Chenggong Zhengxuan, Molong Dianfu, personal talent, and eighth-level qualification appeared in the minds of players in Huaxia District along with the huge system announcement, shocking their nerves and shocking the players.

It turns out that, starting from the word table, you can still be on TV? ! It turns out that the table characters were not taken by yourself?

You know, in order to be able to integrate into the lives of the aborigines, many players will give themselves a name early. Some Sao players even use words such as Xuande and Mengde to attract attention. However, these are not recognized by the system.

If you want to be recognized by the system, you may need to find an NPC to solve it, especially a respected NPC. Just look at what it is called [Molong Point Fu], it is a very powerful skill!

Through its appearance, it may be the key point of being on TV.

Moreover, [Molong Dianfu] also unlocked Jiang Chenglong's personal talent, and raised his aptitude to the eighth level. These are all real hard conditions. With them, his personal strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds!

Tier 4 qualifications are the shackles that affect the development of players' personal strength.

The matter of the table word began to erupt. Many players who did not participate in the Yellow Turban Battle also embarked on the journey of finding NPCs to write characters for them.

The first one has appeared, so it's not too much to fight for the second and third place, right? !

When many players saw the illustrated book of special products announced by the system, their hearts became even hotter!

Even on the three core battlefields, many individual players have retreated to look for chances.

fight? There may still be dead people, and nothing will be gained, but as soon as you go to find a respected NPC to post a word, it may take off.

Of course, there are still many players who recognize themselves and the situation.

Jiang Chenglong was on TV because he met Kang Chenggong Zheng Xuan.

However, Zheng Xuan is so easy to meet? Even if I went to Gaomi, Beihai and found the Zheng family's old house, they would not easily receive players. Break in? Hehe... Maybe it will be wiped out in the next moment.

So, Jiang Chenglong is out of luck!

When Zhu Xuan heard the system announcement, his face was full of jealousy and remorse. It turns out that finding a great Confucian to make a table word will have such an effect!

Then Zhu Xuan turned his head and looked to the north, with regret in his eyes. He knew about Jiang Chenglong and others' plan for Twenty Cities, and even invited him, but he didn't participate because he had his own plan.

In addition, it was because he specifically asked other lords not to invite Shang Lin Mu to participate in the Twenty Cities Beyond the Sky Project. Because the reason he gave is very good, Lin Mu is already the player's ceiling, if he is allowed to develop again, he will break through the ceiling and take off, and it will be even more difficult for them to chase after him!

With Zhu Xuan's suggestion and the Ji family's opposition, there was no Lin Mu's participation in the twenty cities beyond the sky.

It was also because of this that Ji Beiqin never came, leaving Ji Beihua in charge.

"Unexpectedly, an NPC can have such an effect. [Molong Dian Fu]...Hmph!" A ruthless look appeared on Zhu Xuan's face.

In fact, he had heard the word [Molong Dianfu] before in Longting. At first he thought it was just a skill, a skill to develop children's wisdom and enlightenment, but he never thought it was such an important skill!

Moreover, he secretly searched for the great Confucian scholars in the court and asked them to use this [Molong point Fu] on him. They just turned him down.

In other words, those Confucian scholars who rejected him cut off the reason why he was rewarded by the system!

"Damn it! Damn it!!" Zhu Xuan was filled with suppressed anger, but after thinking of this, the anger suppressed by him suddenly increased a bit!

Looking at the Yellow Turban Army who started to fight back on the city wall, Zhu Xuan could no longer suppress his anger!

"Continue to attack!! Three rows of uninterrupted attacks, smash all the Yellow Turban soldiers on the city wall into meat!!" Zhu Xuan roared.

"Take down the city, allow everyone to rampage in the city for three days, and allow the Taiping disciples to be killed!!" Zhu Xuan roared.

And just as he said this, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his ear:


"——System prompt: Lord Zhu Xuan, you are General Longting, and you have the authority to issue missions. Have you issued the mission: [Slaughtering the city]? This mission is an earth-level mission. Mission description and rewards: Take down the city, allow players Rampage in the city for three days, allowing all Taiping Daoists in the city to be killed."


"—System prompt: Lord Zhu Xuan, you issued this mission. If the player completes the mission, unpredictable changes will occur in the city, which may cause a series of changes. You will bear all the consequences. If the player completes the mission, you regret it. Will be punished: reputation -10000000, Longting's soft position will be deprived, and special power will be reduced."

As soon as Zhu Xuan heard these two system prompts, his whole body shivered.

It turned out that his words and deeds really represented his will!

The eunuch who read out the edict of Longting back then didn't just talk about it casually!

"No release! No!!" Zhu Xuan immediately denied it. This is the first time he heard such a serious system prompt!

"Everyone do your best, and I will compensate you all. As for the massacre of Taoists of Taiping, I hope that everyone will kill those Taoists who are guilty of crimes, so that innocent civilians will not move casually!" Zhu Xuan came back to his senses and immediately made amends Gao shouted.

"Listen up, yellow turban thieves in the city. If you stubbornly resist and we attack, the consequences are not something you can bear! I hope you will turn to the light! Those who surrender, as long as they hold the heads of Zhang Kai and other leaders, they will get 100,000 yuan. Gold and official rewards!" Zhu Xuan was also a witty person, and continued to persuade him to surrender.

Although his words just now were words of fury, they were also approved by the Staff Office, otherwise he would not have said them casually.

Unexpectedly, the system would come up with this prompt, which frightened him into a daze.

You know, in history, Cao Cao avenged his father and slaughtered the city of Xuzhou, which aroused great repercussions! He has small arms and legs now, and he can't bear the cause and effect at all.



Lin Mu doesn't know anything about Xuzhou, not even the fact that Mo Xin is in his hands, and secretly tells the various ministries to look for it.

However, the Huaxia district's announcement surprised him.

"Damn it... I am the first player to activate the character, talent and aptitude, and there is no system reward?" Lin Mu was speechless after hearing the piercing [Molong Point Fu].

The aptitude he first opened was level seven, which became level eight after being blessed, and later promoted to level nine due to an adventure.

In this process, it completed it independently. Of course, it can be regarded as the biggest boss—the system helped Lin Mu complete it. It didn't appear through Molong's points, so there is no achievement announcement.

"Could it be that it really can only be achieved by relying on the skills of those great Confucians?" Lin Mu speculated.

He had heard of this system announcement in his previous life, but it was after the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and the first one was not Jiang Chenglong.

Everything has changed.

It can be changed, he can't get the reward, it's very uncomfortable!

The specialty-level illustrated book is a symbol of wealth! !

Without hesitation, Lin Mu immediately opened the attribute panel and contacted Jiang Chenglong.

"Lord Jiang, good guy, you are all good guys!" Jiang Chenglong knew that it was Lin Mu's communication request, and he connected directly without hesitation. And Lin Mu's first sentence made him a little guilty, thinking that he was here to ask for accountability.

"Lord Lin Mu, it's our fault for what we did not be authentic. However, everyone is just playing around, so how dare you let the old man participate, right!" Jiang Chenglong said with a look of helplessness on his face.

"I will keep in mind what you have done." Lin Mu said with a straight face, emphasizing every word.

In fact, Lin Mu was already laughing in his heart. He knew that Jiang Chenglong was afraid that he would come to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes, and planned twenty cities, but he didn't bring him with him.

However, he doesn't mind this at all, what he wants is the illustrated book of special products!

For ordinary things, he can buy them with money, but not for the special product illustrations. Officials know its worth.

"Okay, there's no need to say more, you do what you do, and I do mine." Lin Mu waved his hand to prevent Jiang Chenglong's refutation and cover-up, and said directly.

"I'm looking for you now because I want the special product illustrated book that the system rewards you!" Lin Mu said straight.

"This... this picture book is very precious, we have already... used it!" Jiang Chenglong said with a slightly evasive face.

"Use it, you treat me as a fool! The system just announced it, and you may still be sitting next to Kang Chenggong now!" Lin Mu looked at Jiang Chenglong with the expression that you thought I was a fool but you yourself were a fool.

"Uh...hehe...Lord Lin Mu is really powerful." Jiang Chenglong blushed slightly.

It was indeed as Lin Mu said, he was really sitting next to Duke Kang Cheng. The name, talent and aptitude are settled, but he wants more, he wants to attack Zheng Xuan, fool him into Yanhuang Town, and even want to be his disciple!

These are priceless!

"I won't discuss the price with you anymore. Before I went to Beijing, I gave you a heaven-level village construction order. You promised to meet my three conditions without involving some bottom lines. Now, I will There is only one condition, which is this special product illustrated book!" Lin Mu said bluntly.

"This..." Jiang Chenglong was speechless. There is indeed such a thing, but this special product is really a treasure!

Can you let go so easily? !

(Recently, there is a crowdfunding monthly ticket activity and an activity where you can get 300 coins by casting a monthly ticket. You can participate in it. The two activities can be completed at the same time.)

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