Pei Yuanshao, whose face was covered with blood, was riding on a red war horse, looking at the western city wall in flames, with a gloomy expression.

The flying bear soldiers who fought bloody battles kept biting the Yellow Turban Army, even if they retreated after Mingjin, they still kept harvesting their lives.

Don't chase the poor, why are you still chasing!

The helpless Pei Yuanshao had no choice but to sacrifice 50,000 elites so that they could evacuate Jingxing City from the other side of the city wall.

There is no way, the enemy has entered the city, even if they retreat to another wall, the enemy can still charge up.

In the case of hand-to-hand combat, the Yellow Turban Army can't beat others at all. The only way to consume the Han army is by defending the city.

However, Dong Zhuo captured Jingxing City, and the price he paid was also very high.

The carefully crafted Flying Bear Army, except for the few thousand real Flying Bear Army who survived, was basically wiped out!

As for the Xiliang iron cavalry, tens of thousands of Xiliang iron cavalry were exterminated by the alchemist army. With other means, at least 150,000 Xiliang iron cavalry will be buried here forever!

This value has not been counted yet, but it will definitely cause Dong Zhuo heartache for a long time, and he will even regret why he didn't let Yu Jin's troops rush forward to consume!

Inside the city, the remaining Yellow Turban Army continued to fight guerrilla warfare with the Xiliang Iron Cavalry. The Yellow Turban Army who was familiar with the terrain kept hindering the cavalry's advance with various devices that affected the cavalry's charge, dragging their pace abruptly.


Teams of green scarf fighters escorted important supplies and kept evacuating. Many yellow scarf army farmers dragged their families along and waited at the east gate for a long time.

The East City Gate was opened when Mingjin was retreating, and millions of Taiping Daoists rushed out.

Fortunately, the back is the territory of the Taiping Dao, and there is no army to raid from behind. Otherwise, these millions of Taoists may all become cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Quick, retreat!!! Leave Jingxing City!" Many yellow turban leaders who came down from the battlefield kept urging the troops.

The west city wall was full of flames, wailing soared to the sky, and it was in chaos, while the east city gate was also in chaos.

Although it has not been affected by the flames of war, it is not that simple for the large Yellow Turban Army to evacuate.

"Shuai Daqu, according to rough statistics, we have killed at least 200,000 elite soldiers, including seven heavenly generals and fifty earthly generals!!" A yellow scarf elder reported with grief on his face.

Hearing this number, Pei Yuanshao, who had a gloomy face, smiled slightly: "It's not bad! This Han army, I will fight with him!"

The calmer Pei Yuanshao became, the more frightened the other Yellow Turban leaders became. Could it be that Commander Da Qu is planning to coerce the people and mobilize millions of soldiers to activate that state? !

The elite Yellow Turban Army can't compare with Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Iron Cavalry, but if they have the blessing of that state, they should be able to break their wrists!

At that time, facing the enhanced version of the million-dollar Yellow Turban Army, Dong Zhuojun, can he still resist? !

The hearts of all the yellow turban generals shook slightly, and they cheered up from the grief of the city's fall.

"The whole army retreats to Lingshou City." Pei Yuanshao said calmly.

"From Jingxing to Lingshou, there is a certain way to ambush, let Elder Zhang, you lead the 200,000 elites to go first, and go there in advance to ambush." ​​Pei Yuanshao instructed.


"In other parts, speed up. The enemy is a cavalry unit. They have wiped out the remnants of the city. They should catch up with us soon. Don't relax." Pei Yuanshao said with a serious face.

"Report!!! Commander Daqu, report!! General Ren Gong is here to report!!" Just as Pei Yuanshao finished speaking, a loud voice came.

Information about General Ren? ! Is it good news? !



"Brother Zhang, are you just watching these soldiers burn, kill and loot?!" In front of a private house, Yu Jin pointed to the constant pleading inside and frowned.

"I can't help it, Xiliang iron cavalry, this time I have been greatly stimulated. In private, Governor Dong has already said, enjoy yourself..." Zhang Ji sighed softly, helplessly.

Zhang Ji and his personal guards stood on the street and did not rush into the houses to harm ordinary people.

Although Taiping Road has occupied Jingxing City and turned it into an iron barrel, there are still many civilians in the city, and there are also many nobles who don't care about world affairs. However, they all suffered from the disaster of the Xiliang Army.

It is ironic that instead of being harmed by the Yellow Turban Army, he was harmed by his own people in the Han camp.

Yu Jin couldn't understand this, so he couldn't help but asked Zhang Ji face to face.

Although they secretly coerce the people in their wild lands, they always say, "Follow me, there will be food and money." The good days will not be far away, follow me, and I will give everyone a place to live and work in peace in the future'.

Although this set is similar to the legend, the Great Wilderness Territory will really be good to the people. Although it is a bit inhumane to let them leave their homes, at least they can live and keep their wealth!

Now, warlords are raging, and there is no way to survive!

"Alas..." Yu Jin sighed softly. He could understand Zhang Ji's helplessness.

The Xiliang army is a big dye vat, at least Zhang Ji has not been stained with too much darkness.

The Great Wilderness Territory pays attention to peace and stability, while the Xiliang Army pays attention to quickness, venting, and ferocity!

Very different styles.

If Yu Jin had to choose, he would definitely not choose Dong Zhuo.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Brother Zhang, I have a request here, that is, I want some trophies outside the west city, and I want your help." Yu Jin said the purpose.

"What spoils of war?" Zhang Ji asked suspiciously. At their level, ordinary trophies should not be valued.

The leaders of the Yellow Turban Army didn't kill many, so there should be nothing of value.

"'s a meteorite that fell from the sky." Yu Jin whispered.

"Those things?!" Zhang Ji said in surprise.

The flames of war in the city gradually extinguished, and various situations spread. He also knew about the divine stone from heaven.

Those meteorites are still lying in the pit! Unexpectedly, Yu Jin had already set his sights on them.

" my best!" Zhang Ji was still a little uncertain about this request. Because the logistics Chinese and Mr. He are good with him, and Zhang Xiu is also there, so the operability is still very strong.

"Hey...not trying hard, but necessary, if brother Zhang can get them all, I will give you 50,000 gold for each one!" Yu Jin seduced in a low voice.

Twelve, 50,000 gold each, is 600,000 gold! !

"Hiss!" Zhang Ji gasped, his face was full of shock.

He didn't expect that this well-known guy was so rich! !

In the Xiliang Army, every general is supported by himself. Only in wars like today can resources be collected, and other resources are obtained by the generals themselves. Each trilogy of generals is a faction. Although Dong Zhuo will also support it, there are not many.

The Xiliang army relies on war to support war!

As long as he has the 600,000 gold, he can enjoy a lot of things in his trilogy, such as military rations and medicines, etc., which can be exchanged.

"Okay! I'll do it!!" Zhang Ji said forcefully.

If those meteorites fall into Dong Zhuo's pocket, it is basically impossible to give too many resources to his trilogy. But now, if they can be brought out, it will be a harvest of 600,000 gold coins, so why not do it!

In fact, there are quite a few people in the Xiliang army who are greedy for ink. The so-called sharing is all operable.

Yu Jin dared to mention this with Zhang Ji because he knew the situation of the Xiliang Army and the structure of resource allocation in the army, and there were loopholes to exploit.

And Yu Jin knew that this was the first time he proposed to Zhang Ji to engage in a black box operation, but it was definitely not the last time. In the future... there will be many opportunities!

Originally, this black-box operation was intended to target that guy Hua Xiong, because both Guo Jia's military adviser and the lord Lin Mu had suggested this, but it was a pity that they didn't get to know Hua Xiong well.

Those meteorites are priceless treasures, and they tried to snatch them before the Xiliang army could react!

The Xiliang army is an army that does not do production, and everything is robbed. I believe Dong Zhuo will not let the miners and blacksmiths go to the pit to study the meteorite early.

As for Dong Zhuo himself, he would definitely not go to see it either.

Yu Jin went through the details that the lord told him.

"Okay, you go to operate, I'll go ahead and take a look." Not wanting to see the bad things of burning, killing and looting, after Yu Jin separated from Zhang Ji, he left for the east gate.

The Yellow Turban Army is still resisting over there.

However, when turning around an ordinary private house, Yu Jin, who deliberately paid attention to the surrounding situation, finally saw a hidden symbol.

With a light leap, Yu Jin jumped into the house, and after a few breaths, he jumped out again.

"Zhang Liang came to Jingxing City?!" Yu Jin frowned while riding a war horse.

Inside the residence is the information left by the Night Shadow Department, and he came here specifically to check.

One of the important pieces of information is that Zhang Liang left Guangzong City and came to Changshan County.

"If that's the case...then Hua Xiong's chasing troops will be punished?!" Yu Jin suddenly realized in his heart.

The flames of war in the city were sporadic resistance without a major battle.

After the city was captured, Hua Xiong was not reconciled, and chased after him with 200,000 Xiliang cavalry.

Originally, many generals disagreed with this proposal, so don't chase after it!

Zhang Ji and other generals disagreed, but Li Jue, Guo Si, Hua Xiong, etc. all agreed, because the property taken away by the Yellow Turban Army was the most important thing!

Under the strong request of Hua Xiong and others, Dong Zhuo agreed to pursue the mission.

Moreover, Li Rujun also agreed.

Just like that, Hua Xiong led Li Jue, Guo Si and others in pursuit.

If Zhang Liang hadn't appeared, Hua Xiong would have been able to catch up to Pei Yuanshao's tail. Although it is impossible to wipe them out, it is still possible to tear a piece of fat from them.

For this, Yu Jin actually agreed to pursue it.

However, seeing that Zhang Liang might have already arrived, if he pursued him again, it might be, really dangerous!

Do you want to save it? ! Yu Jin hesitated at this moment.

Yu Jin pulled his horse back and returned on the same road. He was going to find Zhang Ji.

Even if it is to rescue, there must be troops. The Qinghu Legion is still wandering outside!

Dong Zhuo didn't let them enter the city at all.

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