Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1154 Get Rich!

The yellow turban farmers with exhausted faces slowly drove their carriages and carts full of supplies to Lingshou City.

"Hurry up, everyone! Lingshou City is not far from here. There are 50,000 defenders there to keep everyone safe!"

"Go to the city before it gets dark!"

"When we arrive in the city, we can rest and eat!" shouted a leading Yellow Turban general.

"Hey... After a day of worry and fear, I can finally eat and rest..."

"Yes! Everyone, be quicker!" There were bursts of joy from the Yellow Turban team.

They experienced the battle of Jingjing City, and they were still terrified when they saw the ferocity of the wolf-like Xiliang iron cavalry!

"Everyone, work harder. General Rengong has come to our side to assist in the defense. Our Yellow Turban Army will surely win!"

"We must win!!" The morale of the Yellow Turban Army improved a little for a while.

However, at this moment, a piercing voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of buzzing came from the forest next to the official road.

The experienced Yellow Turban general knew what was going on and shouted, "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

However, although he yelled out, those yellow turban soldiers who had survived the catastrophe couldn't respond at all.

"Ah!!!~~~" The sound of wailing resounded through the spacious official road under the rain of arrows.

Then, waves of soldiers rushed out of the forest.

How could the enemy ambush here? Isn't the enemy ambushed in the rear? Many Yellow Turban generals were full of doubts.

However, no one explained their doubts to them at all, because soldiers with cold weapons all over the mountains and plains had surrounded them.

"Quick! Shrink the front line! Shrink!! Use the carriage as a barrier, hurry!" some yellow turban generals who were eager to get wise roared angrily.

But those Yellow Turban soldiers who were frightened again didn't obey the command at all, and they all fled in panic.

Some soldiers even drove out the farmers who were hiding under the carriages and hid in by themselves.

Some soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army rushed towards Lingshou City regardless of their companions.

"Kill!!!!" At this time, another army appeared in front of them.

Now, there are tigers behind and wolves in front, they are in danger!

"How is that possible!!! Why are hundreds of thousands of troops gathered here in Lingshou City?" A fleeing general of the yellow scarf saw the ambush in front of him, his face full of despair!

"Soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army, don't resist, we won't kill you. You won't die if you surrender!!" Ji Beiqin roared at the top of his voice.

"Surrender will never die! Surrender will never die!!" The troops behind him also roared.

The panicked soldiers were slightly shocked when they heard these words, and some timidly dropped their weapons directly. However, more people still hold their weapons tightly to add a little courage to themselves.

"Squat down on the spot with your hands on your head! We won't kill, we are all hard-working people!" Beitangxue's slender female voice sounded.

This voice from Nvwazi made many soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army relax.

The enemy has girls, so maybe they won't be too cruel! Many farmers and soldiers gave up resistance.

"Dangdang!!!!" There was a burst of clanging. It was the sound of soldiers dropping their weapons. It was so smooth that Bei Tangxue was a little confused. Her words so effective? !

A huge roar spread to Lingshou City.

Ben was waiting for the defenders of Pei Yuanshao's troops on the city wall. After sensing the situation here, he wanted to come out to see the situation, but unfortunately he was afraid of an ambush, so he didn't care.

In this way, Ji Beiqin and Beitangxue completed the plan very smoothly.

After Ji Beiqin and Beitangxue took down this army, they ignored the yellow scarf soldiers and farmers who surrendered and crouched on the ground.

The two of them led the troops and ran to the vehicles carrying supplies.

"Hiss! This cart is actually full of talismans?! Healing talismans? There are so many!" Ji Beiqin came to a carriage, opened the curtain and took a look, and gasped.

This is the first time he has seen such a situation. The faintly fluorescent talismans were piled up in the carriage randomly, like scraps of paper.

"Hurry up! Everyone hurry up!!!" Ji Beiqin put away the drool at the corner of his mouth and roared angrily! !

Then he immediately grabbed the talismans one by one and stuffed them into his space backpack.

At this moment, he can't wait to have a huge interspatial ring, which can put away all the carriages with a bang!

Like him, there is also Beitangxue who works hard. At this moment, her face was dripping with sweat. What she received was a forged ingot of ore, a metal ingot with golden light, very dazzling and heavy.

These metal ingots are all high-end items and are worth a lot!

This time, make a fortune! !

Because she glanced at it before, there are hundreds of rickshaws like this! !

Including other grain carts and treasure carts, there are countless.

"Move! Everyone move!! Prioritize the collection of supplies on the human cart and the supplies on the carriage, and we will retreat with them later!" Beitangxue shouted.

"Boom!" The troops began to surge and become chaotic.

"When the backpack is full, start to assist the NPC soldiers to drive the carriage!" With an order, the entire official road was noisy.

In stark contrast to them are the Yellow Turbans.

Seeing the soldiers who appeared out of nowhere buried their heads in loading and moving supplies, the Yellow Turban soldiers who were squatting on the ground looked bewildered.

Not to control them? Don't come to collect their weapons? These people are so strange!

However, it's fine if you don't come to brutally kill them. As for those materials, if they are gone, they will be gone.

Hundreds of thousands of people hustle and bustle for a long time before they come to a slight pause. After that, they began to focus on those Yellow Turban soldiers.

"Quick! Put away all the weapons of the Yellow Turban Army on the ground, good stuff!!"

"Also, put away the armor on some soldiers, hurry, hurry! Every second is very important, everyone be quick!"

Many players hold a long gun in their left hand and a big knife in their right hand.

If the Yellow Turbans resist at this moment, I believe that many players who are obsessed with moving supplies are not opponents at all!

However, such a weird situation put the whole officialdom into a kind of balance. The player didn't care about the Yellow Turban Army, and the Yellow Turban Army just squatted on the ground and watched the player busy.

I don't move you, and you don't resist.

After working hard for a while, the battle plan officially ended after stripping away all the equipment on the Yellow Turban Army.

"What should we do now? There are at least 200,000 captives here, too many!" Bei Tangxue pointed at the rows of Yellow Turban troops squatting down and said in a low voice.

At this moment, her face is full of ruddy, such a state, it can be seen that she has gained a lot.

"Lin Mu didn't tell me what to do with these prisoners!" Ji Beiqin said brightly. His harvest must be very rich!

"No way, there is still a plan in the future. It is very difficult for us to transport these people back to the territory. If there were so many prisoners before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, then we should send them! At least 50,000 strong men can be selected!" Ji Beiqin sighed.

The NPC population has always been a flaw in their territory. Now there are hundreds of thousands of NPCs in front of him, but there is nothing they can do. That sense of powerlessness really makes his heart ache.

"Forget it? Let them go?" Beitangxue said with wide-eyed eyes, not wanting to cause too much slaughter.

"Huh?!" Ji Beiqin seemed to have received some message.

"Let's go! Let's go, don't care about these people!" Ji Beiqin said anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Beitangxue asked suspiciously.

"General Rengong Zhang Liang is coming here!" Ji Beiqin said anxiously.

Zhang Liang is here? !

Beitangxue's face also changed slightly. They can't even compete with Pei Yuanshao, how can they be the opponent of Zhang Liang, one of the three generals.

"The whole army has it. Retreat! Retreat! Retreat as quickly as possible!" Ji Beiqin roared.

"Don't worry about the Yellow Turban soldiers! Damn, why are you dragging them around?!" Ji Beiqin shouted angrily when he saw many players chatting with some Yellow Turban soldiers.

"Everyone, retreat with the carriage!!" Beitangxue said angrily when she saw the players who were jostling.

These guys, even if it's a time of war, you can't flirt with some women, what a shame! Throw our players face!

Many of the Yellow Turban troops are farmers and military family members, and some women and teenagers have good looks, which arouses the covetousness of some players.

Of course, the players are still very restrained and did not rob, which is considered normal. You know, if Dong Zhuo's Xiliang army were here, they might have already fallen into bed and collapsed.

Soon, under the leadership of Beitangxue and Ji Beiqin, 400,000 people retreated safely.

On the entire messy official road, there were only yellow scarf soldiers left with bewildered faces.

The enemy... just... ran away? !

Where did this strange soldier come from? ! Aren't they officers and soldiers? Is it bandits? A bandit who doesn't kill but only steals treasures? !

Looking at the yellow turban general who had escaped again with the billowing dust, they all looked at each other in silence.

who are they? What are they here for? What are we doing?

Many soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army were squatting on the ground thinking about such problems at the moment.

"Why don't you wait for Commander Daqu and the others to ask, and say that you were robbed by bandits?!" A leader of the Yellow Turban Army discussed with the others.

Although there were not too many casualties this time, but all the supplies were lost, which is also a capital crime!

"That's good! Let's say that we were robbed by ferocious thieves! Anyway, the two waves of arrow rain also caused some casualties, which can be regarded as traces!"

In this way, the plan of a praying mantis catching a cicada and an oriole behind him came to an end.

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