Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1164 ? Le Jin is dumbfounded, 【Blood Scarf Daqu Handsome】!

Chapter 1164 Le Jin is dumbfounded, 【Blood Scarf Daqu Handsome】!

"Escape! Everyone, run away!" A cry of surprise came from the reception courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

"What's going on? So panicked?!" A gentry boy scolded.

"Young Master Huang, the Yellow Turban Army attacked the city, and they went crazy! Now, they are madly attacking the gates of the gentry, and the He and Ma families in the city have been slaughtered!"

"What? The Yellow Turban Army is so crazy. They are not afraid of us rising up and attacking them? If we had joined forces with the officers and soldiers, they would have perished long ago. How can there still be the way of peace that dominates several states?!" A look of horror appeared on the face of a nobleman Se roared.

"Brothers, is this abnormal?"

"Regardless of whether there is any abnormality, let's retreat first, otherwise we will become fish on the chopping board when they attack the City Lord's Mansion."

"Yes, pack up your belongings immediately and, retreat!"

Soon, there was a flutter of chaos in the City Lord's Mansion, but what they didn't know was that Huangfusong and others had already evacuated the City Lord's Mansion.

In fact, Huangfusong was not too ruthless, and he still kept his hands on these representatives of the gentry disciples. Killing these people was just a matter of convenience.

But keep your hands back, chase them down, and give them some mental oppression. After these guys packed up their belongings, as soon as they left the city lord's mansion, they encountered groups of soldiers wearing yellow scarves head-on.

Afterwards, the children of these families were chased and killed by the Yellow Turban Army. In a hurry, some children couldn't escape, and were swarmed by the Yellow Turban Army and chopped into meat.

Seeing such a tragic and brutal situation, those gentry children were frightened, their faces were full of horror, and they ran for their lives even faster.

In Wancheng, tonight, the flames of war are raging, and a strong bloody evil spirit hangs over the entire city. The howling and shouting never stopped.

The Wancheng massacre that shocked China happened.




"The envoy of the military division sent a message from the north. Wancheng was breached by other Yellow Turban troops. They looted for a day and a night. Most of the nobles and nobles in the city were slaughtered." A messenger hurriedly sent a message to Zhang Huo who was sitting on the carriage report.

"Sure enough!!" Zhang Huozhu smiled lightly upon hearing this.

"Is there any other information?"

"This...the Yellow Turban Army who massacred the gentry and nobles moved all the belongings in the captured mansion out of the city...I heard...I heard..." Hesitation appeared on the messenger soldier's face, and he hesitated.

"The wealth is very rich, right?!" Zhang Huozhu rubbed his face and smiled lightly.

"That's right. The military master is very good at predicting things. I heard that the wealth is piled up like a mountain. Many logistics soldiers who made mistakes in a hurry overturned the carriage on the side of the road. Countless gold and silver treasures were scattered directly on the ridges of the fields, and... and those logistics soldiers , I didn’t even have time to pick it up, and threw it directly in the field... According to the investigation, it is covered with a lot of gold and silver treasures for several miles!"

"A few miles? Hehe... Enough majesty... Enough hotness!" Zhang Huozhu heard this, and a look of approval appeared on his face.

"However, they are all belongings, and there is no equipment or food at all. It's a bit interesting."

"Master Military Adviser, my subordinates have also collected, and now this information has been spread throughout the county." The messenger soldier said cautiously.

"It's okay, you guys continue to investigate. Go down." Zhang Huozhu waved his hands.

"No!" The messenger went down.

"The two people outside come in." Zhang Huozhu pondered for a while, then said in a concentrated voice.

"Does the envoy have any orders?" The two guards outside came in and asked respectfully.

"Go and send them a letter, saying that the storm will be more violent. Change the number of miles to tens of miles!" Zhang Huozhu said sonorously.

"No!" Hearing the words, the two immediately agreed and left. They all understood what Zhang Huozhu meant.

The number of miles has become tens of miles. Can people in the world believe that exaggerated data? !

A bigger hurricane is brewing.

In fact, situations like Wancheng often happen in other cities, just like when Tai Shici killed those raging Yellow Turbans, many leaders of the Yellow Turbans coveted the background of the wealthy nobles.

However, because there was nothing to publicize, and even the information was covered up, it did not cause any impact.

However, the Wancheng murder case spread rapidly to the surroundings like a hurricane.

The conflict between the Yellow Turban Army and the gentry finally broke out.

The first thing to do was the most important city in the world, Xiangyang City in Nanjun. Teams of very energetic soldiers began to puff out from Xiangyang City, and the direction of their march was Xinye City.

When the gentry took action, the Yellow Turban Army also began to undergo essential strategic changes.

The first ones to initiate changes were Xinye City, Chaoyang City and other cities.

Especially in Xinye City where they were stationed, under deliberate arrangements, nearly eight mansions of wealthy families were breached, servants were recruited, and their masters were slaughtered.

But the other wealthy families in the city fled, and began to bribe certain yellow scarf leaders (in fact, they were military officers and officers from the Great Wilderness Territory), and began to flee for their lives.

Give me the money to let it go, yes, but the price will be increased. Is there a village building order? Yes, give it to me, then you can go; do you have blueprints and illustrations? Yes, give it to me, then you can go; do you have rare ores and elixir? Yes, give it to me, then you can go; are there craftsmen and servants? Yes, give it to me, then you go...

In this way, the defenders of Xinye City actually made huge profits.

And the belongings of the eight wealthy mansions were also moved out by the Yellow Turban Army in the city, and the spoils were distributed openly in front of the city lord's mansion.

The Yellow Turban Army in the entire city could get a piece of the pie, which caused the sound of wailing in the city.

Cities like Xinye City are actually a minority, and other cities occupied by the Yellow Turban Army have not yet become turbulent.

However, news of the situation in Wancheng and Xinyecheng came out, and those aristocrats and aristocrats who used to be extravagant and lustful in the city began to panic.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion has finally spread to the gentry and nobles!

There are many servants of noble families, but in fact there are not many of them. Only those noble families who have the ambition to occupy the city and want to do great things will arm their servants crazily. The vast majority of gentry and powerful families just formed family soldiers to guard against thieves and rebellious people.

These servants are weak in the eyes of the wolf-like Yellow Turban Army, but they are elite in the eyes of the players.

Le Jin, who played Zhang Mancheng, was not clear about the situation in Xinye City. He led part of the Yellow Turban Army to the north, planning to fight Huangfusong in Wancheng.

However, when he arrived near Wancheng, he found groups of nobles and powerful families fleeing for their lives. Le Jin didn't respond to these people, but those fleeing for their lives were different. When they saw Le Jin's team, the yellow sea formed by the Yellow Turbans almost blinded their eyes, and all of them looked horrified. Fleeing back, some people escaped directly into the mountains and forests, stirring up beasts and birds.

At this moment, they are like frightened birds.

However, Le Jin and the others were stunned.

what happened? who are they? Why are you afraid of us? There seems to be a cliff in the forest on the right, you rush over there, are you not afraid of death? !

Le Jin discovered the abnormality, and then stopped the troops from advancing, and let the scouts start to investigate.

Soon, the scout's investigation information was reported to his desk.

"I captured Wancheng? I also massacred forty-six families of noble families and killed nearly 300,000 innocent family members?"

"The property is piled up like a mountain, stretching for several miles, dozens of miles?"

" this my credit?!" Le Jin asked the elders of the Yellow Turban Army below with a dazed expression.

"Zhang Mancheng has become [Blood Scarf Daqu Shuai]?!"

Although Le Jin had been mentally prepared for a long time, after seeing these information, he was still shocked. He was not surprised that such a thing happened, but surprised that Huangfusong was so vicious and vicious!

According to the information, there are 300,000 servants of the sons and daughters of the gentry, but in reality, it must be far more than this number. Huangfusong was able to plunder so much property, and even for the layout, he must need a lot of property. Those were the rich and noble families in the city, and most of them must have suffered.

Such a bloody case was placed on Zhang Mancheng's head.

That's why he was called [Blood Scarf Daqu Handsome]!

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