Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1170 Huang Zhong Appears

When Zhu Jun was helping the generals of various ethnic groups and counties to help them, the three prefectures of Jingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou began to change.

Those Yellow Turban troops who originally occupied the city began to gather secretly, and set their sights on the rich and wealthy noble families who originally wanted to live in harmony.

Soon, with the help of some people, the originally amiable Yellow Turban Army began to turn into bandits, constantly attacking the originally quiet and peaceful mansions of noble families.

Those gentry and powerful families, although the armed forces of the servants are all real, but after all, there are few people, and they are like scattered sand, they have not gathered into a large scale, and they are completely incomparable with the combined troops in Changshe City.

The Yellow Turban Army's attack on the gentry and nobles is another opportunity that players who joined the Yellow Turban camp have been waiting for!

The first opportunity is when the system removes the protection buff of the player's territory. At that time, the players of the Yellow Turban camp began to frantically loot the player's territory in the occupied area.

Many lord players withdrew from major battles to defend their hometown. Only some confident territories did not retreat. And more yellow turban camp players are casual players, knight players.

You know, even the territory of Zhu Xuan, one of China's top ten peak territories, was breached by the Yellow Turban Army, which shows the ferocity of the Huang'e thief!

Players began to follow the Yellow Turban Army to burn, kill and loot, and the whole situation began to develop on the historical track.

Originally, after some officials fled back to the family mansion, the Yellow Turban Army would not care about it, but now it is different. Under the guidance of some people, the Yellow Turban Army began to attack the tall mansion full of money under the pretext of using this as an excuse!

Of course, the cholera of the Yellow Turban Army has not yet spread to the towns and towns, and it will have a greater impact when it spreads to the villages in the future.

In a hidden valley in Yuzhou, a spacious camp is hidden in the white mist.

"Legion Commander, recently the supplies delivered from Runan County have suddenly decreased like a cliff."

"Today, there is no team to deliver supplies." A military waiter reported to the burly general standing on the top of the city wall.

This burly military general stood upright like a sharp knife out of its sheath, looking into the distance, with a sharp aura permeating his body.

If Lin Mu is here, he will know that this person is Huang Zhong!

Huang Zhong frowned slightly when he heard the words, and then said in a concentrated voice: "The changes in the delivered materials mean that the real troubled times are coming!"

"The head of the legion means that the generals of the Yellow Turban Army have begun to seek their own interests, and have begun to ignore the teachings of Taiping Dao and Zhang Jiao's orders?!" A lieutenant stood up next to him and said in a deep voice.

"That's right! Gentlemen, nobles, officers and soldiers, ordinary people, and strangers have started a real chaotic war!" Huang Zhong said in a deep voice.

"Since we are no longer sending materials over, we will start secretly sending materials back to the territory." Huang Zhong turned around and said.

"Then the army that He Yi left nearby, is it going to be wiped out?" the lieutenant asked.

"Of course! I'll lurk there tonight and defeat them in one fell swoop!" Huang Zhong said with blood in his eyes.

Under the layout of Zhang Huozhu, Huang Zhong took control of the resource points in Runan County without a single soldier. Because He Yi and He Man basically didn't participate in the construction of the resource point, so they didn't know who the generals stationed at the resource point were.

Seeing that everything at the resource point was safe and sound, there was no doubt. However, the two brothers He Man and He Yi had other plans, so they secretly arranged one hundred thousand soldiers to station outside the city near the resource point.

They didn't realize that Huang Zhong and the others were doing it carefully, but what they really meant was to take precautions. Without him, the target is the property resources in the resource point! !

"Sneak attack on that army tonight... Defeat them first, then surround them, and recover them with the seal given to us by the military advisor." Huang Zhong paused, then changed his tone.

"Recover them? What reason do we use?" The lieutenant asked in surprise.

"Let's say He Yi and He Man, the two commanders of Daqu, disobeyed General Tiangong's military order, conspired to seize the wealth of the wealthy family, and committed the crime of burning, killing, and looting!" Huang Zhong said with a strange smile.

"Isn't this the reason for the plan planned later? To advance?" the lieutenant exclaimed.

"Will this affect the progress of plans in other states and counties?"

"Probably not. I just received a letter from the military adviser yesterday. Chaos has already occurred. The two big cores, Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai, have gathered together to plan for Zhu Jun."

"What? The two envoys joined forces?" the lieutenant exclaimed.

The faces of the others also changed greatly when they heard the words.

Zhang Jiao's three brothers led their ministries to lead the north, and Zhang Mancheng Bocai, the two god envoys, acted as horns to each other and ruled the south.

Now that the two horns are merged into one, the real power is not as simple as 1+1=2!

"Well! As long as the two gods win the battle against Zhu Jun, the balance will be broken... some people should be anxious!" Huang Zhong laughed.

"The military adviser sent this message on purpose to tell me not to follow the steps, but to start doing things cheaply. Because the power of the Yellow Turban Army may increase dramatically like a snowball!" Huang Zhong said with a touch of wisdom in his huge tiger eyes. .

"According to my lord's information, both Zhang Mancheng and Bo Caike have the commanding power to control a million troops. If they really let the two gather two million troops, it will be a disaster for the officers and soldiers!" The lieutenant said solemnly.

"That's right! The Yellow Turban generals started cholera in urban and rural areas, which may bring about various variables, among which the possibility of engulfing millions of soldiers and horses has greatly increased. Zhang Mancheng and Bocai may not do the act of engulfing the people, but if others The generals who did this on a large scale caused a large-scale impact, and the two of them are likely to follow the situation."

"Isn't this just forcing the rabbit to jump over the wall..."

"That is to say, Zhang Mancheng and Bocai may both inspire military spirits. At that time, it will be a great challenge to the officers and soldiers and even to us!" Huang Zhong also had a dignified look on his face.

The battlefield between Zhang Jiao, Zhang Mancheng and Bo Cai is full of variables, and even Guo Jia and the others are not completely sure to control the changes in the situation.

"Our focus is on resource points and population... As long as we keep following the core points, we won't be afraid of variables." Huang Zhongdao.

"Okay, you go down and make arrangements, let everyone rest for a while, eat and drink enough, go to war tonight, swallow He Yi's troops, and then turn them into coolies to carry supplies for us..." Huang Zhong's mouth curled up slightly road.

The feeling of using the enemy's soldiers and horses to transport the enemy's treasure resources is really amazing.


(I don’t know what’s going on recently, the whole person is a bit confused, the code word efficiency is very poor, everyone forgive me. It will take some time to recover, the update is not very stable, and the debt owed will be repaid.. I will update it today...)

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