Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1220 The giant of water, grab the totem!

After fighting He Man for several rounds, Xiahou Dun already knew He Man's true strength.

Entering the god level for the first time, I have not comprehended the realm of the gods, nor have I condensed the original spirit!

To be honest, with his rich combat experience, he is not afraid even if he faces a new enemy with different methods. As long as he has a few rounds with the enemy, he can use his outstanding fighting talent to study the opponent's routines.

However, when he met these two brothers today, he felt that he couldn't do it anymore.

Because this is his first time seeing him!

This is not a simple cultivation of force, but an aggregation of some special forces.

Moreover, he already knew that the force value of the two brothers He Yi and He Man should not be high, and he with excellent force value should be overwhelming.

It's a pity that even He Man, who has just entered the rank of God General, is blessed with special powers.

Neither Sun Ce nor he found a way to deal with it.

Xiahou Dun glanced at the distant battlefield and saw Cao Cao's condition, but he had no choice. If he withdraws to help Cao Cao, then He Man and He Yi will besiege Sun Ce, and they may be defeated by the two of them, and the battlefield will be completely inclined to the Yellow Turban Army.

Gritting his teeth, Xiahou Dun raised his spear and attacked He Man again.

"Bobo!!!" He Man, who was blessed by some mysterious power, waved lightly, and a strange water pattern suddenly rippled away, rushing directly towards Xiahou Dun.

"Boom!" There was strength in the softness, as if the soft water pattern collided with Xiahou Dun, it suddenly turned into a sharp knife light, and slashed fiercely.

"Puff!!!" The ubiquitous ripples directly wrapped Xiahou Dun.

As if full of corrosiveness, those ripples directly eroded the shield formed by the condensed divine energy.

"Bang!!" There was a dull sound, and Xiahou Dun's divine shield shattered in an instant, and those ripples turned into sharp knives, piercing his body.

"Roar!!!" Xiahoudun roared, a majestic aura burst out, and a strange force suddenly spread out.

"Dangdang!!!" The sharp blades turned into ripples sounded harsh clanging sounds as if they had pierced the steel.

Immediately, the strange power erupting from Xiahou Dun's body spread to the surroundings.

Most of the power actually spread towards Cao Cao.

"God general domain!!! Damn it!!!" He Man's voice came from the blue ripples.

At this moment, he actually turned into a huge blue giant!

Standing several feet tall, his aura was majestic and surging, and the sound of beating and beating was lingering, full of a sense of oppression.

With Xiahoudun's outbreak, Cao Cao's side seemed to be helped by a god. Not only did the ship become hard, but the weapons and armor in his hands seemed to be blessed with destructive power, becoming sharp and tough!

They were originally at a disadvantage in physical strength, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, and waves of majestic power gushed out of their chests, as if they had inexhaustible power.

After Cao Cao was blessed by this force, he knew that Xiahou Dun had exploded!

"Unexpectedly, Yuan Rang was the first to use God's Domain!" Cao Cao felt worried.

You know, Sun Ce also has God's Domain, but so far, Sun Ce has not used God's Domain!

Since being washed away by the flood, Cao Cao has never underestimated the two brothers He Yi and He Man. Maybe they really have some means to kill the god general!

He doesn't want his good brother to be lost here!

At this moment, a strange force erupted again, and Cao Cao felt that his body seemed extremely light.

This is... the blessing of Sun Ce God's Domain! !

The two great generals of the Han army have used their cards! ! !

Not only was Cao Cao not happy, but the sadness on his face increased.

However, because of their help, the soldiers of the Han army began to attack the Yellow Turban camp frantically.

The originally strong battle line began to be defeated, and the crazy Han army beat ten kinds of troops, massacring the Yellow Turban army frantically.

After a while, the Yellow Turban Army, whose morale was not low, finally began to be afraid.

The Han army originally had only a few tens of thousands of people, and they had hundreds of thousands of people, but they were chased and killed by others, what a tragedy!

"Damn it!!" He Yi, who slammed Sun Ce into the water, yelled fiercely.

He and his younger brother He Man, because of their special power blessings, are not affected by the two God Realms at all, but other ordinary soldiers are different.

"Hold on! Continue to charge! The traitors of the Han army can't last long!" He Yi's loud voice suddenly echoed on the water. Even Lin Mu and others who rushed over heard it.

"Little brother, kill!!" He Yi roared angrily.

This was the first time He Yi spoke like this.

He Man knew the meaning of his brother's words, and nodded fiercely.

The huge giant nodded, and the turbulent blue water rippled out, sweeping up waves.

Immediately, in the next breath, the blue giant melted into the water surface as if absorbed by a sponge.

This scene directly raised the vigilance of Sun Ce and Xiahou Dun by five points!

Sun Ce, who had just emerged from the water, exchanged glances with Xiahou Dun, and immediately rushed towards He Yi together.

Since He Man has entered the water and cannot be found, the most urgent task is to do He Yi!

However, before the two rushed towards He Yi with the help of water thrust, two giant blue hands grabbed them directly.

"TND!!" Xiahou Dun's face changed suddenly.

As for Sun Ce, his complexion changed drastically, and he let out a muffled snort.

"Boom!!!" The two were directly swung towards the water by the giant blue hand.

"Pfft!!" The two of them spit out a mouthful of blood directly after receiving the majestic shock force.

This is the first time they vomit blood since the war! !

"Boom!!!" Countless waves surged up. This time, those waves surged up to tens of feet, rising all over the sky, as if the flood was coming again.

The waves containing fierce power turned into sharp knives and swept away, directly smashing many nearby ships, and some unlucky ones were even harvested directly, gushing countless bright red, and being swallowed up by the flood forever.

Such a turbulent change shocked the entire battlefield!

The soldiers on both sides looked at the soaring waves and were in awe.

"Boom!!" Before it was over, dull roars continued to sound. Two huge blue hands kept bombarding the water.

And in the giant's hands, two embarrassed figures were tightly pulled.

Those are Sun Ce and Xiahou Dun!

Countless people were shocked when they saw this scene!

He Man swung Sun Ce and Xiahou Dun to beat him? ! One hit two? !

What international joke? That's it? ! ! ! !

The development of things will not proceed as the players guessed at all.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaible!!!" Sun Ce Xiahou Dun was at a disadvantage, but the other soldiers, because of the help of the two gods, started the frantic advance of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. Countless Yellow Turban Army ships were shattered, and the wailing sounded from all over the field. . It seems to form two contrasts.

Such a change was formed because He Yi and He Man were careless, because they didn't know that Sun Jian and Cao Cao had so many generals under his command.

Even if there are only a few tens of thousands of soldiers, the power of their explosion is astonishing.

"Throwing!!!" At this time, a loud shout sounded, and then, countless arrows were thrown away, attacking the ships of the Yellow Turban Army.

Impressively, it was Lin Mu who came from the flank with the main force.

The joining of tens of thousands of people is like the last straw that crushes the camel!

Lin Mu was surrounded by dark blue Yuanli, and holding the dragon gun, he jumped directly towards the fleet of the Yellow Turban Army.


Lin Mu dared to do this because the heavenly generals of the Yellow Turban Army were attracted by Cao Cao and Sun Jian.

"Kill!!!" The soldiers of the Forest and Animal Husbandry Department turned into hungry wolves and charged at the enemy. Fight with the wind, and they will fight too!

The appearance of Lin Mu's troops was beyond He Yi and He Man's expectations. Under the torrential flood, there are still corps of troops surviving!

If they knew, maybe they would not leave the city, because this is a variable.

When the two were amazed, Sun Ce in the blue giant's hand, did not know what skill was used, and directly broke through the confinement, his figure flashed, and he got out of control.

"Hmph! You can run water, you're running fast!" The blue giant snorted coldly.

Xiahou Dun with the other hand is really MMP in his heart at the moment. He couldn't break free from those strange forces for the time being. However, he was not fatally injured.

Sun Ce, who was out of control, didn't care about Xiahou Dun. As soon as his figure entered the water, he suddenly appeared the next moment, and charged at He Yi with his spear.


When the two sides began to fight, the city of Pingyu also entered a climax!

A group of people of unknown origin with their faces covered and wearing black clothes went straight to an attic somewhere on the city wall.

You know, even if He Yi took more than 200,000 troops out, there are still more than 100,000 Yellow Turban troops stationed in the city!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!" As soon as the man in black appeared, he attracted the attention of the defenders and began to call for reinforcements.

"Crack!!" The soldiers guarding the attic gathered quickly, raised their spears, and stood in the giant shield formation to guard against death.

However, the soldiers guarding the attic underestimated the strength of the attackers. With ghostly speed, in the blink of an eye, the enemy came to them.

"呵呵!!" Immediately, harsh voices continued to sound.

"Bang bang!!!" Yellow Turban soldiers fell down one by one. The man in black rushed into the attic with all his might.

"Quick! According to the Yuan family's information, first destroy the inscription on the ground and break the connection!"

"Hey...the person who wants to be blessed is fighting..." the man in black smiled strangely.


"Hmph!" He Yi sneered. Originally, he saw that He Man was controlling the two of them and was going to attack Cao Cao and Sun Jian, but he didn't leave immediately for the sake of caution. Sure enough, Sun Ce broke free from control.

However, at this moment, the power of He Yi's blessing seems to have increased by several layers. Before Sun Ce got close, he, who was originally floating on the water, suddenly moved, and the simple and simple sword slashed fiercely in Sun Ce's path as if splitting mountains and seas superior.

"Boom!!!!" With a loud voice, Sun Ce's figure was directly blasted into the flood.

The huge force actually directly caused the tens of feet deep flood to bottom out directly.

Sun Ce's figure suddenly hit the bottom of the water, forming a huge pothole.

"Hiss!!" The berserk He Yi made countless watching players gasp.

However, at the next moment, He Yi, who wanted to take advantage of the victory, changed his face and shouted, "Something happened to Zhenwu Totem!!!"

His voice echoed on the water, He Man, Cao Cao, Lin Mu and others heard it.

He Man, who was holding Xiahou Dun tightly with one hand, also changed slightly when he heard the words.

Zhenwu Totem is his brother's support, without Zhenwu Totem, how could his brother be so brilliant!

The blue soldier paused suddenly, and then it merged into the flood again.

As for Lin Mu, who was killing all directions in the distance, his expression changed suddenly when he heard the words Zhenwu Totem.

"Why is Yuan Shu's treasure in He Yi's hands?!"

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