Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1242 The Fall of Lunu City

"Boom boom!!!" The earth-shattering drumbeat gradually reverberated in the sky with the rhythm, adding a touch of solemnity to the dry and hot air.

Sheng flags fluttered in the wind, making a sound of hunting.

"Da da da!!!" The sound of neat footsteps accompanied by armor rubbing came slowly.

The entire battlefield seemed to be rolling with a majestic and majestic aura soaring into the sky.

The Han army is really going to attack the city! !

This surprised the Yellow Turban defenders. Are they not afraid of attacking back and forth? In other words, the Han army was divided into two groups. Siege the city all the way, block Zhang Bao all the way!

No matter what, they must defend Lunu City, because this city is too important!

"Boom boom!!!" Different from the dull beating drums of the Han army sounded from the city wall, the Yellow Turban Army was also actively preparing for battle.

The situation is tense!

"The crossbowmen are all ready for battle!"

"Oki is ready!"

"Catapult ready!"

"Giant shield soldiers are ready!" Firm and powerful voices continued to sound.

However, after the Yellow Turban army on the city wall was ready, the Han army formed a neat square formation and marched for a while, but did not come rushing as they expected.

They seem to be waiting.

The air, which was already hot, became hotter and hotter as time went by. When it was almost noon, the entire land could already be described as scorching.

Many soldiers were sweating profusely.

The Han army below the city is persisting, and the Yellow Turban army on the city wall is also persisting.

This made those players waiting in the live broadcast room restless. Ma Dan, the screen seems to have stopped for two hours, can this be tolerated?

But to watch other young ladies scratching their heads and posing, and afraid of missing the big battle!

After being tormented by many parties, as noon approached, there was finally a movement.

However, the movement did not come from outside the city, but from inside the city!

"Dangdang!!" A harsh clanging sound broke the eerily quiet 'still' picture.

The voice came from the city gate.

When the leader of the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall heard such a voice, he couldn't help feeling a bit of surprise in his heart. At this critical moment, how could there be movement in the corridor of the city gate?

Normally, the people there don't need to draw their weapons for the time being, and they all use giant logs or other utensils to stare at the city gate to prevent the enemy from attacking the city and breaking through the city gate.

Now there is a clanging sound, it is a mutation!

Immediately afterwards, before the general of the Yellow Turban Army could react, wailing sounds came from the corridor again.

"Elder, the defenders of the city gate corridor have betrayed!" At this moment, a yellow scarf sergeant looked at the corridor in horror, raised his head and yelled crazily at the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, there were bang bang bangs and dull sounds.

Anyone familiar with it knows that it is the sound of opening the city gate!

"Hiss!!!" Many yellow turban generals gasped.

All the soldiers in the corridor have rebelled? How can it be!

It turns out that the Han army attacked the city and came prepared! !

"Quick, all the nearby soldiers go to the tunnel, kill! Kill them all! Hold the city gate, don't let them open the gate, hurry up!" the guard general roared.

The Yellow Turban Army who reacted began to move, and the hot and calm situation was really broken.

"Boom boom!!!" Following the movement at the city gate, the Han army, which had already formed a square formation outside the city, also began to move.

The rapid beating of drums sounded.

Yu Jin rode a war horse and stepped out of the phalanx.

His whole body is filled with supernatural power, like a blue god of war.

"The whole army has ... kill! No need to go to the city, just enter through the city gate!" Yu Jin shouted, and then took the lead in the charge.

Immediately afterwards, countless soldiers rushed to the city wall like a wave. Their phalanx, like an arrow, went straight to the city gate.

Obviously, Yu Jin's charging phalanx was specially arranged.

The inside should be combined with the outside!

"Quick! Block it, the three parts that are approaching all rush into the tunnel, even if you die, block it!!" The roar continued to sound.

"Come on!!" The Yellow Turban soldiers who obeyed the order rushed in with weapons, regardless of whether there was any danger in the dark corridor.

This is a critical moment, and they can't allow them to think too much about it.

Life and death are all forgotten!

What greeted them was a sharp spear. Rows of giant shields stood in the corridor, and spears like death scythes stuck out from the gaps in the giant shields.

"呵呵!!" The piercing and silent voice echoed in the corridor. In an instant, the air was filled with pungent blood.

"The Han army outside the city is charging, everyone get ready! Listen to my orders..." The general of the Yellow Turban Army turned around and stared at Yu Jin.

"The ballista and the catapult are ready..." the general of the Yellow Turban Army raised his hand, ready to give an order.

However, at this moment, those soldiers wearing yellow scarves standing on the ballista and the catapult suddenly jumped up, picked up their weapons, and even rushed towards Paoze.

"Puff!!" The suddenness caught many Yellow Turban soldiers by surprise, even those generals were terrified.

Why did they rebel too? ! In the city, how many Yellow Turbans will rebel? !

A gust of chill involuntarily rose from the back, and cold sweat suddenly appeared. Coupled with the hot weather, many yellow scarf generals were shocked. For a while, he didn't know whether to block Yu Jin outside, or to clean up the rebels first.

For a while, the city wall was in chaos. The morale of the Yellow Turban Army plummeted.

"Boom!!" The roar came again, bringing the real Yellow Turbans back to their senses.

"All the earth-level generals, kill these rebels with all your strength, and others, also rush to me, and bring me back the siege equipment!!" The Yellow Turban general roared.

Following the order, nearly ten earth-level generals attacked the rebel army with their weapons. And at this moment, men in black suddenly appeared like ghosts, and began to confront these earth-level generals.

"This... who is this person?!!" The yellow turban generals' eyes were tearing apart, as if they couldn't think.

"Hmph!" A cold snort suddenly sounded in the ear of a yellow scarf elder.

"Surrender, the city gates and material warehouses have already been captured by us."

"You... who are you?" Elder Huangjin was sweating coldly, trembling with fear, his three spirits scattered.

"We are the Han army on the surface, but we are not in the dark. If you surrender to us, no one will hold you accountable for the crime of plotting against Zhang Jiao and Zhang Bao. If you bring a large number of Yellow Turbans to surrender, you can count your merits according to the number, and you will be rich. Reward." The voice came quickly and accurately.

hiss! Third party forces? Those aristocratic families? !

"Kang kuang!!!" At this time, the sound of the city gate opening came, and Yu Jin and others were about to enter the city.

"If you don't surrender, I'll cut off your head directly, and it will have the same effect!" The voice came again, but it was full of murderous intent.

"I surrender! Surrender!" Elder Huangjin immediately persuaded.

"My dear, what's going on, why is there civil turmoil at the Yellow Turban Army?"

"Sure enough, the mud can't support the wall. I lost the chain at the critical moment, speechless..." Many players are also paying attention to this battle.

"Hey! What's going on, the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall seems to have surrendered?!"

"Damn it... really surrendered, surrendered before the fight? What happened?!"

"Oh, Huo... Yu Jin brought his troops into the city, and it was done without any effort? Yu Jin is so powerful?"

"Ah!!" At this time, there was a wailing sound from the live broadcast room, and immediately, the live broadcast interface turned black.

"The aliens have been cleared." A man in black whispered where the white light was shining.

If so, the news of the fall of the eastern city wall spread.

But Yu Jin, after entering directly from the city gate with his troops, did not go up the city wall, but continued to march, directly drilled into the street, and headed for the city wall to the north.

The yellow turban generals who surrendered on the city wall also realized that Yu Jin didn't want to fight them at all, but to fight other defenders of the city wall.

"Hmm... Do you think that General Yu Jin set up the phalanx to fight against you?" A man in black asked quietly as he held down the generals.

"So you are Lin Mu's people?!!" The general of the Yellow Turban Army finally came to his senses.

Being able to become the elder of the Yellow Turban must not be a brainless person, and he quickly figured out the key point. Yu Jin is Lin Mu's general, and these people are so polite to Jin, which means they are Lin Mu's people!

"Let's go, I'll take you out of Lunu City." The man in black didn't answer, turned around and waved, and left with a large group of people.

These people soon came to the gate of the city.

"Da da!!" At this moment, a series of crisp voices came. It was the sound of hooves.

Accompanied by the sound, there are carriages full of supplies!

"You... you...!!" The yellow turban generals were once again horrified when they saw this scene.

I can accept that you change people at the gate of the city, and you can also accept that the people of your siege equipment have changed, but I can accept it with a blind eye, but you have already loaded all the warehouse supplies into the carriage, and you are still so ignorant. Do you think this is acceptable to humans? !

The generals of the Yellow Turban Army were all limp on the ground.

Lost, really lost completely. Other people's calculations, crush them!

However, why did Lin Mu have such a layout, causing so many things in the heavily guarded Lunu City?

However, no one answered them. Under the escort of the men in black, they quickly left the city gate and disappeared into the official road.

Without any other surprises, Yu Jin led his troops to Mali Yingwai and directly surrounded the Yellow Turban Army at the North City Gate.

Of course, there was a funny process, that is, when Yu Jin led the troops to the North City Gate, Zhang Xiu was just leading a thousand Xiliang cavalry to stage a feint attack, imitating Gongsun Zan's routine in an attempt to slowly consume Yellow Turban Army.

And when Yu Jin appeared on the wall of the northern city, Zhang Xiu almost shot Yu Jin with an arrow!

Afterwards, with Zhang Xiu's wonderful expression on his face, Yu Jin surrounded the west city wall again.

Because the west wall is to attract the main force of the Yellow Turban Army, there are more defenders and their strength is also 10% stronger.

What's more, there is a handsome young man named Xu He.

"General Zhang Xiu, do you dare to rush directly into the city wall with me and capture the main general Xu He?" Yu Jin asked with a smile on his head while leading the horse, looking up at the city wall.

"General Yu Jin, do you know that there are no green scarf fighters in the city?" Zhang Xiu didn't respond to Yu Jin, but finally expressed his doubts.

"Of course! After my soldiers entered the city, they began to frantically collect information in the city. When you went to visit the capital, I had already found out the situation in Lunu City."

"In Lunu City, 80,000 guards are stationed on each of the northeastern walls, and 150,000 guards are stationed on the west wall. There are no special troops." Yu Jinyou said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Jin clamped his horse belly: "Drive!"

Yu Jin took the lead, holding his sharp gun, and charged straight away. The next moment, Yu Jin jumped off the horse suddenly, like a flying man, and rushed directly to the city wall.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" One after another crossbow arrows shot directly at Yu Jin who was speeding up.

With a sneer at the corner of Yu Jin's mouth, he swung his sharp spear and easily blocked all the crossbow arrows.

"Boom!" There was a strange sound behind Yu Jin, and Zhang Xiu's figure also appeared.

"Kill!!" The Yellow Turban Army seemed to know the purpose of Yu Jin and Zhang Xiu, and they all surrounded Xu He, and nothing could get through.

However, they couldn't stop the two of them at all, they went on a rampage, without any surprise, Yu Jin and Zhang Xiu directly captured Xu He.

The Yellow Turban Army has many soldiers and horses, but it lacks core generals. Under such circumstances, a general like Yu Jin can easily take the head of an admiral out of thousands of troops.

"Boom!!" When Yu Jin captured Xu He, there was a loud noise, and Xu Rong's figure appeared on the city wall.

bang bang! ! ! Immediately afterwards, a series of voices sounded, and Xu Rong's headquarters also attacked the city wall.

Lunu City has officially fallen!

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