Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1251 Zhang Bao, General of the Earth, Falls! (middle)

When the crisis passes and the situation gradually becomes favorable, some people will change.

With the pissing nature of the group of people in Longting, they will inevitably fight for power and profit. Seizing the fruits of victory is what they are best at.

For this kind of topic, Zhang Ji and others didn't talk about it anymore, these things are still far away from them for the time being.

"Brother Wen Ze, do you think the Yellow Turban Army in Lunu City should retreat or hold on?" Zhang Ji asked after pondering for a while.

"I think they should persist for a while, and then they may retreat." Yu Jinhu's eyes showed a gleam, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"Since this is the case, what should we do?" Zhang Ji asked modestly.

Tactically, Zhang Ji knew that he was not as good as Yu Jin.

"The prefect gave us an order when he came, what can we do?" Yu Jin asked with a wry smile.

Before they came, Dong Zhuo had given him a mission, he must bite the enemy's troops and not let them retreat easily.

"Then... shall we attack the city?" Zhang Ji nodded, also looking depressed.

"Let's feint a few times first to consume their arrows. Our two armies can't stop them, we just need to hold back the large army. And if the Yellow Turban Army wants to retreat, only a small number will leave." Yu Jin analyzed.

In this way, Zhang Ji led the Xiliang cavalry and began to wander around and pretend to attack, while Yu Jin led a large army, pretending that I was going to attack the city next moment, and kept keeping the Yellow Turban Army in Lunu City on high alert at all times.

In fact, one thing is good for both parties, that is, there is no luggage. The Yellow Turban Army did not defend the city with huge wooden boulders, and their arrows were quite rare. However, because the Han army was on the attacking side, even if there were many arrows with them, it would be difficult to crush them.

Both Yu Jin and Zhang Ji carried out Dong Zhuo's task quite easily.

The Yellow Turban Army on the city wall panicked when they saw that the Han Army had caught up with them so quickly.

They have not yet settled down in the city!

"Report! General Tiangong sent a letter!" Just as they were panicking, General Tiangong Zhang Jiao sent a letter to send Zhang Bao back to Guangzong City as soon as possible! And the army will continue to garrison Lunu City, and if the situation changes, they can retreat.

General Tiangong's message was like a magic needle for calming the sea, directly reassuring everyone.

Afterwards, a team of thousands of green scarf wrestlers rushed to escort Zhang Bao back to Julu Guangzong.

The city behind them is the territory of Taiping Road, so there shouldn't be any big problems. Along the way, you can also let the defenders of the cities take care of it.

However, the next day, the situation changed.

On the city wall, an exclamation sounded: "Elder, the blessings on us are gone!!"

"Ah, the buff of the soul of the military way has disappeared? General Digong, could it be...?" For a moment, the Yellow Turban general panicked again.

"Everyone, don't be afraid! Don't panic! General Tiangong has sent a message that General Digong will be fine as long as he returns to Guangzong City. He just has a physical problem now, so the soul of the military way has failed."

"Lunu City is not far from Guangzong City, just a few cities away, as long as you return to Xiaquyang City, you will be fine!" the Yellow Turban general continued to comfort the soldiers.

The sudden loss of blessing made many soldiers uncomfortable, especially in terms of morale, it was a cliff-like blow!

"Elder, where did Commander Gong Du Daqu go? Why didn't he come around with his soldiers and horses?" At this time, a general asked in a low voice.

"That's right! Where's Gong Du Daqu handsome?" At this time, the Yellow Turban Army finally realized that Gong Du was gone!

No one really knows where Gong Du went! According to the plan, he led 200,000 soldiers to ambush Dong Zhuo.

"Maybe it's due to some irresistible force encountered by Gong Du Daqu Shuai!" A general explained for Gong Du.

In fact, they also had a silent thought in their hearts, that is, Shuai Gongdu Daqu escaped!

The disappearance of the military soul was also discovered by Yu Jin and Zhang Ji: "The combat power of the Yellow Turban soldiers has dropped significantly!!"

"Could it be that Zhang Bao has fallen?" Zhang Ji guessed.

"Whether he fell or not, it must have something to do with Zhang Bao's body!" Yu Jin said in a low voice.

No way, did Zhang Bao die on the road? !

If this is the case, the loss of the Great Wilderness Territory will be huge!

"Now that the strength of the Yellow Turban Army has dropped drastically, it will definitely cause panic and morale decline. This is our good opportunity, do you want to rush?!" Zhang Ji is worthy of being a warrior on the battlefield, and he seized the opportunity.

Xu Rong, Zhang Xiu and others also nodded in agreement.

"Attack! The second feint attack today is our official siege!" Yu Jin said in a deep voice, and made a suggestion.

"Okay! Attack the city with all your strength and try to take down the city wall!"


"Boom boom!!!" In the camp of the Han army, the sound of beating drums resounded throughout the world.

Streams of murderous air trembled out along with the sound of the drums.

Both Zhang Ji and Yu Jin were riding on war horses, with exquisite armor all over their bodies, holding weapons with a cold metallic luster, and looking upright at the tall city wall not far away.

Behind them is a neat square formation.

Zhang Jiyujin's troops were in the center, and Xu Rong and Zhang Xiu's troops were on both sides.

"Ready to start!" Zhang Ji and Yu Jin looked at each other, ready to attack the city.

And at this moment, a hearty and familiar voice came: "Generals, can you wait a little longer before attacking the city?"

"Da da!!!" There was a rush of hoofbeats. Everyone followed the prestige and saw Liu Bei and Guan Yu coming quickly on horseback. No need to guess, Zhang Fei must be leading soldiers behind, and these two guys took a step first to say hello.

"General Liu Bei, what are you talking about?" Zhang Ji asked in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Yaojin appeared halfway!

Originally, they wanted to try a formal siege. But if Lunu City is really going to be captured again, the credit will be great!

"My part has already detoured to the north wall, but it still takes half a day to get there. I want to launch a siege with you." Liu Bei suggested with his hands clasped.

Looking at the righteous Liu Bei, a strange look appeared on Yu Jin's calm and calm face. He really wanted to kill this tough guy with one shot!

As if sensing something, Liu Bei glanced at Yu Jin thoughtfully.

Yu Jin immediately said: "General Liu Bei can attack the city together, that would be the best. When the two northwestern walls of our city attack the city at the same time, the Yellow Turban Army will definitely be in chaos."

"That's good! We'll give you half a day." Zhang Ji nodded.

Yu Jin glanced at Zhang Ji indifferently, feeling quite helpless in his heart. These big ears came so fast! It's like nothing happened.

Zhang Ji shook his head lightly. Dong Zhuo was optimistic about these three brothers, so he had to give face.

Afterwards, the beating of drums stopped, and the soldiers who had set up the phalanx began to return to the temporary camp to rest.

This situation directly confused the Yellow Turban Army on the city wall.

Stop feinting? scattered? I put on my armor and prepare to fight, so I'm going home now? Is there some conspiracy?



"General Di Gong! General Di Gong!!" When Yu Jin Zhang Ji and the others continued to harass Lu Nu City, the green scarf warriors who escorted Zhang Bao back to Guangzong City were all shocked.

Because they smelled the stench from the unconscious Zhang Bao in the carriage.

It's not the smell of incontinence, but the filthy, foul smell of the body, which is extremely pungent, and there is also a faint... corpse smell!

As elite green scarf fighters, they all crawled out of the bloody corpse forest, and they also know some information.

This vision of Zhang Bao is really [Five Decays of Heaven and Man]!

【Five Decays of Heaven and Man】Usually divided into big and small.

【Five Signs of Decay】: Dirty clothes, withered head, sweaty underarms, filthy body, unhappy seat.

The appearance of these signs means that even if this person is a celestial being, his lifespan is exhausted!

[Small Five Signs of Fading]: No music, no light, body bathed in water, reluctance to let go, eyes blinking.

Although the above five minor signs of decline have already appeared, there is still the possibility of a turning point if you encounter the superior good roots.


What appeared on Zhang Bao's body was the [Big Five Signs of Decay]!

The Qingjin Lishi immediately ignored the stench and got into the carriage to check Zhang Bao's situation.

After a hasty inspection, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no sweat in the armpits, no natural wilting on the head, and no sign of filth in the underclothes. In other words, General Digong has only appeared in one phase so far.

But this aspect is also very serious, because it is the body stinks!

"Quick! Use the acceleration talisman! Hurry up no matter the cost!" At this moment, they were completely panicked.

In fact, they were already the fastest. One of them originally had two horses, and one of them died of exhaustion on the road.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! We have passed Hanchang City for thousands of miles, and we are not far from Xiaquyang City!"

"Leading the third team, you take the Taoist talisman and go on the road with one person and two horses, and rush to Xiaquyang City to make arrangements. First of all, the horses, we need to change the horses again. The road also needs to be kept open. Hurry up!"

"No!!" The third team took the lead to hear the words, responded directly, turned around and rode away.

After all, the speed of the carriage is slower than that of a pure running horse. If Zhang Bao was put on a horse and galloped, I don't know if he would be able to bear it, after all, he was seriously injured. If it was really jolted by a horse and caused death, it would be wronged!


In Quyang City, a burly military general with red eyes stood on the attic of the city wall, looking at the wind and dust flying in the distance, said quietly: "Everything is preordained."

(Because of something happening yesterday afternoon, I couldn't explode, everyone forgive me. I will explode next time when I have time!)

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