Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1265: Huangfusong VS Bocai (Part 2)

"Dada!!" On a plain, Huangfusong's vanguard encountered a Yellow Turban army.

The leader of the Yellow Turban Army is the Yellow Turban Daqu Shuai Peng Tuo!

Peng Tuo is Bo Cai's confidant, and his status is higher than that of He Man and He Yi. Just like Zhao Hong's position in Zhang Man's heart. It's just that Zhao Hong is gone, and Peng Tuo is still alive.

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!


The two opposing forces immediately charged.

And the function of Huangfusong's vanguard is to inquire about information, where is Peng Tuo's opponent.

Soon, he was beaten to the ground by Peng Tuo, who was the strongest general in the sky.

Fortunately, these vanguard troops were smart enough to send some soldiers back to report.

The message of Peng Tuo's appearance was quickly passed to Huangfusong.


"Boss, we have rushed over from Wuyang." Lin Mu communicated with Ning Xinhua in his tent.

"Hurry up. Now I have the authority to organize you into the official Han army, and you can enjoy good buffs. And, in the future, there may be even more powerful buffs!" Lin Muyi pointed out.

"Two days, we'll be there in two days!!" Ning Xinhua gritted his silver teeth and said heavily.

"One and a half days! Come here without rest!" Lin Mu said as if bargaining.

"We'll do our best!" Ning Xinhua on the opposite side smiled wryly.

After that, Lin Mu hung up the communication.

After Ning Xinhua was attacked by Cao Cao in Wuyang City, he did not follow Huang Xu to Dingling City, but stayed near Wuyang City to destroy the scattered Yellow Turban Army.

Wuyang City was the hardest-hit area, and Huang'e's disaster was very serious, and many people in the villages were harmed.

"My lord! My lord! The latest news, Daqu Shuai Peng Tuo has appeared!" Huang Xu walked in to report.

Huang Zhong is not by Lin Mu's side at the moment, and he is going to rectify military affairs. Some of the second generation of Jingzhou gentry are left-wing. They originally wanted to make things difficult for Lin Mu, but unfortunately they were all resolved. Huang Zhong, who is powerful, has no choice but to do anything. Now Huang Zhong is training those guys.

"Oh! Both Bocai and Peng Tuo have appeared, so Xiangcheng is really going to be lively!" Lin Mu nodded and said calmly.

"My lord, this is the military newspaper my father gave you." Huang Xu took out a sheepskin and said in a deep voice.

Lin Mu took it over, and quickly browsed it: "No wonder... General Huangfu Zhonglang has gathered 850,000 troops, all of which are under his control, which is only 150,000 short of a million. Ten thousand troops will be reached."

It turned out that Huangfusong rushed to Dingling City just for the value of 150,000 yuan. It would be even better if he met Lin Mu on the way.

"My lord, what do you mean is that Zhonglang will inspire the soul of military way at any time?" Huang Xu said excitedly.

The big man camp is finally going to make a big move.

"Hmm! He wants to find a suitable time to stimulate, and wants to defeat Bocai in one fell swoop!"

"You call the lieutenants over to discuss matters, and call your father too." Lin Mu ordered.

He was going to discuss with his subordinates to see if he could take Bocai's head out of nowhere!

Even, Lin Mu used the pages of the Qiankun alphabet to tell Guo Jia about the situation.

However, because this round was an unexpected one, Guo Jia didn't reply him immediately.

Huangfu Song VS Bo Cai! One touch!

Time flies, and soon, two days passed in a state where scouts were constantly rubbing against each other on the front line and the large army was resting peacefully.

Ning Xinhua and Wang Yun both came with their parts.

Hearing that Lin Mu won Wang Yun, the general of the left wing, he thought that Huangfusong would give him the general of the right wing, but found that Huangfusong never mentioned it at all. It seems that the right-wing general has someone.

This made Wang Yun very depressed for a while.

However, Huangfusong was still a qualified commander. He knew that Wang Yun had resentment, so he did not take Wang Yun's troops into the left wing, but put them in his central army.

In the camp of the left-wing general.

"My lord, with the addition of aliens, the number of troops on our right wing has reached 900,000... Moreover, those aliens are still coming." Cui Wu said excitedly.

"So much?" Lin Mu was slightly startled. The trilogy under his command is only about 200,000, and the soldiers and horses that Huangfu Song distributed to him are not many, only more than 100,000, and the total is only about 400,000. Now because of the arrival of a foreigner, the number has suddenly become 900,000!

Five hundred thousand players trust Lin Mu and join him!

This is the first time Lin Mu has commanded so many soldiers and horses!

Fortunately, there were many different people, otherwise Huangfusong would have objections. You have more troops on the left wing than in the central army, which is too unreasonable.

Including Wang Yun and Kong Rong's troops, Huangfusong's troops reached more than two million!

The Han army, whose military strength was rapidly expanding, suddenly formed a wave of sound, and the blood that soared into the sky also affected the sky, and a vision of yellow and orange lingered in the sky.

"My lord, Huangfu Zhonglang will call you over to discuss matters." When Lin Mu was shocked, a messenger came over to deliver the message.

When Lin Mu heard this, his heart suddenly moved. He felt the air coming!

The decisive battle with Bocai is about to break out!

"Zichen, go and send a letter to General Huang Zhong to tell him to start taking action after he gets the buff." Lin Mu instructed.

"Okay! My lord, go get busy, I'll go pass it on right now." Cui Wu nodded.

The key general in this battle is not him, but Huang Zhong!

"I hope everything goes well." With anticipation, Lin Mu walked quickly towards Huangfusong's tent.

At this moment, the tent is already full of people.

Afterwards, similar to what Lin Mu had expected, there was a pre-war meeting for the final battle. The situation in Bocai and Xiangcheng was also announced.

I don't know if I don't have a meeting. It turns out that Bocai has already recruited He and Heman to his side. The number of Yellow Turbans gathered is not 800,000, but 1.5 million! !

Adding in others, it is not an exaggeration to claim an army of two million!

No wonder Cao Cao led an army of hundreds of thousands and was assisted by Xiahou Dun and others. They were all beaten and shrank in Xiangcheng.

"In this battle, the left wing is mainly attacking the east, disintegrating Bocai's troops to encircle and suppress Xiangcheng, and rescue Cao Mengde."

"The main attack from the right wing..."

"The Chinese Army vs. Pocai..."

After discussing for a long time, after arranging the three troops from the left, middle and right, Huangfu Song said quietly: "Before this battle starts, I will activate the soul of the military way and bring the soldiers on both sides to the same level, so you don't need to worry about it. "

"Oh! Righteousness is about to explode?! That's good, I'm still worried that the combat power of the soldiers is too different from the enemy's!" Wang Yun said in surprise.

Wang Yun and Huangfusong are considered to be familiar with each other, and their expressions match each other.

Hearing this, Lin Mu remained calm.

"This battle is an important battle that will determine the situation in Jingzhou and Yuzhou. If Bocai can be disabled, or even killed, it will be equivalent to breaking Zhang Mancheng's arm! Zhang Mancheng, who has lost his arm, is no longer in power!"

"So, everyone must do our best! In this battle, whoever takes down Bo Cai's head, I, Huangfu Yizhen, will personally write the merits for him!" Huangfu Song said in a concentrated voice.

oh? ! Huangfusong actually made such a promise, doesn't he want the credit of Bo Cai? !

Many people have already started gearing up.

After explaining a few more things, the meeting broke up.

And Lin Mu returned to the camp, followed by the generals of the left wing.

After the big meeting is over, his small meeting will also be held.

The move to rescue Cao Cao was initiated by Lin Mu and Huang Fusong.

That guy Cao Cao has two great generals under his command, releasing this dragon will do more damage to Bo Cai. Only when the water is mixed can you catch fish!

According to what Lin Mu knew, Bo Cai was stronger than Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang.

In order, Zhang Jiao, Zhang Mancheng, Bo Cai, Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang!

There is no room for sloppy confrontation with Bocai!


A day later, on the temporary stage, Huangfusong's burly figure stood facing the wind, with his right hand resting on the ZTE sword. A majestic qi rippling out.

"Boom boom!!!" The strange sound of beating drums sounded, and visions soaring into the sky filled the sky.


In the sky, as the majestic energy emitted by Huangfusong became stronger and stronger, the lights and shadows of huge stone monuments gradually appeared.

These lights and shadows began to envelope the neatly arranged phalanx soldiers under the sky.

A mysterious murmur sounded in the soldiers' ears.

A strong force rises from the body.


"—Announcement from the Huaxia District: Heaven has its ultimate way, and the earth has its constant! Because of special conditions, Zuo Zhonglang of the Han camp in Yuzhou Battlefield led Huangfusong to command millions of Han soldiers to form [Soul of Military Way] (primary level)! The army you belong to, morale +50%, soldier combat power +50%, special attribute destructive power +6, basic attribute force +5, and military officers with a military rank above the team rate, a random military strategy specialty can be promoted to master level , a certain gain of the special Sheng Qi under your command +50%!"



With the appearance of these three vast announcements, the Battle of Xiangcheng broke out!

"Dong dong!!!" The sound of the vast and loud drums kept ringing, and Huangfusong went into battle in person, riding a fiery red war horse, leading the Chinese army to charge like a raging fire.

After that, it was the right flank that charged from the side.

The left-wing troops led by Lin Mu are waiting for the opportunity.

"Huangfusong! I didn't expect you to have such an ability! I admire it!" Huangfusong, who was charging, heard a huge sound penetrating through the noisy battlefield.

Huangfu Song followed the prestige, and saw a burly general with a bloodstain on his face, wearing a yellow scarf, riding a yellow horse, standing on a hillside.

This person is Bo Cai!

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