Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1269: The Battle of Everything (Continued)

Whoosh! ! ! The sound of piercing through the air continued to resound, and as soon as those rattan armored soldiers appeared, they turned their attention to the green scarf warriors charging into the phalanx.

Then, these rather rough-looking soldiers immediately raised their arms and started shooting arrows.

I don't know what's going on, but the arrows shot by the rattan armored soldier's short-armed crossbow seem to have a stronger penetrating power, and they shoot straight at the green scarf warrior without throwing.

And the armor on the green scarf warrior couldn't resist the rattan armored soldiers' crossbow arrows, and the puffing sound continued, causing many casualties.

Seeing this scene, the general of the Qingjin Lishi immediately dispatched 20,000 troops and rushed towards the rattan armored soldiers.

They thought that these rattan armored soldiers were ranged soldiers, not good at melee combat. Moreover, there are not many rattan armored soldiers, only about 30,000 to 40,000. As long as you get close, you can suppress them.

However, the green turban wrestlers were wrong. Their blades slashed on the rattan armor, as if they were relieved by it, but there were only a few white marks, and the rattan armor soldiers were not affected by the countershock force.

On the other hand, the green scarf wrestlers rushing forward were in pain.

This unit that suddenly appeared is so strange!

After that, the two also started fighting.

"Boom!!" The green turban warrior couldn't crush it, but the blue giant who rushed over could. Waves of light blue water waves containing majestic power kept coming, sweeping away the lives of many ordinary Han soldiers.

Afterwards, He Man also arrived, focusing on Governor Xu Que and Nanyang Prefect Qin Jie. It can be seen that these two people seem to be generals of the Chinese army.

Seeing He Man's attack, the two of them unhurriedly took out a strange tiger talisman with two words [Xiyuan] engraved on it.

Immediately afterwards, a strange wave oscillated, and the aura of the two of them soared.

"Huh! The blessing of luck from Hanting?" He Man was slightly surprised.

However, he would not be merciful, and he slashed with the big knife in his hand, preparing to chop off the heads of the two of them with one knife.

"Dang!!" However, to He Man's astonishment, the two of them held two long spears and forcibly blocked his sword!

The strength of the two is actually able to resist him!

Although He Man's face was astonished, his movements were not slow. After the sword was blocked, he twisted his body, drew back the sword, swung it again, and the sword struck the waists of the two of them again with a sharp murderous intent.

"Hoo!" In an instant, a long spear shot at He Man's chest like a dragon, causing the spear to slam and block the attack of the big knife.

"Dang!!!" The long spear was split horizontally by the big knife, and Xu Que was sent flying with the spear.

And Qin Jie, who attacked He Man, went straight to Huanglong, intending to kill He Man, but unfortunately, when his spear touched He Man's divine energy shield, it just popped into a small circle, and then he couldn't penetrate it. .

The helpless Qin Jie immediately twitched, and his figure burst back.

The moment he retreated, the terrifying big knife suddenly slashed over, cutting a deep ditch where he was standing.

Very dangerous.

He Man frowned slightly. Unexpectedly, the two Confucian scholars were also warriors on the battlefield!

If they are blocked here, the sneak attack plan will not work. He has an important mission!

He Man didn't do any meritorious service, but the blue giant entered the sheepfold like a tiger, constantly harvesting the Han army, tearing a huge gap in the rear phalanx.

The green turban fighters did not hold back, and cooperated with the giant's continuous advancement, causing the Han army's losses to increase suddenly.

After adjusting his figure, Jingzhou Inspector Xu Que immediately took out a strange seal, on which was impressively engraved: [Jingzhou].

And after Xu Yan took out the seal, he shouted: "I am the governor of Jingzhou, and the fate of heaven protects me!"

The perfect Huchen system of the big man camp finally showed his side.

A soaring beam of light suddenly enveloped Xu Yan, and then, a dragon's roar suddenly descended, and a rather illusory huge dragon shadow entrenched in midair.

This dragon shadow is different from the green dragon, its whole body is as red as scorched earth.

Xu Wei, who was originally thin, did not know if he had eaten a certain milk powder, and his body size skyrocketed. In his body without many muscles, his muscles began to bulge. The horned dragon-like muscles were full of explosive power, and the breath trembled, making the surrounding air hiss.

Qin Jie next to him was slightly envious. He is the prefect, and in fact, he also has the blessing of the Han court, but it needs to be in the jurisdiction of the country, that is to say, he can launch it in Nanyang County. But now in Yingchuan, Yuzhou, I can only watch enviously.

He Man looked at Xu Yan, frowning further. Their Yellow Turban Army, after obtaining the holy banner of Taoism, has already been blessed, and he is not an envoy of God, so he does not have such an active explosive state blessing.

After all, Taipingdao is still a half-baked vassal power. They are a serious dynasty!

This is also the importance of the governor.

According to the actual historical situation, the governor is actually a small official, with a rank of eight hundred stones, which is lower than the rank of the prefect of two thousand stones.

However, in the world of mythology, the status of the governor is even more important!

He Man thought about it for a while, and then he didn't care anymore. As soon as his figure flashed, he attacked again, the target-Qin Jie!

Pick the soft persimmons!


When a change occurred in the rear, the left-wing city, as Cao Cao's black armored cavalry ravaged, the Han army in the city began to pour out like a tide, and some generals jumped directly from the city wall to attack the front of the Yellow Turban Army.

After being oppressed and beaten by them for so many days, today is finally the time for shame!

"Kill!!!" With the anger that had accumulated for a long time, the Han army was extremely ferocious.

Among the Han army that rushed out, there were Jiang Chenglong, Xuanyuan Changying and others, who also led the troops to charge out. They survived Bocai's crazy attack.

However, at this moment their identities are completely different from Lin Mu's. He is the left-wing general of General Zuo Zhonglang, and they are not even the generals under Cao Cao's command.

When they heard the district service announcement, they were also quite upset. They worked hard to plan, but they didn't expect that the photo was wrong, and the photo was on the horse's leg, and there was no flattering.

Not only was it attacked by floods from the Battle of Pingyu, but Xiangcheng was also besieged by Bocai. It was a nightmare!

At this moment, they deeply realized that without that kind of independent military authority, it would be very difficult for them to stand out.

The previous Lin Mu was actually like this.

After the Han army in the city rushed out, after a while, two burly figures burst out and came to the edge of the city wall.

They are the Xiahou brothers.

"Those khaki giants are really gone!" Xia Houyuan stared for a while, and found that there were no khaki giants in the entire battlefield, and there were only a few blue giants.

"No matter what, the combat power holding us back has disappeared, which is a good thing for us!" Xiahou Dun said quietly, staring at several battlefields.

"Then where do we go first?"

"Let's go straight... let's kill He Yi first!" Xiahou Dun looked at He Yi who was fighting Lin Mu, his dark eyes revealed a hint of murderous intent.

He Yi and He Man did a lot of damage to their team!

Xia Houyuan nodded, and then the two figures disappeared on the city wall.

While Xiahou Dun was running, his eyes narrowed slightly. He saw that Lin Mu was like a rabbit who was not afraid of death, constantly hitting He Yi, the stake!

There were hideous bloodstains on both arms, thighs, and face.

In terms of breath, Lin Mu also seemed quite disordered. However, Lin Mu in this state still ruthlessly hit the shield-like thing covering He Yi like a desperate Saburo.

fierce! At this moment, Lin Mu felt desperate and ferocious!

This is something that many generals do not have.

"Why, why are you so stubborn?" He Yi, who was in the middle of the game, was also trembling with fear at the moment.

This humble alien, after he used the high-level psychic talisman, actually suppressed him and beat him!

Moreover, as the number of times increased, it became crazier. Even if he occasionally seized the opportunity to attack Lin Mu, it only caused a little damage. Even if he was attacked head-on, Lin Mu bit him again like a normal person.

This is a murderous madman! !

"Hoo!!" At this moment, two whistling sounds came, and both of them were slightly startled.

Lin Mu glanced at it, raised his eyebrows slightly, Cao Cao's two Xiahou gods are coming!

" don't need your help, you can go to other places to help!" Lin Mu said quietly. He knew what the two of them meant, so he took the lead in blocking their way.

Xia Houyuan was about to speak, but Xiahou Dun stopped him by raising his hand. He felt that Lin Mu was very different from before.

Even though there were a few bloodstains on his face and a glaring wound on his arm, Lin Mu still attacked without changing his expression.

Although Lin Mu's answer was light and calm, Xiahou Dun could smell a murderous smell from it.

This is not only fierce to the enemy, but also fierce to oneself!

Good guy, the peak general of the heaven rank is just one step away from his current state!

Xiahou Dun took a deep look at this stranger who hadn't paid much attention before, nodded, turned and left.

And Xia Houyuan also left with a touch of doubt.

In fact, he also sensed a miraculous change in Lin Mu's body, because he is also a divine general and can sense it, but besieging and killing He Yi is a serious matter, so don't be arrogant!

"Miaocai, Lin Mu has the heart of a strong man. Since he took the initiative to speak out, he must be capable of killing He Yi." Xiahou Dun said condensedly.

"Yeah! I know, but killing He Yi is a great achievement, let's just give it to him?!" Xia Houyuan pointed out.

"There are still great achievements, and that is what we want to fight for."

"Actually, I was quite surprised. Lin Mu has made such rapid progress. The master is not as good as him!"

"It should be a special blessing. I seem to perceive some kind of power in him that is the same as He Yi's last buff!"

"Oh! Hey... the lord is charging ahead, hurry up, together!" The two took care of Lin Mu and rushed straight to Cao Cao.

Behind the two of them, Lin Mu and He Yi continued to fight.

"Crack!!!" At the next moment, there was an ear-piercing shattering sound, and the huge flame shadow on He Yi's body finally shattered.

As for He Yi, her face was ashen, and her aura became disordered when the giant flame shattered.

"Pfft!" He Yi spat out a mouthful of blood.

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